Template:Industry Event Calendars
Revision as of 23:38, 25 September 2013 by Wiki-Michael2016 (talk | contribs)
Industry Event Calendars
We should be on industry event calendars wherever possible. Please work through list and indicate once you have (requested) addition and once it has been (done):
WARNING!! Daina, you are editing the Wiki template, not a copy in FOSS4G2008... http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Template:Industry_Event_Calendars <- wrong place
Via Web:
- http://events.geocomm.com/events/ (Done - Daina)
- http://gcmd.nasa.gov/ConferenceCalendar/calendar.html (Done- Gavin)
- http://gita.org/events/events.asp (request submitted, 090508 Daina)
- http://news.eoportal.org/cgi-bin/eoportal_header.pl?dw=psr&site=software&words=type (-> Share your news with the EO community)
- http://slashgeo.org/submit.pl
- http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/submitnews.html (not free any more, convince editor@geocomm.com)
- http://www.allconferences.com/ (request submitted, 200508 Daina)
- http://www.directionsmag.com/events/ (done)
- http://www.eogeo.org/events (not functional)
- http://www.eoportal.org
- http://www.freegis.org (no listing possible)
- http://www.geoconnexion.com/events.php (done)
- http://www.GeoPlace.com (no listing possible)
- http://www.gim-international.com/
- http://www.giscafe.com/submit_material/submit_options.php#Press (done)
- http://www.gisdevelopment.net/events/index.asp (news@gisdevelopment.net)
- http://www.gismonitor.com/news/submit_news.php (matteo@gismonitor.com)
- http://www.gis-news.de/ (franz-josef.behr@gismngt.de)
- http://www.gsdi.org/events/upcnf.asp (done)
- http://www.opengeospatial.org/event (done)
- http://www.urisa.org/node/148 (request submitted to info@urisa.org, 210508 Ronny)
- http://www.isprs.org/calendar.html (request submitted to profchen@ms13.hinet.net, 210508 Ronny)
- http://www.grss-ieee.org/menu.taf?menu=conferences&detail=calendar (done)
- http://www.earthobservations.org/index.html(request submitted to secretariat@geosec.org, 210508 Ronny)
- http://www.asprs.org/meetings/calendar.html (done)
- http://www.computer.org/portal/site/ieeecs/menuitem.c5efb9b8ade9096b8a9ca0108bcd45f3/index.jsp?&pName=ieeecs_level1&path=ieeecs/conferences&file=calendar.xml&xsl=generic.xsl&
- http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/SAP/sched/index.html
- http://www.icaci.org/
- http://www.agirn.org/ (done)
- http://www.eis-africa.org (done)
- http://punkish.eidesis.org/cal/conferences.ics
- http://www.fig.net/events/events.htm
- http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/oaakuqgoos9fnenq6dahpi4qo8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
- http://www.veryspatial.com/calendar/publish.php/?user=public
- http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ak1i8t86206kbg5njvv91ra43o%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
- http://www.slashgeo.org/
- http://www.jugsa.co.za
- http://www.thuthong.org.za
- http://www.aquar-system.com/
- http://www.hablandodesigs.com
Via Email:
- info@harzer.de (www.geobranchen.de)
- admin@cartographyonline.com
- GRASS web Event Calendar (Markus Neteler)
- Mapserver web Event Calendar (Steve Lime)
- mfeilner@linuxnewmedia.de
- redazionenews@mondogis.net
- jsanz_listas@geomaticblog.net
- jugsa@yahoogroups.com
- editor@gislounge.com (http://gislounge.com) (done-Carrin)
Public Relations list of media that can be contacted through Marketing
(please sync with above list)
- American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
- Applied GIS
- Association of American Geographers
- British Cartographic Society
- Decisions Support, Inc.
- Directions Magazine http://www.directionsmag.com/press.releases/?duty=Contribute
- Earth Interactions - University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Federal Geographic Data Committee
- Geo Informacion
- GEO:connexion Limited
- GeoInformatica Editorial Office
- GeoInformatics
- geoinformatik_online
- Geospatial Solutions - Questex Media Group, Inc.
- GEOWorld
- Gim Reed Business Information-Geo
- Gim Reed Business – Geo Bv
- GIS Development
- GIS Monitor
- GIS User
- GITC America Inc.
- GPS World
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science
- Journal of Geographical Systems
- Journal of Spatial Science Editorial Board
- Professional Surveyor
- Qlinks Media Group
- Surveys in Geophysics - Springer DordrechGeosciences
- The Royal Canadian Geographical Society / Canadian Geographic
- GNU/Linux Magazine
- EurActiv.com
- Unix Review
- Linux Magazine NL
- Reuters
- LinuxBizWorld / SKOSI.org / OSS.cz
- Linux User & Developer Magazine
- Le Soir
- Ovum
- Database Magazine
- freshmeat.net
- SL Business Magazine
- O'Reilly Media
- Progilibre
- NewsForge
- The Podcast Network
- O'Reilly Media
- IT Professional
- SlashGIS
- SIG la lettre
- SAPA (South African Press Association newswire) http://www.link2media.co.za/info.htm