Case Studies
This page lists Case Studies of projects that include Geospatial Open Source components.
Case Studies
Complete Infrastructure
Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
in Spanish (view English translation by Google)
Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is under a project of migrating "all" systems to open-source software. As a matter of fact, that was the reason to build gvSIG. All geospatial infrastructure (previously with ESRI) has been moved to open source (gvSIG, PostGIS, MapServer, deegree, GeoNetwork opensource).
Hydrographic Confederation of Guadalquivir River, Spain
in Spanish (view English translation by Google)
A migration of a big part of ESRI components to open-source has been made, with use of gvSIG, Geonetwork opensource, MapServer, GeoServer, deegree.
ROI from Geospatial Open Standards, study by NASA
April 2005
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Geospatial Interoperability Office studied the Return On Investment from using Geospatial Open Standards. The study showed "There is a significant improvement in functionality and mitigation of cost when using open as opposed to proprietary standards. The project that implemented geospatial interoperability standards had a risk-adjusted ROI, or "Savings to Investment" ratio, of 119.0 percent throughout the five-year project life cycle."
- Summary of Findings
- Copy of Report (Original URL has suffered link rot)
Predicted ROI for Australian Government to investment in a SDI
October 2007
ACIL Tasman study reports a 10 to 20 times ROI should the Australian government invest in a Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Web Clients
Desktop Clients
- Municipality of Trento (Comune di Trento), Italy, migration (2005-today): especially improvements in GRASS GIS are financed: new digitizer tool and better high quality cartographic output.
uDig Case Studies
Collection of uDig case studies put together by Refractions.
Web Services
Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Regulatory program
25 September 2007. Powerpoint presentation from FOSS4G Conference
The Army Corps successfully integrated a Proprietary Oracle Database, ARC SDE and Analysis tools, with Open Source WMS and WFS services, and free viewers like Google Earth and Google Maps.
PostGIS Case Studies
A collection of PostGIS Case Studies collected by Refractions.
Open Source Policies
April 2005, [Guide to Open Source Software for Australian Government Agencies]
It can offer original solutions to problems not addressed by proprietary software and it has the potential to lead to significant savings in Government expenditure on information and communications technology (ICT).
New Zealand
13 March 2008, [Ministry of Justice Open Source Strategy Paper]
Proposes when Open Source should be used over Proprietary software, and concludes that Open Source better than Proprietary, all other things being equal.
Why write a Case Study?
A case study discusses how a specific situation was identified, which solutions were investigated and selected, and a summary of the results.
Solution architects use relevant case studies to support a solution they are building.
Writing a case study about your project gives others the confidence to follow in your footsteps which in turn increases investment in your tools of choice. Publishing your experience gives positive feedback to those involved in your project, reinforcing your success, encouraging colleagues to take on additional challenges, allowing the project to continue to grow.
We would like to see case studies which cover a range of use cases, especially from organizations with a low risk tolerance. Many organizations approach Open Source in little steps gradually integrating it with existing infrastructure and find targeted small case studies valuable.
What to write?
One to three pages is good, with a graphic per page.
The case study should cover:
- Problem
- Evaluations
- Implementation, including integration with other infrastructure
- Problems faced and how they were overcome
- Return on Investment
- Future plans
- Who else might benefit from your experience
More hints found by googling: How to write a Case Study
How to publish?
Consider submitting an article to the OSGeo Journal. Here are the basic guidelines for authors.