Board Meeting 2013-12-16
This board meeting is scheduled for the 16th of December 2013 at 20.00UTC through a Google Hangout and follow up voting by email.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2013-11-14
- FOSS4G-Europe
- Short status report
- Can we use OSGeo logo for the "Letter for Sponsors"?
- Open discussion on Foundation's priorities for next 5 years
- support of FOSS4G events
- sponsors
- revenue
- needs / budget
- relationship with other foundations
- infrastructure review
- OSGeo 501c4 tax exempt status vs 990 filings (update)
- add your items here
- Attending: Anne, Bart, Cameron, Frank, Jachym, Jeff, Jorge
- Presiding: Jeff
- Scribing: Anne
Assigned Tasks
- Jachym : make an official request for seed funding for FOSS4G-E
- Jeff and Anne: publish a Board press release to praise the FOSS4G LOC for the excellent results of 2013 conference
- Cameron (and/or others, confirm): polls the community, charter members and project leaders for suggestions on how to make use of money available to OSGeo
Motions (to be confirmed by email)
MOTION: Approve minutes from past meeting
(missed approval on IRC)
MOTION: OSGeo logo can be used for the "Letter for sponsors" for FOSS4G-Europe 2014
- Jachym/1, +1 6
MOTION: Board to acknowledge the good work of FOsS4G 2013, including positive budget. Jeff to provide quote for press release.
- Cameron/1, +1 6
MOTION: Ask community for ideas on how we spent windfall from FOSS4G 2013.
- Cameron/1, +1 Anne, Jeff, Jorge, Bart. +0 Frank, Jachym
MOTION: Board still in general agreement with OSGeo Board focus from last year:
- Cameron/1, +1 Jachym, Frank, Jorge, +0 Bart
Full, raw minutes notes
These minutes have been extracted from the face to face discussion on Hangout, so they are not the full minutes.
[20:05 UTC] Start
[20:06] Approve past meeting's minutes
[20:06] FOSS4G-E - Jachym's report
- weekly meetings for organisation
- program is getting ready, so there is concrete information for the sponsors
- budget is being prepared
- request for OSGeo for seed money - Board asks for an official request, using Code sprints template.
- request to use OSGeo logo on letters - see motion
- connection with OSGeo and FOSS4G is requested by the Board, as an official statement from organisers
[20:17] FOSS4G 2013 revenues - whether FOSS4G LOC shall publish the figures
- Cameron suggests that the Board publishes a press release to thank the LOC for the excellent results (see motion)
[20:21] FOSS4G 2014 Budget - no news have been communicated to the Board since approval
[20:22] Open discussion on priorities - see motion
- Board members agree on spending money to make specific tasks done, given a clear plan
- Bookkeeping: there is no agreement on hiring someone for this task, but agreement on simplifying the micro-payments procedure
- Communication with sponsors: not yet agreeing on hiring someone for the task
- Infrastructure: it works, except for migration of Drupal (in progress) and occasional problems. Several OSGeo projects are not using OSGeo infrastructure (have moved, or have never used it) but it is not a requirement, rather an opportunity for new projects. Reconsider its role now that many hostings for code/wiki/mail/bugtrackers are available online. Cameron suggests that OSGeo shall offer what is not yet available for free to a new geospatial software project.
- Jachym proposes to fill a SWOT analysis to focus on what to improve
[20:30] OSGeo support to events (local and regional)