UMN MapServer Handbuch Literaturverzeichnis

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% $Id: biblio.bib,v 1.32 2003/09/16 10:59:16 cvsuser Exp $ @misc{faq:dclp, title ={{FAQ der Newsgroup de.comp.lang.php}}, url ={} } @misc{ftp:intevation:rpm, title ={{MapServer 3.6 RPM-Pakete}}, url ={} } @misc{ftp:gtopo30, title ={{GTOPO 30 FTP Download}}, url ={} } @misc{http:homepage:xml, title ={{Extensible Markup Language}}, url ={} } @misc{http:homepage:mime, title ={{Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions}}, url ={\~ehood/MIME/MIME.html} } @misc{http:website:arcsde, title ={{ESRI Arc/SDE}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:cert, title ={{CERT der Universit�t Stuttgart}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:cubewerx, title ={{CubeWerx}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:derfrosch, title ={{Private Website von Thorsten Fischer}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:dmsolutions, title ={{DM Solutions}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:epsg, title ={{European Petroleum Survey Group}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:fsf, title ={{Free Software Foundation}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:freegisdata, title ={{Freie Geo-Daten beim FreeGIS-Projekt}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:greenwood, title ={{Greenwood Mapping}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:gd, title ={{GD Imaging Library}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:gdal, title ={{Geospatial Data Abstraction Library}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:imagemagick, title ={{ImageMagick Grafikwerkzeuge}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:freetype, title ={{Freetype TrueType-Bibliothek}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:libcurl, title ={{curl}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:libproj, title ={{Projection library libproj.4}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:geotiff, title ={{GeoTiff Library}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:libwww, title ={{HTTP-Bibliothek libwww}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:lmicmn, title ={{Land Management Information Center}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:mapmedia, title ={{MapMedia Website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:ming, title ={{Ming SWF library}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:pdflib, title ={{pdflib PDF library}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:selfhtml, title ={{SelfHTML}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:swig, title ={{Interface-Generator SWIG}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:tiff, title ={{libtiff website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:mapserver, title ={{MapServer Website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:mapservermailinglist, title ={{MapServer-Users Mailinglistenarchiv}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:ogc, title ={{OpenGIS Consortium}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:ogcnetwork:impl, title ={{Products Implementing OGC Specs or Interfaces}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:oraclespatial, title ={{Oracle Spatial}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:php, title ={{PHP Website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:postgis, title ={{PostGIS Website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:postgresql, title ={{PostgreSQL Website}}, url ={} } @misc{http:website:xerces, title ={{Xerces XML-Parser}}, url ={} } @misc{http:owssamples, title ={{OWS sample schemas}}, url ={} } @misc{man:7:regex, title ={{POSIX {1003.2} section {2.8}; \texttt{man 7 regex}}}, } @misc{pdf:spec:ogc100, title ={{OpenGIS Web Map Server Interfaces Implementation Specification 1.0.0}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:ogc110, title ={{OpenGIS Web Map Server Interfaces Implementation Specification 1.1.0}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:ogc111, title ={{OpenGIS Web Map Server Interfaces Implementation Specification 1.1.1}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:mapcontext10, title ={{OpenGIS Map Context Specification 1.0}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:gml, title ={{OpenGIS Geography Markup Language Implementation Specification 2.1.2}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:wfs100, title ={{OpenGIS Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.1.0}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:sld10, title ={{OpenGIS Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification 1.0}}, url ={} } @misc{pdf:spec:shapefile, title ={{ESRI Shapefile Technical Description}}, url ={} } @book{hartwig:2001:postgresql, author = "Jens Hartwig", title = "PostgreSQL - professionell und praxisnah", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = "2001", ISBN = "3827318602" } @book{ray:2001:xml, author = "{Erik T. Ray}", title = "Learning {XML}: Creating Self-Describing Data", publisher = "O'Reilly \& {Associates}", year = "2001", ISBN = "0-596-00046-4" } @book{theis:2000:php, author = "Thomas Theis", title = "{PHP 4}", publisher = "Galileo Press", year = "2000", ISBN = "3-934358-63-2"} @book{wall:1996:perl5, author = "{{Wall}, {Christiansen}, {Schwartz}}", title = "{Programming Perl}", publisher = "O'Reilly \& Associates", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-56592-149-6"} @book{lutz:1999:python, author = "{{Mark Lutz}, {David Ascher}}", title = "{Learning Python}", publisher = "O'Reilly \& Associates", year = "1999", ISBN = "1-56592-464-9"} @book{diercke:2002, author = "Carl Diercke (Hrsg.)", title = "{Diercke Weltatlas (blau)}", publisher = "Westermann", year = "2002", ISBN = "3141006008"} @book{bsi:gshb, author = "{{Bundesamt f�r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}}", title = "{IT-Grund\-schutz\-hand\-buch}", publisher = "BSI", year = "2003" } @manual{ rfc2606, author = "{{D. Eastlake 3rd} and {A. Panitz}}", title = "{Reserved Top Level DNS Names}", note = "{RFC 2606}", month = jun, year = 1999, url = {}} % status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE % (Format: TXT=8008 bytes) % (Also BCP0032)