Revision as of 07:47, 16 May 2016 by Wiki-WernerLeyh (talk | contribs)
Werner Leyh
- Location: Department of Computer Systems, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil (show on OpenStreetMap)
- Short Bio
- Werner Leyh received his PhD in Robotics at the Technische Universitat München (TUM): Chair of Building Realization and Robotics
- He's a co-leader of USP´s research group for "Spatial data infrastructure" (SDI): Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais (GEPIDE)
- Research
- Werner Leyh started his GIS-related research activities working on methodologies for SDI nodes and GeoPortals, but from 2014, he started focusing his activities on the GIS embedded environmental modeling, geospatial Web technologies and interoperability.
- He conducted a large number of consultancies for UN agencies (UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, OPAS) and the federal Brazilian government administration in the field of spatial data infrastructure, public health management and environmental monitoring. He also participated in various R&D- projects funded by the European Union.
- OSGeo Related Activities - Projects
- Natural disaster management with FOSS and OGC:
- Integration of LOD/W3C (Linked Open Data) and SDI/OGC (Spatial Data Structure) for Disaster Managment:
- OSM and Darwin Core Standard (DWC) for interoperable biodiversity data:
- The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF):
- OSGeo Related Activities - Conferences
- 2006-09-12, FOSS4G2006, Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics, Lausanne, Suisse (Presentation)
- 2007-05-11, III Encontro Nacional de Usuários MapServer, Brasilia, Brazil - with Tyler Mitchell/OSGEO (Organization, Presentation)
- 2007-10-16, MPOG, Seminário Padrões para Intercâmbio de Informações Espaciais, Brasilia, Brazil - with Athina Trakas/OGC (Organization, Presentation)
- 2008-04-01, FOSSGIS Conference Freiburg, April 1st 3rd 2008 (Presentation)
- Contact
- Email: (
- skype: Werner_Leyh
- WhatsApp: +55 11 9 6222 6501
- Spoken Language(s)
- German, French, English, Spanish, Portugues