Android istSOS
Revision as of 12:03, 6 May 2016 by Wiki-Masterflorin (talk | contribs)
This is where I'll be posting information about the Android istSOS client GSoC 2016 project to the OSGeo community. |
Implementation details
Possible future extensions
Who will use results of this project
Student's biography
My name is Florin Cioloboc. Currently, I'm a MSc Geomatics student at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Programming/GIS/Technical skills
- Java, Python, little bit of C++ and R, familiar with HTML & CSS
- I use Eclipse, Sublime Text, Anaconda, Canopy,
- Comfortable working on both Windows and Linux
- Open Source GIS: QGIS, GeoServer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
- Familiar with Git and GitHub, Vagrant, VirtualBox
- Currently learning Android (docs, specs, Android Studio, GenyMotion etc.)