Motto discussion

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Revision as of 10:47, 5 May 2006 by Wiki-Pmarc (talk | contribs)
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We need a slogan/motto to go along with the new logo. There will need to be several different ways of using, so we will likely need a few different ones. We'll need something to follow after the shorter "OSGeo" nickname. And also something to follow the longer title: "Open Source Geospatial Foundation". See if you can avoid any words already in the title.

Please submit your possible mottos here:

  1. Your Open Source Compass (was part of Aaron's logo submission)
  2. Compass to the Open Source GeoSpatial World (building on above)
  3. "It's a spheroid, get over it."
  4. Open ways
  5. Open destinations (too airliner-ish, i think)
  6. Open directions
  7. Enabling Geo-Power
  8. Pure Mapping Power
  9. Great Mapping Tools
  10. Projecting Worlds
  11. Find it with the tools from the foundation
  12. Open the source and find your way
  13. OSGeo -- Where it's at
  14. OSGeo shows you to the open source
  15. Spatialize your mind (Using an invented word could be useful in creating a stronger brand, similar to the use of Mc for all Mc Donalds McProducts)
  16. We love to see you smile (building on the last)
  17. The open place people
  18. Putting GeoSpace at work for you
  19. Putting the where in your work
  20. Because how you got there is as important as where you're going
  21. All geography is local
  22. Your datum, our data
  23. Ideas in the Open
  24. We design it spatialy for you
  25. Spatialy designed for you (building on the previous entry :-) )
  26. The open place people
  27. Liberating the Globe (Perhaps slightly less overt than Liberating the World)
  28. From the ground up
  29. Build for space
  30. Space for all
  31. Terra Libre
  32. Who's your Daddy
  33. Who's your Mommy
  34. Home of the green laser pointers
  35. Blowing things out of proportion since 2006
  36. The foundation formerly known as mapserver
  37. just do it!
  38. We know where you live!
  40. Opening your world
  41. Spatially Yours
  42. Spatial Designs
  43. Leading the Way
  44. It's a geoid thing
  45. GIS it!
  46. We Do GIS!
  47. Do you Geo?