Udig the 10 minutes bug sprint

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Release Notes - uDIG - Version UDIG 1.2.M3

  • Sub-task
* [UDIG-933] - Paste feature to map editor does not work as expected 
  • Bug
* [UDIG-394] - Map squeezed after opening and closing welcome screen
* [UDIG-565] - WFS MaxFeatures connection parameter not supported
* [UDIG-652] - OWS Context Import Wizard clobbers the other data wizard
* [UDIG-833] - status bar message sometimes incorrect for "edit geometry" tool
* [UDIG-843] - Location style appears for Grid.
* [UDIG-862] - Drag-and-drop to reorder elements in the catalog view doesn't work
* [UDIG-957] - UiPlugin activator should check for net.refractions.udig bundle availability
* [UDIG-959] - Unable to reproject rasters to EPSG:2266
* [UDIG-986] - "Hide normal rendered feature" preference deactivation is not reflected on map
* [UDIG-987] - Tip of the Day is not large enough and cannot be resized
* [UDIG-1027] - Alternate splash screens need revision
* [UDIG-1031] - Map does not close when deleted
* [UDIG-1036] - Delete project does not work correctly
* [UDIG-1038] - Projection bar in Map View displays incorrect projection
* [UDIG-1050] - Shape export community plugin does not work
* [UDIG-1101] - Startup leaves no way to specify a workspace
* [UDIG-1219] - Bounding box for WFS doesn't update when an edit occurs
* [UDIG-1220] - Free-hand tool can't undo vertices
* [UDIG-1222] - Snapping does not work when using Free-hand tool
* [UDIG-1227] - Udig needs a --help command-line flag with a list of possible flags
* [UDIG-1232] - uDig alters the settings of eclipseIDE on gnu/linux
* [UDIG-1265] - Udig is not working with Turkish language
* [UDIG-1272] - GetFeatureInfo issued twice
* [UDIG-1286] - Shapefile in catalog not resetting
* [UDIG-1293] - Saving bookmarks does not work
* [UDIG-1295] - Moving a vertex representing more than side of a polygon may produce an invalid Geometry
* [UDIG-1312] - Add to New Map context menu problem
* [UDIG-1326] - PostGis No points rendered
* [UDIG-1372] - Labels have wrong layout in style dialog, "Simple" page
* [UDIG-1380] - Error when connecting to PostGIS due to GeoTools Connection Pool implementation
* [UDIG-1395] - Change style from theme to simple doesn't update SLD
* [UDIG-1396] - Unexpected error occured when rendering - How do I find the problem?
* [UDIG-1408] - Redundant information/display.
* [UDIG-1418] - Visualization of point selecion
* [UDIG-1423] - Selection not shown in Map (only table view)
* [UDIG-1424] - PointSymbolizer settings ignore when rendering
* [UDIG-1442] - Unable to Print in Landscape Mode
* [UDIG-1453] - println message
* [UDIG-1455] - Unresolved merge conflict
* [UDIG-1458] - WMS Title is very aggressively
* [UDIG-1464] - Map with CSV layer cannot be loaded on application restart
* [UDIG-1466] - Label are shown even for invisible layers after a Pan
* [UDIG-1469] - Raster files that used to work in uDig 1.1
* [UDIG-1475] - [TableView] Spatial filters do not work using CQL language
* [UDIG-1476] - wms: can not add new image type
* [UDIG-1483] - ERROR 4: cities.shp not recognised as a supported file format.
* [UDIG-1487] - PostGIS dialog reverses the letters as you type 
  • Improvement
* [UDIG-434] - Scalebar Graphic show feet when projection is feet centric
* [UDIG-817] - Confusions over shapefile being a File or a MapGraphic
* [UDIG-925] - Set CRS for Layers with Unknown CRS
* [UDIG-969] - Navigational tools should be availible when project or layer view are active
* [UDIG-1134] - QGIS-like dialog for PostGIS layer selection
* [UDIG-1188] - Need a way to specify the "default" geometry
* [UDIG-1264] - Cleanup of the Database import dialogs
* [UDIG-1322] - Allow for Theme Styles with no outlines
* [UDIG-1357] - uDig.app file in Finder should have uDig version #, not Eclipse's.
* [UDIG-1358] - Move default Project > Save directory out of uDIG.app package directory
* [UDIG-1381] - Create New Type dialog layout clips buttons on mac
* [UDIG-1382] - create postgis layer dropdown
* [UDIG-1480] - Display image
* [UDIG-1488] - PostGIS wizard table view needs to list the geometry column name 
  • New Feature
* [UDIG-218] - feature schema view for ui.
* [UDIG-410] - set background color
* [UDIG-568] - Add command line information in help
* [UDIG-661] - Preference Setting for Measurement Tool Units
* [UDIG-665] - Constrain geometry editting so invalid geometries cannot be created.
* [UDIG-666] - hotkeys to temporarily activate a tool.
* [UDIG-1273] - add NAD83 Alaska Albers EPSG 3338
* [UDIG-1451] - Simple style editor controls does not adapt to foreign language labels 
  • Task
* [UDIG-578] - Fix bugs with Tiling Renderer
* [UDIG-786] - System Documentation
* [UDIG-1210] - Update Catalog Tutorial wiki page


Dear community of udig developers and users (and all osgeo supporters).

We are delighted to propose you the 10 minutes bug sprint!!

What is the 10 minutes code sprint?

A code sprint in which bugs and feature requests will be fixed that are supposed to take only 10 minutes to the involved developer (in a perfect world).

What will it gain?

  • Many small bugs fixed that make users very happy.
  • Lots of satisfaction for the developers that are involved that will smash lots of bugs.
  • A nice and clean JIRA list.
  • All in all a happy community.

When will it be?

The sprint will cover Saturday and Sunday the 14th and 15th of March 2009. As usual for uDig sprints if not defined else, it will take place in all-around-the-world IRC sessions, with Sydney giving the good start push. :)

Further informations

A cleanup of the JIRA issues list has been started and should be finished in one day or so.

A first result we gained can be seen in the list of components, which has passed from users unreadable format of more than 30 categories to a more content based set of 14 categories.

for developers

The aim is to isolate a list of bugs with that only caracteristic: it should be solvable in more or less 10 minutes.

Those bugs are going to be marked with fix version UDIG 1.2.M3 and will be available to the developers during the code sprint at this link.

for users

The aim is that to make it easier for users to report bugs and assigning them to a category. The above linked page shows the list of categories and a funny description through which Jody helps us to decide.

for testers

We are incurring in many bugs of which we are not sure if they are still bugs. So this time testers will be even more important, in order to go through the bugs list and help to decide if the issue is still a bug or if it can be closed. So please testers, come and help!

roadmap page

Also, a roadmap wiki page has been setup (still in progress) to keep under control the bugs list and their evolution.

attending people

Please add yourself here in order to know on who we can count on. Any time and any time interval will be of help to the community, so jump by even if you have just a couple of hours!

  • Andrea Antonello - devel
  • Silvia Franceschi - testing
  • Jody - devel
  • Emily - devel
  • Jesse Eichar - devel
  • Craig Taverner - testing (+devel?)
  • Anthony Wachira - testing
  • Frankline Ogongi - testing
  • ...add yourself here