Revision as of 13:45, 19 January 2011 by Wiki-Karstenvennemann (talk | contribs) (Created page with '<tt>Category:CascadiaCategory:OSGeo Member {{#umSetParam: -122.307900|47.638323|Seattle, USA|karstenvennemann|Karsten Vennemann}} '''Karsten Vennemann''' [[File:Karstenv…')
{{#umSetParam: -122.307900|47.638323|Seattle, USA|karstenvennemann|Karsten Vennemann}} Karsten Vennemann
GIS Consultant & Principal
Terra GIS LTD 2119 Boyer Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 USA (206)905 1711 Karsten (at)[1]
Karsten is the principal scientist and GIS Analyst at Terra GIS. He has over 12 years of expertise in environmental evaluation and GIS. His background is in Geography and Soil Science and he holds a Diploma from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and a Master’s Degree from UC Berkeley. His previous work included positions as Environmental Scientist, GIS Analyst and Programmer, and Project Coordinator.
Cascadia Chapter Education Contact