Book Outline
Revision as of 09:46, 10 July 2006 by Wiki-Sunburned Surveyor (talk | contribs)
1. Introduction:
- 1. Open Standards
- 2. Open Source
- 3. Open Books
- 4. Open Data
2. Coordinate Reference System
- 1. Datum
- 2. Projection
3. Geospatial data
- 1. Format
- 1. Raster
- 2. Vector
- 2. Data gathering
- 1. Remote sensing
- 2. GPS
- 3. Traditional survey
- 4. Scanning
- 5. Vectorization
4. Web Map Service
- 1. What is the WMS protocol
- 2. Example sites/services using WMS
- 3. HOWTO - request a simple map by hand
- 4. [Open Source Clients]?
- 1. Client side only solutsions (javascript)
- 2. Server side supported clients (PHP, JSP...)
- 5. Walkthough - a simple map portal
- 6. Open Source Servers
- 7. Simple Maps
- 8. SLD
- 9. Complex maps
5. Web Feature Servers 6. Web Coverage Servers 7. Catalogues (ed: markus) 8. Client applications (here or before WMS?) ed: M Gould
- 1. light clients
- 2. heav(ier) clients
9. Image Enhancement
- 1. Statistical Overview
- 2. Histograms
- 3. Constrast Stretching
- 1. Linear Stretching
- 2. Non-linear Stretching
- 4. Spatial Filtering
- 1. Convolution Filter
- 2. Fourier Transform
10. Spectral Indices 11. Image classification 12. Geostatistics
- 1. Descriptive Statistics
- 2. Interpolation
- 1. Inverse distance weighted
- 2. Spline
- 3. Kriging
- 4. Cokriging
- 3. Display
- 1. Contour
- 2. Interpolation
13. Network analysis
- 1. Free Software For Network Analysis
- 2. Topology
- 3. Shortest Path
- 4. Traveling salesman
14. Terrain Analysis (was Digital Elevation Model) ed: ajolma
- 1. Free Software For Terrain Analysis
- 2. Visualization Of Terrain
- 3. [Primary Topographic Attributes]? (was Slope)
- 4. Orientation (merge into the above?)
- 5. Hillshading
15. Models and Modeling (was Model)
- 1. Catchment hydrology (was Watershed) ed: ajolma
- 2. Erosion
- 3. Wildfire Spread
- 4. Computer-aided dispatch
- 5. Multi-criteria Evaluation
16. Automated Mapping
- 1. Auto-Labeling
- 2. Projection Shift