Board Meeting 2012-11-15
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This board meeting is re-scheduled for the 15th of November 2012 at 20.00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype or by email.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2012-10-11
- Review FOSS4G 2013 budget provided by Peter and Steven (on board-priv).
- Finance update (501(c)(3) status). Options as per
- A- A non-profit 501c3 foundation with a focus on education with a new taxable subsidiary to handle the project sponsorship program and any other taxable activity that won't belong in the 501c3.
- B- A non-profit 501c3 foundation with the educational focus, and drop completely the project sponsorship program and any other taxable activities (restricting ourselves to non-profit educational activities)... note that a conference like FOSS4G, other than for the (minor) sponsor advertizing aspect that comes with it, is a guenuine educational activity, so that should not be a problem
- C- If we don't respond then I guess we'll be treated as a taxable corporation by default (this is my guess, not verified)... note that if our goal is not to make profits and manage our finances accordingly then we probably don't pay much taxes, but once again those are my guesses and would remain to be verified
- LocationTech relationship
- updates/thoughts
- please add items