Android istSOS
This is where I'll be posting information about the Android istSOS client GSoC 2016 project to the OSGeo community. |
Implementation plan
The android istSOS client project is divided into two reusable library and a reference implementation application. The first one is the istSOS Android Core Library, the second is the istSOS Android Tools and the application is the istSOS admin for android.
Weekly reports
Who will use results of this project
Student's biography
My name is Florin Cioloboc. Currently, I'm a MSc Geomatics student at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Programming/GIS/Technical skills
- Java, Python, little bit of C++, and R, familiar with HTML & CSS
- I use Eclipse, Sublime Text, Anaconda, Canopy,
- Comfortable working on both Windows and Linux
- Open Source GIS: QGIS, GeoServer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
- Familiar with Git and GitHub, Vagrant, VirtualBox
- Currently learning Android (docs, specs, Android Studio, GenyMotion etc.)