Mauricio Miranda
Revision as of 12:21, 29 June 2012 by Wiki-Maurimiranda (talk | contribs) (change profile to match the user template)
Mauricio Miranda
- Geospatial Software Architect
- Independent Consultant
- FOSS4G Preacher
Location: Mendoza, Argentina
Mauricio is a Board Member of the Spanish Local Chapter since 2011, and he is very active inside the community, leading and pushing up the community in Argentina and Latin America, among others. He is organizing and managing meetings and events in Latin America with the aim to spread the word within newcomers and privative software users. ...more.
OSGeo experience
- Spanish Local Chapter Member since 2010
- Spanish Local Chapter Charter Member since 2011
- Spanish Local Chapter Board Member since 2011
- Email: mmiranda AT osgeo DOT org
- Phone (mobile): +54 9 2615052948
- Skype: maurimiranda
- IRC: mmiranda
- Jabber: maurimiranda AT gmail DOT com
Spoken languages:
- Spanish, English
Profile last updated:
- 29 June 2012