LOC kickoff meeting Oct 19, 2010
FOSS4G 2011 LOC Kickoff Meeting
Venue: Peter Batty's loft, 1792 Wynkoop St, #508, Denver, CO 80202 - right above the Wynkoop Brewing Company Time: 3pm-5ish, probably migrating to the Wynkoop at some point!
Agenda items
Feel free to add to or edit these!
- Committee Structure / Organization. Potential roles include:
- Program content (2-3 people?) We have said that two of our focus areas (outside the usual areas) will be "open data" and "outreach to non-FOSS people", so probably need someone focused on each of those.
- Workshops (2-3 people?)
- Academic track
- Sponsors
- Marketing
- Others??
- We need to get people signed up for roles and decide if we need to solicit more people to join the LOC
- Logo - how to push this forward and conclude it quickly
- Sponsorship
- Prospectus
- How to get some sponsors signed up early
- Exhibitor Prospectus
- Conference Promotion
- Call for Papers
- Milestones/deadlines
- Mechanics of how we work / communicate
- Regular calls - how often, who?
- Wiki
- Mailing list