This is an informal wiki page which should be enriched by board and charter members. Its main goal is to provide some guidelines to newly elected charter members about their duties. Some do's and don'ts could first be added, and such a list could then tend to become official guidelines, through a more formal process.
Participate in Elections
Charter members' main role is to participate in OSGeo elections. They must:
- Vote for the annual new charter members elections every year
- Vote for the board members elections every year
So, What else?
- Promote OSGeo through the use of FOSS4G tools
- the OSGeo 101 which has been delivered at FOSS4G events
- Register as an OSGeo Member See Getting Started
- Take active part in OSGeo Mailing Lists
- Hack the OSGeo Wiki
- Help build a stronger OSGeo community through interactions with academia, businesses and research organizations
- Help organize workshops, trainings, conferences related to FOSS4G
- Find an opportunity/reason to wear an OSGeo T-shirt
- Ask good questions and provide answers when possible