FOSS4G 2011 Workshops Meetings
Next IRC meeting
- Jan 25 2011, 10AM MST
- Agenda
- discounts for workshop/tutorial presenters
- proposal evaluation process
- venue logistics
- Outcome
- Proposal evaluation will be ranked by the workshop committee plus the conference chair and then presented to the LOC for input.
- Each evaluator will rank the proposals: 15 points for the best ones, 14 for the second, and so on...
- Tasks
- Review proposal submissions for under represented projects and send out reminders if needed (Complete by 26 January 2011)
- Discuss discounts for presenters with the LOC (Does this include tutorial presenters as well as workshop presenters?).
- Information on 2010 Discounts: FOSS4G_2010_Discounts#Workshop_Instructors
- Discuss venue logistics with LOC, need more details.
- Agenda
Previous IRC meetings
- Jan 18 2011, 10AM MST
- Tasks:
- Get access to the current workshop submissions and share via Google Docs
- Get more information about the venue (workstation specs, access, size of rooms, etc.)
- Consider quota for innovative workshops this year
- Send out workshop call reminders/nudges to unrepresented projects if needed
- Decide on the review process to rank proposals
- Logs
- Tasks: