Geospatial Integration Showcase
Geospatial Integration Showcase
The Geospatial Integration Showcase is a practical demonstration of Application and Data Interoperability which underpins FOSS4G presentations and workshops and provides a platform for future initiatives, including:
- An GeoFOSS demo CD (often called Live CD)
- Spatial Data Infrastructures
- Testing suite programs
- Open Data programs
- Future conferences
- Mashups and Boot Camps
- Application selection decision trees (a tool for System Architects)
The Integration Showcase is the sum of many long term integration projects and is structured to be significantly bigger than a one event demonstrator and all participants are strongly encouraged to think long term.
Direct FOSS4G goals
FOSS4G's reputation as the international gathering of the Geospatial Open Source tribes, along with its high profile show casing of Open Geospatial systems makes it an ideal forum for users and developers to build then launch long lasting geospatial initiatives.
The showcase direct goals are:
- To demonstrate interoperability between the full stack of Open Source and Proprietary Geospatial applications.
- To provide cross-application testing and comparison.
- To provide baseline applications to underpin FOSS4G & OSGeo presentations and workshops.
- To facilitate development of Spatial Data Infrastructures.
- To provide a catalyst to encourage data custodians to publish their data into the Spatial Data Infrastructure & facilitate mashup applications.
- To simplify deployment and use of Geospatial Data, in particular by supporting GeoFOSS integration into software distributions.
Showcase themes
Application Integration
GeoFOSS Packaging
Incorporate GeoFOSS in Windows and Linux distributions and stand alone CDs to ease GeoFOSS installation, and provide outreach through live CDs.
Refer to: OSGeo Distribution Special Interest Groups.
Open Data
Geospatial Web Services
Why get involved?
What's in it for Projects?
- The Showcase is an excellent avenue to show off projects and engage future sponsors.
- Activities in testing and comparison threads will provide feed back into product testing suites which will improve the products.
- Cross project integration will help make the Open Source Stack easier to use, make it more attractive, and consequently will engage more users and sponsors.
What's in it for Data Custodians?
For Data Custodians to be sponsored to publish data, they need to describe the data's public value, which in turn is dependent upon developers finding and using the data.
FOSS4G will provide a "Mashup Boot Camp" where hackers are encouraged to showcase and build mashups using Open Data and Open Source tools. This provides an excellent avenue for custodians to publicise datasets.
FOSS4G will be an effective catalyst for many data custodians to engage management sponsorship and commit to a specific deadline.
What's in it for SDI Sponsors?
- FOSS4G provides an focal point data custodians can use to facilitate bring data online.
- The showcase is a mini Spatial Data Infrastructure, and hence brings force to bear on key SDI issues like:
- Robustness
- Integration
What is in it for FOSS4G
- A baseline distribution of GeoFOSS software will make it much easier for presenters, and hence ensure a more polished conference.
- The showcase will be a significant drawcard for delegates and sponsors. Sponsors will have the opportunity to show off their wares, showcase participants will want to present their efforts, users will be very interested to listen and talk to showcase builders.
What is in it for FOSS4G Presenters?
The FOSS4G Audience will be interested to hear details about the various aspects of the Integration Showcase. It will also be powerful to sum up a presentation with "Now go and try it out on the Integration Showcase CD".