Board Press Release FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham Success

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OSGeo Board Thanks the Organizers of the FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham Event

News Date

20 Dec 2013


Members of the OSGeo Board would like to thank all of the FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham local committee for an impressive and successful event. Led by the hard working chair Steven Feldman, the organizers hosted over 800 attendees through over 20 hands-on workshops and 9 concurrent presentation tracks. Their theme "Geo for All" really highlighted the passion for Open Source geospatial around the world in so many different disciplines.

The local committee recently submitted a substantial financial surplus back directly to the OSGeo foundation. Members of the OSGeo Board are very thankful for this generous contribution to the foundation and to the Open Source geospatial community.

Steven Feldman stated, "I am delighted that we have been able to make a substantial contribution to OSGeo and look forward to celebrating the successes that we will be able to generate with this funding."

Jeff McKenna, OSGeo's President, also stated, "We thank Steven and the entire local committee for such hard volunteer work, sacrificing months of their career to put on a stellar international event. Their passion for Open Source geospatial was felt by people from all across the globe. They are the FOSS4G Heroes of 2013."