Dimitris Kotzinos
- I am currently a faculty member at TEI of Serres, in the Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying. More information on my own work is available at
- My interests are mainly in the areas of Web Information Systems, Semantic Web, Data Interoperability, Protocols, etc.
- I am at frequent speaker at GI Conferences both national (e.g. Greek Open Source, FOSSCOMM, HellasGIs) and international (e.g. EARSEL, AGILE).
- I am also organizing events or special sessions dedicated to Open Source GI, like the "1st GRASS and GFOSS Users Camp" in 2011, the Greek Open Source Conference in 2009 with Open Geospatial as its main theme, etc.
- Location
- Serres, Greece
- Using/Teaching applications such as Geoserver, Mapserver, Mapbender, GeoTools, gvSIG, QGis, Pogresql/postgis etc.
- Founder: OSGeo Greek Local Chapter
- OSGeo Journal
- I am very interested in the OSGeo Journal. Here is A_proposal_for_the_OSGeo_Journal I submitted some time ago!
- Contact
- Email: kotzino at csd dot uoc dot gr
- Spoken Language(s)
- Greek, English
- Profile last updated
- 06 July 2012