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Open Source Geospatial – Belgium ASBL (OSGeo.be)
Rue de la Croix de Pierre 13 box 2, 1060 Bruxelles
Enterprise number 0641.662.720

Minutes: 1st Annual General Assembly
Held March 24th 2016, 19:00
At L'arrosoir, Boulevard du Souverain, 256, 1160 Auderghem


Voting members :


Dirk Frigne (Administrator),

Gaël Kruwialis (Administrator),

Johan Van de Wauw (Administrator – President of the board),

Oliver May (Administrator),

Marc Ducobu (Administrator – Treasaury of the board),

Tommy Oozeer (Administrator – Secretary of the board)


Maëlle Vercauteren (Administrator, excused and represented by Gaël Kruwialis),

Moritz Lennert (excused and represented by Gaël Kruwialis)

Non voting members: /


  1. (Approval of the previous general assembly)
  2. Report about the activities of the last year
    1. Founding of OSGeo Belgium
    2. FOSS4G 2015 event
    3. Presence at 2 events
  3. Financial report 2015
  4. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors for the 2015 financial year.
  5. Budget 2016
  6. Change the date of the general assembly to be together with the FOSS4G conference (Q3/Q4)
  7. Composition of the board
    1. New members
    2. Resignations
  8. Composition of the voting members
    1. New members
    2. Resignations
  9. Preview of the next year
    1. Events
      1. Foss4g belgium 2016 september 22
    2. Strategy
      1. What is the role of osgeo.be in the state of the map / OSM
      2. OSGeo.be presentations during sotm
      3. OSM presentation at FOSS4G.be
  10. Various
  11. Closing of the general assembly


The president gives a short introduction about this first General Assembly.

Approval of the previous general assembly

This meeting is the first 1st Annual General Assembly of “OSGeo.be ASBL”

Report about the activities of the last year

Founding of OSGeo Belgium

OSGeo.be ASBL officially started on October 17 2015

FOSS4G 2015 event

FOSS4G 2015 has been organised on October 29 2015 by OSGeo.be

Presence at 2 events

Since its creation, OSGeo.be was present during the following events:

  • «Mapping facilities for homeless people» meeting on December 2 2015
  • FOSS4G 2015 on October 29 2015

Financial report 2015

Marc explained that Geospatial Media has still not paid their FOSS4G sponsorship. Dirk will take action to recover the unpaid amount. The financial report for 2015 prepared by him is then unanimously approved by the general assembly.

Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors for the 2015 financial year

The general assembly unanimously grants the discharge to the board of directors for the 2015 financial year.

Budget 2016

The 2016 budget prepared and presented by Marc is unanimously approved by the general assembly.

Change the date of the general assembly to be together with the FOSS4G conference (Q3/Q4)

After some discussion, the general assembly agrees to change the date of the ordinary general assembly: 5 votes for the motion (Oliver, Dirk, Tommy, Gaël, Moritz), one against (Maëlle) and 2 abstentions (Johan, Marc).

Composition of the board

New members

There is no new member.


There is no resignation.

As a result, the board stays unchanged.

Composition of the voting members

New members

There is no new member.


There is no resignation.

No change for composition of the voting members.

Preview of the next year


  1. Foss4g belgium 2016 september 22

The general assembly unanimously agrees on the fact that the FOSS4G Belgium 2016 will take place on September 22 2016.


  1. What is the role of osgeo.be in the state of the map / OSM
  2. OSGeo.be presentations during sotm
  3. OSM presentation at FOSS4G.be

The general assembly unanimously agrees to give mandate to the board to take the necessary actions related to SoTM and OSM.

In 2016, Osgeo.be will also be (or has also been) involved in the following events : FOSDEM Geospatial devroom (31/01), Mapping facilities for homeless people (27/02), Open Belgium 2016 (29/02), workshop on digital tools and applications that can positively transform the Belgian development cooperation (1/03), BeGeo (03/03), Mappsforghent (19/03), Mapping 3.0 (25/03), Geospatial World forum (23-26/05), FOSS4G (22/09), State of the Map (23-25/09), …

The members of the general assembly are invited to propose more voting members


Procedure for power of attorney (nl: volmacht) via mail

The general assembly unanimously agrees to give mandate to the board to take the necessary actions.

Closing of the general assembly

There being no further business, the meeting then terminated.

Johan Van de Wauw            Tommy Oozeer
President                          Secretary