FOSSGIS e.V. als local chapter DACH der OSGeo

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Ein erster Entwurf für ein Anschreiben von Georg Lösel:

Dear OSGeo Board, Tyler Mitchell, (?)

the German language Community about Free and Open Source Software concerning Geographical Information Systems is active since 1999 and plays an irreplaceable role in the worldwide community. We provide a lot of vital and important parts to this community:

- - the Portal is founded and maintained since 1999 and gives a reliable overview about the possibilities of Free GIS

- - The non-profit and registered association GRASS-Anwender-Vereinigung (GAV) was founded 2000 and worked since this time to promote the aims of OSGeo long before the establishment of OSGeo itself. This year the GAV renamed itself into FOSSGIS e.V. to strengthen the public visibility.

- - Since 2004 (?) a yearly conference is held in Germany to show the latest developement of FOSSGIS and set up a forum to spread the information about possibilities and advantages of FOSSGIS. The conference expands every year and reached in 2008 a new visitor record (appr. 400).

- - a lot of projects of OSGeo are supported by german people (GRASS, QGIS, MapBender, deegree).

- - several appearances of OSGeo and FOSGIS e.V. took place at german conferences in the past years (InterGeo, AGIT)

- - a lot of universities and local institutions are using and promoting FOSSGIS (FH Nordwestschweiz, Kanton Solothurn, Uni und FH Osnabrück, Uni Hannover, ..)

The FOSSGIS e.V. as incorporated and non-profit organisation with similar aims like OSGeo submits therefore as part of the German community the official expression of interest to form the German Local Chapter of OSGeo. The spatial distribution of this Local Chapter should be definded by the german language (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The main entrance point for the German Local Chapter will be the website

The aims of the Local Chapter are the ones which are written at

We propose ??? as official represantative to liaise with the OSGeo Board.

with regards

Dr. Georg Lösel

Chairman FOSSGIS e.V.