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There are a log of things we are doing, or would someday like to do. This page is to serve as a big dumping ground, so nothing gets forgotten. (Ideally we'd have some issue tracker thingy, but this will do until the Drupal move.)
- work on budget [all]
- started page at VisComBudget
- consider outsourcing logo/design work [mpg]
- have pinged my friend at Push Design
- launch CafePress [mpg]
- have pinged Gary for payee info
- launch will be Aug 25th, via mail to discuss list
- need to notify webcom to get click-ad on homepage
- prepare an OSGeo "press kit" [mpg]
- to be done
- choose events for coming 6-12 months
- from 10 mtg: "Viscom to choose/identify which conferences to support for the upcoming year... discuss on mailing list."
- Hawaii event [mpg]
- (from 10th meeting) mpg to put out call for volunteers to organize this
- Frank said Ben Disco interested?
- Events page [mpg]
- the events page needs to be better maintained, moved to drupal, etc
- mpg volunteered, but isn't getting it done
- Move to new Drupal site
- "OSGeo-in-the-news" page
- should have a web page for links to mentions of us in the press/media
- business cards [Tyler]