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United Nations Initative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) aims at playing a leading role in setting the agenda for the development of global geospatial information and to promote its use to address key global challenges. It provides a forum to liaise and coordinate among Member States, and between Member States and international organizations. More information at http://ggim.un.org/about.html


During FOSS4G-Seoul the OSGeo Board of Directors met with representatives of the UN-GIS team, and it was agreed that the OSGeo foundation should become more active in UN geospatial issues. The Chief of the Chief Geospatial Information Section of the UN-GGIM, Kyoung-Soo Eom, has invited the president of OSGeo to become a member of the following working group. Other members of the working group include the OGC, Esri, and many member states.

Draft terms of reference (TOR)

UN-GGIM Working Group on Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters

1. Vision of the Working Group The necessary geospatial information and services are available, of quality and accessible in a coordinated way to decision making and operations during disasters.

2. Scope of the Working Group Based on Decision 5/110: Coordination of United Nations activities related to geospatial information management adopted by the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) on 7 August 2015, Working Group on Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters (hereafter “WG-Disasters”) will develop a policy framework that brings all stakeholders and partners involved in Disaster Risk Reduction and/or Emergency Management together to ensure for the necessary geospatial information and services to be available, of quality and accessible in a coordinated way to decision making and operations during disasters.

3. Goals of the Working Group When UN-GGIM reports to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on its progress in 2016, and following the requirements of Decision 5/110, the WG-Disasters will have successfully:

 1) 	Engaged with the main stakeholders and partners from the humanitarian and response community as well as the key governmental institutions involved in the provision of geospatial information and services to review, complement and improve the draft framework and flowcharts presented during the UN-GGIM Committee in August 2015;
 2) 	Conducted a review of laws, rules and regulations already existing among UN-GGIM Members States when it comes to the provision of geospatial information and services in times of disasters;
 3) 	Developed a draft policy framework for consideration by the UN-GGIM Committee and subsequently by ECOSOC.

In parallel to the above, the WG-Disasters will work at ensuring for emergency management, and therefore indirectly Disaster Risk Reduction, to be seen as a priority focus across UN-GGIM activities and for the recommendations, actions, guidelines and standards coming out of its work to address and support the needs of the humanitarian and response community.

4. Working Group Members and their Roles

 1) The WG-Disasters will comprise experts from selected Member States, international organizations, academia and the private sector. Geographical balance and representation will be considered for the selection of members from the Member States. The WG-Disasters will elect two Co-chairs among the experts from the Member States. The Co-Chairs make the final decision on the selection of members.
 2) Working Group members are to contribute to the discussions and the preparation of Working Group reports to the UN-GGIM Committee, taking advantage of their own available resources.

5. Meetings

 1) The Working Group will convene a meeting in conjunction with UN-GGIM meetings, High Level Forums, and other relevant international events.
 2) The Working Group will operate primarily through e-mail.
 3) Decisions of the Working Group will be made by consensus.

6. Secretariat The UN-GGIM Secretariat will provide secretarial support to the WG-Disasters.

7. Reporting Procedure The Working Group will report to the UN-GGIM committee meetings.

8. Modus Operandi The Working Group will prepare a road map and take necessary actions accordingly to achieve its goals.