FOSS4G2020 Q&A 2 Halifax

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Questions from Steven Feldman

  1. You have not provided the budget spreadsheet that was part of the RfP. Or did I miss it? Can you provide this to the Conference Committee?
  2. Can you provide clarity on whether you will be videoing and/or streaming just the plenaries or some of the conference streams as well? Is this provided for in your budget?
  3. Your budget has a very high dependency on sponsorship (up to 45% of income), higher than most previous events. Can you explain in more detail where you expect this sponsorship to come from?What are your contingencies if your target is not achieved?
  4. You have indicated that you will need seed funding of $50k from OSGeo, will you require any additional guarantees from OSGeo? You have proposed to remit 75% of any surplus back to OSGeo, the guideline in the RfP was for 85% to be returned to OSGeo, please explain why you are proposing a different level?
  5. You refer to a payment to co-chairs who will undertake the tasks of a PCO, can you provide some more detail on the amount of these payments and the scope of work to be undertaken? Will there be a formal contract between the LOC and the co-chairs? Who will arbitrate in the event of a dispute?
  6. Can you confirm that the workshop fee of US $200 (EB) or $300 (Regular) is for 2 full days of workshops. Is there an option for attendees to register for only 1 or 2 workshops individually?
  7. Can you confirm what level of discount on delegate fees you are offering to workshop presenters?
  8. In your budget you have a $62k line for Coordination (inc event planners, transport & hotels etc). Can you explain please?
  9. In your budget you have a $10k line for modifications to the registration system. Can you explain what this is and why it is needed?
  10. In your budget you have a line for “promotional stuff” running at almost $35/delegate - can you provide some more detail please?
  11. You mention a Travel Grant Programme of $20k - is this a contribution to the OSGeo TGP initiative or one that will be run independently by your LOC?
  12. Can you confirm that any funds allocated to a TGP (your own or the OSGeo one) will be used for travel and subsistence support and that all TGP recipients willl receive a free conference pass in addition (i.e the TGP funds will not be used to cover delegate passes)?