FOSS4G 2013 Planning Meeting November 30th

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Revision as of 03:12, 3 December 2012 by Jocook (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Attendees:''' Antony, Jo, Steven, Jeremy, Rollo, Claire. '''Web Site (BR, JC)''' Mostly there, to be transferred to main site. Some minor issues to be fixed first. Should...")
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Antony, Jo, Steven, Jeremy, Rollo, Claire.

Web Site (BR, JC)

Mostly there, to be transferred to main site. Some minor issues to be fixed first. Should be done by 10th (Barry away till Wed). Hold off with CfP until then, unless there is delay in site in which case CfP should proceed.

Home page should be simplied a bit to give more prominence to 'hero' panel, and align boxes if possible? May be resolved by addition of content. Jo to discuss with Barry. Background and other features work well.

Program (RH)

CfP doc almost ready to go - by 10th Dec if poss. A little needed about the overall theme. Edit down if possible, depending on how it looks on page? V. short abstract needed also for community voting. This leaves us with a small window to agree voting proposal for lists and get opinions, and sort out submission process. Programme group to have a call next week to nail this.

Confirmed that conf runs from 17 - 20 Sept (5 days). Jo to update website.

Need to leave adequate time for programme selection noted.

Rollo meeting with Ken today.

Contract (SF, CH)

Venue contract still with venue, awaiting their agreement before sending to OSGeo. Venue has agreed in principle to 10% deposit, awaiting confirmation. WiFi not mentioned at the moment other than in general terms. Para needed on specifics -eg ask for dedicated support for wifi? Jeremy to draft.

Relationship with AGI (JM, CH)

JM attended AGI Conference working group for 2013. GeoCommunity theme/title = Open for Business Some nervousness re impact of FOSS4G on AGI event compounded by a change in senior personnel at AGI. Meeting scheduled for 17th Dec (JM, SF to meet with AGI Chair & Director), we will be trying to reassure them.

Suggest agreeing differentiation of messages, target audience, geographic reach




Fri 21st Dec 2pm WebEx (Antony) with festive virtual drinks provided by Steven. Next F2F April unless needed before. Fortnightly calls and April F2F to be scheduled from Jan.