GDAL Provenance Review
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Historical and Current:
fwarmerdam & warmerda - Frank Warmerdam dron - Andrey Kiselev danmo & daniel & dmorissette - Daniel Morissette (MapGears) dnadeau & denad21 - Denis Nadeau kdejong & kor - Kor de Jong ( / PCRaster) aubin - Mark(?) Aubin - Keyhole svillene & stephane - Stephane Villeneuve kmelero - Ken Melero (SANZ) nemec - Philip Nemec (Keyhole) pka - Pirmin Kalberer (Sourcepole) pgs - Paul Spencer (DM Solutions) assefa - Assefa Yewondwossen (DM Solutions) jlacroix & julien - Julie Lacroix (Map Gears) shadow (shadow @ mbrudka - Marek Brudka ( mbp - Mark Phillips (Tiger writer) gpotts - Garrett Potts (OSSIM) gwalter - Gillian Walter (Atlantis) aamici - Alessandro Amici kintel - Marius Kintel - dgnlib only lichun - Lichun Wang at ITC. hobu - Howard Butler (Hobu Inc) bsimon - Benjamin Simon - pgchip kshih - Ken Shih hsaggu - Harbinder Saggu (Safe Software) ryan - Ryan Proulx (Safe Software) geh - Graeme Hiebert (Safe Software) ssoule - Steve Soule (Vexcel) pnagy - Peter Nagy (Vexcel) sperkins - Simon Perkins (LANL) osemykin - Oleg Semykin cees - Cees Wesseling (PCRaster) rblazek - Radim Blazek (GRASS) cfis - Charles Savage - swig/ruby mloskot - Mateusz Loskot dwallner - Daniel Wallner collinsb - Benjamin Collins (MITRE) - swig/java jimg - James Gallager (OPeNDAP) kruland - Kevin Ruland vgough - ? - 1999 - configure stuff. silke - Silke Reimer (Intevation) ilucena - Ivan Lucena (Idrisi) shalasz - Steve Halasz (Debian) srioux - Sylvain Rioux (Softmap) ldjohn (? - rawdataset.cpp - one commit - 2001)
Included Libraries
- zlib: gdal/frmts/zlib
- libtiff: gdal/frmts/gtiff/libtiff
- libgeotiff: gdal/frmts/gtiff/libgeotiff
- libjpeg: gdal/frmts/jpeg/libjpeg
- libpng: gdal/frmts/png/libpng
- libgif/libungif: gdal/frmts/gif/libungif
- libcsf: gdal/frmts/pcraster/libcsf
- rstlib: gdal/frmts/idrisi/rstlib
- hdfeoslib: gdal/frmts/hdf4/hdf-eos
Non-free Libraries
Note: all the following are build options, not required.
- Oracle OCI for OCI OGR driver.
- ESRI SDE for SDE OGR Driver.
- ECW SDK for ECW/JP2ECW GDAL driver (close to free now I think).
- Kakadu for JP2KAK GDAL driver.
- MrSID SDK for MrSID/JP2MrSID driver.
Code Reviewed
- Various contributors including Daniel Morissette, Andrey Kiselev, Frank Warmerdam and Mateusz Loskot.
- cpl_strtod.cpp is derived from public domain source (properly labelled).
- Various contributed, but mostly FrankW.
- All copyright held by FrankW.
- Version.rc contributed without copyright notice by Martin Daly, clarification requested.
- contour.cpp: Joint copyright between FrankW and ACT.
- gdal_crs.c: derived from old GRASS/UMichigan code also under MIT/X license, properly noted in headers.
- gdalmediancut.cpp: derived from libtiff tiffmedian.c utility under a GDAL compatible license. Properly noted in headers.
- gdalrasterize.cpp: Derived from OpenEV code. Relicensed from LGPL to MIT/X by explicit grant from copyright holder (Frank Warmerdam).
- gvgcpfit.c: Believed to be derived from Numerical Recipes in C. It has not been used for some time, but was still in the CVS repository. I have now removed it.
- llrasterize.c: Derived from GD which has compatible MIT/X license. Properly noted in header.
- thinplatespline.cpp: Contributed by VIZRT Inc., Relicensed to MIT/X with their explicit permission as noted in the header.
- All FrankW, no issues of note.
- Contains various data files without copyright messages embedded.
- cubewerx_extra.wkt: derived from definitions distributed by Cubewerx, rights unclear.
- ecw_cs.dat: Derived via much processing from ERMapper GDT definitions, rights unclear.
- esri_extra.wkt: Derived with some processing from projections definitions in ArcGIS, rights unclear.
- ellipsoid.csv, gcs.csv, gdal_datum.csv, pcs.csv, prime_meridian.csv, projop_wparm.csv, unit_of_measure.csv: Derived from EPSG. Redistribution may violate the EPSG "distribute as a whole" requirement.
- seed_2d.dgn, seed_3d.dgn: Exact source of these files is unclear.
- NTS-50kindex.csv: Provided by Matt Wilkie, derived from NRCan dataset, rights unclear.
- gdal_contour.cpp: copyright held by ACT.
- gdaltindex.cpp: copyright held by DM Solutions.
- gdalwarp.cpp, gdalwarpsimple.cpp: copyright held by i-cubed.
- copyright somewhat unclear, not actually part of software.
- All written by me, not used any more.
- no copyright messages in .dox files.
- ERMapper logo used with permissions.
- "ru" subdirectory (Russian translations) by Andrey Kiselev.
- copyright held by Atlantis.
- gdal_wrap.c: Generated with SWIG under very permissive license (noted in file).
- Scripts mostly by me, all ok.
- various contributors, all under proper and compatible copyright headers.
- gdal/*.*
- gdal/frmts
- gdal/ogr
- gdal/swig
- gdal/vb6
- gdal/wince
- gdal/rfc