Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris
- unemployed, willing to participate in GFOSS-related projects
- Currently working on publications concerning non-centered PCA-based burned area mapping.
- Defended doctoral thesis, dealing with PCA-based burned area mapping using public data and GFOSS, on June 29th, 2011. Thesis published at on December 15th, 2011.
- Awarded the Sofia Chlorou Bequest scholarship [1] [2] from the National Metsovian Polytechnic University (NTUA, Athens, Greece), in order to complete the doctoral studies --- October 2005 to October 2009.
- Participates as an end-user in various GFOSS projects and received a certificate for significant contribution to the Student Consortium Newsletter --- (since) 2008.
- As an intern visited UNEP/DEWA/GRID (Geneva, Switzerland) working on burned area mapping with free & open source geospatial applications --- October 2007 to February 2008.
- Joined Infoterra GmbH (Friedrichshafen, Germany) working as a Remote Sensing & GIS analyst in European projects -- geoland, GSE-Land, CORINE change detection --- March 2005 to September 2006.
- Later on, enrolled as a doctoral candidate in the Department of Remote Sensing and Landscape Information Systems (FeLIS), Albert-Ludwig University (Freiburg i. Br., Germany) --- October 2005.
- Graduated from the faculty Forest & Natural Environment in the Aristotle University (AUTh, Thessaloniki, Greece), showing strong interest for GIS-supported tasks --- October 1999 to July 2004.