Contributor to GRASS GIS & QGIS projects as translator, documentation writer, and whenever it's possible, support provider on french-speaking discussion lists.
Documentation translations : - GRASS précis et concis (translation of GRASS in a nutshell by Markus Neteler) - Tutoriel GRASS 1.2 (translation of GRASS Tutorial 1.2 by Otto Dassau, Stephan Holl, Markus Neteler, Manfred Redslob - edited by GDF Hannover)
Documentation writing : - Web pages on GRASS 5, sort of short FAQ on how to get started with GRASS 5, - Short articles on Debian GIS, Ubuntu GIS, GRASS 6 stuff on - GRASS 6 en français, l'herbe toujours plus verte on Géomatique Expert (Juin 2006), - GRASS 6 presentation at Colloque SIG Libres EPTGE Toulouse (30 juin 2006)
Contributions to IHM and messages translations : - GRASS 6 i18n project (w. E. Sarraco, D. Calvelo, L. Courty), - normalization of glossary (w. J-D Guiguère, L. Courty), - QGIS 0.7 and 0.8 interfaces (w. L. Roubeyrie)