Edu goals and to dos
1. Collect/encourage new content submissions to our inventory. Continue encouraging content for our inventory. Need a coordinator to run this task. One aspect would be to contact each software group and OSGeo local group to encourage them to post their educational material to our search system. Youtube videos or webinars (see #5) as well as more traditional documentation?
2. Develop new derivative system/process and guidance for others. We need someone to try and start our “new derivative” system. Anyone willing to get some content into a repository (either our subversion system or a new system like git?) and then link the entries to our educational inventory system? Related to this is #3.
3. Update content licensing guidance. Develop updated licensing guidance based on past email discussions,
4. Collaborative writing: OSGeo Web-GIS Handbook and Desktop GIS Handbook. Focus our efforts to create two documents: a ) OSGeo Web-GIS handbook and b ) OSGeo Desktop GIS handbook 4 ) make subgroups to work on the handbooks. Venka noted he is developing an “OSGeo handbook” in Japanese. Could be a good start… can we get someone translate to English (Maybe a good project for a student, Venka)? Coordinate with the OSGeo software teams to make this happen. Suggestion to contact individual OSGeo project teams and explicitly ask for their support. One or more templates… follow the Live DVD production model. This could be content for next year’s live CD. An example of the guidance to authors could follow Cameron’s LiveDVD model here:
5. Can we restart the idea of Webinars?
5. Curriculum planning. Goals and curriculum planning. Determine what are our highest proprieties as a collective group? Start a group conversation about our collective requirements/priorities and then work backwards from there… A starting point might be the Geospatial Technology Competency Model developed by the U.S. Dept of Labor. See
6. Investigate funding opportunities. Possible grant to support a 2-3 day OS geospatial curriculum planning workshop to try and coordinate our efforts better – maybe target this for FOSS4G 2011? (Schweik, Ian, others? Suchith – U of Nottingham at no cost )
7. I’d like to establish some “coordinators” to help lead the above tasks.
- Education content inventory coordinator(s)
- New derivative coordinator
- Licensing guidance
- Coordinator for each of the two OSGeo handbooks
- Webinar coordinator
- Curriculum committee