FOSS4G 2011 Other Conferences

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This calendar is intended to help the Conference Committee and the Denver LOC determine the dates for FOSS4G 2011. Ideally, it would be a full week between mid-August and mid-December 2011. Please edit this page and add any conference or event that you feel would prevent you or others from attending FOSS4G if it were held at the same time. Please provide links out when possible.

There are two ways of doing this: List the events or list the dates. I have chosen to focus on the possible dates and note exceptions rather than try to list exceptions and figure out dates. Weeks are listed Sunday-Saturday. If you have a conference or event that spans a weekend, use your judgement as whether to mention on both weeks.

If you know of any potential conflicts but do not yet know the dates, please list them below the calendar.


Mon Start End Conference/Event
Aug 14 20
21 27
28 3
Sept 4 10 Labour Day (US & Canada - 5th)
11 17
18 24
25 1 InterGeo (Germany) 27-29 Sept
Oct 2 8
9 15 Thanksgiving (Canada) and Geomatics 2011 (11-13 Oct, Montreal, Canada)
16 22 GeoInt (USA) 16-19 Oct
23 29 GITA GIS for Oil & Gas Conference (Houston) 24-27 Oct
30 5 *** challenging for POC ***
Nov 6 12 *** challenging for POC ***
13 19 IGU/UGI 2011 14-18, ASPRS Pecora 14-17
20 26 Thanksgiving (US)
27 3 Autodesk University (29 Nov - 1 Dec)
Dec 4 10 AGU 2011 (Dec 5-9)
11 17

Potential Conflicts

Major Holidays

Labour Day (Canada & USA) - Monday, September 5th

Thanksgiving (Canada) - Monday, October 10th

Thanksgiving (USA) - Thursday, November 24th


19th ACM SigSpatial Dates not yet announced.

NACIS 2011 - North American Cartographic Infromation Society Annual Meeting. Dates not yet announced.

GeoComputation 2011, 16-19 July in London, UK

GIS in the Rockies 2011 14 - 15 Sept (Unofficial)

InterGeo 2011, 27 - 29 Sept

Geomatics 2011, 11 - 13 Oct in Montreal, Canada (2011 website not up yet, 2009 website).

GeoInt 2011, 16 - 19 Oct

GITA GIS for Oil & Gas Conference 2011, 24 - 27 Oct, Houston. (2011 website not up yet, 2010 website).

ASPRS 2011 Pecora Fall Conference 14 -17 Nov

IGU/UGA 2011, 14 - 18 Nov, Santiago, Chile

Autodesk University 2011, 29 Nov - 1 Dec (2011 website not up yet, 2010 website).

AGU 2011, 5 - 9 Dec - Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Attracts over 16,000 people. Held in San Francisco. Official dates confirmed (contrary to some websites).