Japan Chapter Report 2009
Japan Chapter
- Period covered by report: Jan-Dec 2009
- Contact name: Toru Mori
Key Accomplishments
Invited Arnulf Christl, president of OSGeo Foundation, to give them a speech and promoted OSGeo and its community. Chris Holmes, Eugenio Realini Gerald Fenoy and many local speakers gave speech.
Held 4 hands-on sessions (pgRouting, MapServer, GeoServer and QuantumGIS) both in Tokyo and Osaka.
In this event, we organized collaboration with other “geo-friendly” communities such as “GeoMedia (geo mash up folks)”, Open Street Map Japan and Android.
- 5 local sponsors, Osaka-city University, Autodesk Japan, Ouyougijyutsu, Mapconcielge and Orkney.
- Organized various community activities such as
- FOSS4G meeting at annual ecology society meeting in Iwate Japan
- "Osaka mini event" in September. Eugenio Realini, Nicolas Bozon and Naoki Ueda give speech
- QGIS hands on at National Institute for Agro-Environmental Science in Tsukuba Japan
- Launch QGIS localization project
- FOSS4G session at annual GIS society meeting in Niigata Japan
- Support and promote Japanese version of "GRASS GIS book" (Markus & Helena)
- Launch MEXT funded project which promotes use of satellite imagery by using FOSS4G tools such as GRASS and QGIS
- Promoted OSGeo.JP activities to international OSGeo community.
- Organized local board committee regularly.
Areas for Improvement
- Enhanced local website (in Japanese language).
- Increased registored local chapter members.
Opportunities to Help
- Join and express your opinions to our local mailing lists.
- Contribute us translated materials of OSGeo.org pages.
- Become sponsor of the Japan Chapter and support local activities in financial.
Outlook for 2010
- Enrich the local OSGeo web site.
- Increase number of local mailing lists subscribers from 170(current) to 300.
- 5rd annual conference (currently scheduled in November).
- Organize off line activities such as face to face meetings and beer parties!