Foss4g2006 mailing

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To workshop givers

Dear workshop author,

We invite you to finalize your registration if it's not already done (please relay to co-authors and presenters). Notice that we give free registration for two presenters per workshop (social event not included). For these, when filling the form, in the conference fees section, select "No package".

Now, we have some more points to solve with you.

Workshops rooms filling :

  • We will make regular situation of the success of each workshop and keep you informed about the counting.

Description : After having read in order to ease the synchronization with local organizers, send us a detailed description on how you would like to organize your workshop :

  1. materials you will use (slides, documents...)
  2. powerful PC with lot of RAM, drive space ?
  3. OS preferences ?
  4. use of a LiveCD ?
  5. network speed ?
  6. what specific software will you use ?
  7. do you make a live install with the participants ?
  8. this list is not exhaustive...

Please send your description to

You should use for all your workshop questions. For registration questions, please ask

Thanks a lot for your contribution.

--- FOSS4G2006 Workshop Subcommittee