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  • Proposal to create a [[1]]Catala 'Interest Group'.


  • Translate, verify, maintain and comunicate to the OSGeo board that all catala written content refering to the OSGeo is correct and acurate.
  • Coordinate/support OS mapping activities developed in catala.
  • Monitor that Local (Catalunya, Balears, Pais Valencia, Fraga?, Alguer?, Peripinya?) organizations associated to the OSGEO integrate the language in their areas' projects/activities where catala is present.

(ex: A Spanish based Foundation associated to the OSGEO which is hosting/supporting <a href="">OSGeo</a> and/or standalone OS mapping Spanish Estate's based projects has to translate its web(and..) content to catala and accept to support it in their delegations in Catalunya, Balears and Pais Valencia.)


  • Mailing list

The site is not to be a full multilingual place, if this is to be, the should use this subdomain for redirecting to the /index.php/newlang=cat section. This could be the ideal, but it's not what is planed/functional for this purpose maybe. So, instead of that, this subdomain could serve as a referent page(s) where to find all available Catalan information about the, as ('MENTIONING CLEARLY') a referent of the other posible subregional groups(catala/<a href="">PaisValencia</a>/..), the list of related ('NOT OFFICAL') ongoing projects. Basically, as a meeting place :).
If is to be, from we will link to the categories afecting us from there and expect a link back. Same if there's,

  • Gives more confidence for colaborating to the local people/groups because shows that is strongly comitted to suport all languages. (Catalan is a good example)
  • The group is to be more involved/caring about the global rules.(responsability and afraid to lose the subdomain)
  • Facilities for easier finding/getting potential resources from Spanish Estate based Foundations/etc.. which could be asociated with the global