Paris Code Sprint 2016 : PostGIS Agenda
Discussion and group review topics for the Paris Code Sprint 2016.
- Clustering functions: Aggregate or Window?
- What naming convention
- What to do with the existing aggregate functions
- Expanded object headers, introduction and testing
- How they work
- Potential advantages, disadvantages
- Discussion on clean implementation possibilities
- Testing and benchmarks, is it worth it?
- Alternate storage formats, beyond GSERIALIZED
- Reasoning
- How to add (version flags?)
- Multiple co-existing formats?
- Breaking raster out as postgis_raster extension
- Implications / difficulties
- GEOS improvements that would help PostGIS
- Using FDW with PostGIS
- Functions pushdown
- Current limitations
- PostgreSQL improvements that would help PostGIS
- Parallel query, review experiments, plan and execute more
- Feed back parallel query results to pgsql-hackers
- Benchmarking of expanded object headers test branch
- Benchmarking of parallel query and parallel aggregate work from pgsql-hackers
- BRIN indexes implementation for PostGIS geometries
Possible PostGIS function improvement and addition
- improvement
- st_pointN -> make a negative input count backward
- st_setPoint -> make a negative input count backward
- st_asText -> optionnal arg to limit digit number
- st_centroid -> work on circular string (simply dump points, then classical centroid)
- st_exteriorRing -> make it work on multipolygon, returns a collection
- st_makeline -> make it work on multipoints
- st_scale -> optionnal argument to define the center of scaling (allows to scale "in place")
- st_split -> allow splitting (multi)line by (multi)point
- slight addition
- st_angle(P1,P2,P3)
- st_MakeRing((multi) linestrings and/or points
- st_DumpLines -> dump everything to line (rings in poly, lines in multilines, etc. )
- st_DumpSegments -> dump segments (in the mathematical sense), that is every consecutive pairs of points in lines
- big addition
- generate grid (regular and hex)
- st_snapToLine -> st_snap = snap vertex to vertex. This one = snap vertex to vertex or edge.
- st_splitLineByPoint(line,point,tolerance) -> using curv absc, the only current way to not be sensible to precision issue (st_split doesnt work)
- st_VariableBuffer(geomM) -> buffer on geometry, the radius is given by M of each vertex, linear transition between. A lots of uses
- St_FindCurve(geom,radius_range,min_number_of_support_points,tolerance) -> in a classical geometry, find the point describing arcs
- St_MakeArc(P1,P2,centre) and St_MakeArc(P1,P2,radius) -> create arcs (_not_ using 3 points on arc!)
- St_OrientedBBox(geom) -> returns the oriented bbox of the geom (returns a geom and an angle)