Ottawa Chapter

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About Ottawa OSGEO

The OGUG (Ottawa Grass Users Group) and OMSUG (Ottawa Map Server Users Group) have had a preliminary joint meeting and decided to pursue merging and operating as an OSGeo local chapter in the Ottawa (National Capital Region). While not yet officially designated as an OSGeo chapter, we are "in formation".

The Ottawa Chapter of OSGEO is formed by the combination the local active communities of three OSGEo projects: Mapserver, GRASS and Mapbuilder

The Ottawa MapServer Users Group (OMSUG) began meeting during the winter of 2003. With a strong local user base in Ottawa, representing many diverse users and developers, these meetings provide a unique opportunity for members to meet and discuss how MapServer is being leveraged in Ottawa and ways we can work together to grow its use in the region.

OGUG formed in June of 2005 as a network of GIS practitioners interested in incorporating or replacing their proprietary GIS workflow with Open Source GIS Solutions. OGUG aimed to be a central body of knowledge and expertise for the GRASS GIS Community in the Ottawa area.

"MapBuilder is a powerful, standards compliant geographic mapping client which runs in a web browser".

These two groups




Chapter Groups

OTT_OSGEO: Information of interest to the chpater at large concerning meetings, events, charter,etc.

OTT_MAPSERVER: Information of interest to local MAPSERVER users (including old OMSUG content)

OTT_GRASS: Information of interest to local GRASS users (including old OGUG content)

OTT_MAPBUILDER: Information of interest to local MAPBUILDER users
