OSSIM incubation status
- Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
- Yes
- Has an OSGeo committee member been assigned as Mentor?
- No
Infrastructure Transition
- Has the projectname.osgeo.org domain been populated with the projects we presence?
- OSSIM is currently hosted on a wiki at www.ossim.org. While potentially evaluating
- a move to a Plone site the project has no motivation for moving to static web pages
- on ossim.osgeo.org. ossim.osgeo.org has been created and populated
- with a brief description and a link to the host site.
- Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
- Currently using bugzilla located at www.ossim.org, no compelling reason to change.
- Is the OSGeo mailing list manager being used for the project?
- No, currently using sourceforge for those services
- Is the OSGeo SVN or CVS system being used for the project?
- Currently using CVS at www.ossim.org, cautiously evaluating a move to svn,
- don't see a compelling reason to move that to collabnet.
- Are binary and source downloads available from the OSGeo download area?
- If not, why?
- Currently hosted on sourceforge with additional large data sets available
- on telascience org. Links are available from the main page.
- Collabnet currently doesn't have equivalent resource available.
Community Functioning
- Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
- existing and functioning well.
- Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
- existing and functioning well.
- Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
- Project Steering committee has just been formed. Currently consists of six
- developers with commit privileges. Garrett Potts is the designated lead and
- has final say over software architecture implementation. A module system has
- been created allowing segmented checkin control for other contributors. Currently
- being used for the image registration module.
- Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
- No, plan to implement.
- How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
- Indicate number and some organizations involved.
- Garrett Potts, Mark Lucas, David Burken, Scott Bortman are the core OSSIM team
- external checkin privileges have been granted to Dr Frederic Claudel from the
- South African Center for remote sensing and James Hopper from SAIC Corporation
Foundation Membership
- Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
- Yes, web site currently reflects OSGeo membership, documentation for OSSIM, brochures,
- presentations are also modified. This will be an ongoing process.
- Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
- Would plan on implementing this once the styling has been defined.
Code Copyright Review
- Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
- No, initial review has commenced. OSSIM is a very large project, and the
- core team has developed the vast majority of the code base. Do not
- anticipate any problems in this area.
- Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
- indicate outstanding issues.
- No issues are anticipated, need to complete the code review.