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Monsieur SARR Khalifa Ababacar est né le 05 Septembre 1976 à Pire Gourèye, une commune rurale située dans le département de Tivaouane (région de Thiès). Mon village d’origine est Ndiffife qui constitue un des établissements humains de l’Arrondissement de Pambal, localisable à 2.5 km à l’Ouest de Pire Gourèye. Ce village fut fondé vers les années 1850 par l’ancêtre Tafsir Moussé SARR, un sage érudit de l’Islam et grand Moukhadam de Seydil Hadji Malick SY (RTA) de Tivaouane.  
[[File:25ans UGB Cérémonie-officielle 21042016 2.jpg|thumbnail]]
Mr. SARR Khalifa Ababacar was born on September 5, 1976 in Pire Gourèye, a rural town located in the department of Tivaouane (region of Thiès). My village of origin is Ndiffife which constitutes one of the human settlements of the Arrondissement of Pambal, localizable to 2.5 km to the West of Pire Gourèye. This village was founded in the 1850s by the ancestor Tafsir Moussé SARR, a wise scholar of Islam and great Moukhadam of Seydil Hadji Malick SY (RTA) of Tivaouane.
Khalifa A. SARR a fait ses débuts à l’école primaire élémentaire de Pire Gourèye entre 1983 et 1985. Après deux années d’étude (CI et CP) dans ce foyer du savoir, école primaire Khaly Amar FALL de la route de Diacksao, vu les difficultés d’accès et d’encadrement dans études longtemps connues à Pire, son père El Hadji Bara a décidé de le transférer à Ngaye Méckhé, une commune urbaine jouxtant Pire Gourèye en allant vers Saint-Louis. Arrivé chez son Serigne, homonyme et gendre Marabout Khalifa DIAGNE, grand maître coranique à Ngaye DIAGNE, Mbaye SARR a non seulement intégré en 1985 la classe de CE1 à l’école primaire élémentaire de Meckhé 3, mais il a également allié à cela, une formation coranique intense sous bon contrôle.  
Khalifa A. SARR made his debut at the elementary elementary school of Pire Gourèye between 1983 and 1985. After two years of study (CI and CP) in this knowledge center, primary school Khaly Amar FALL of the Diacksao road, Given the difficulties of access and supervision in studies well known in Pire, his father El Hadji Bara decided to transfer him to Ngaye Méckhé, an urban commune adjoining Pire Gourèye on his way to Saint-Louis. Arrived at his Serigne, homonym and son-in-law Marabout Khalifa DIAGNE, Grand Master Koran at Ngaye DIAGNE, Mbaye SARR not only integrated the class of CE1 in elementary elementary school of Meckhe 3 in 1985, but he also allied Koranic training under good control.
En 1990, l’élève SARR décroche son billet d’accès pour le CEM Cheikh Mourath NDAO de Meckhé en obtenant le Certificat primaire et l’entrée en sixième. Quatre années plus tard, il obtient le BFEM (Brevet de Fin d’Etude Moyen) dès le premier tour de la session 1994 des examens et concours du Moyen. Il fut orienté au Lycée de Tivaouane mais son papa le Sergent-Chef El Hadji Malick SARR l’attira à Dakar. Ainsi arrivé tardivement à Dakar et vu les difficultés d’admission en Seconde dans les lycées publics particulièrement, recours a été fait au lycée privé Yalla-Suur-En de la Sicap Karack.  
In 1990, the student SARR obtains his ticket for the CEM Sheikh Mourath NDAO of Meckhe by obtaining the Primary Certificate and the entry in sixth. Four years later, he obtained the BFEM (Patent of End of Middle Study) from the first round of the 1994 session of the exams and competitions of the Middle. He was sent to the Lycee de Tivaouane, but his father, Sergeant-Chef El Hadji Malick SARR, drew him to Dakar. Thus arrived late in Dakar and seen the difficulties of admission in Second in the public lycées especially, recourse was made to the private high school Yalla-Suur-En of the Sicap Karack.
C’est seulement au début de l’année scolaire 1995-1996 que SARR Ababacar Khalifa aura obtenu un billet d’admission pour le lycée Mixte Maurice Delafosse. Il a été admis au Baccalauréat dès le premier tour de la Session avancée de Septembre 1997 avec la longue grève qui était connue et qui aura fortement marquée la conscience collective de l’école Sénégalaise.  
It was only at the beginning of the 1995-1996 academic year that SARR Ababacar Khalifa obtained an admission ticket for the mixed school Maurice Delafosse. He was admitted to the Baccalaureate from the first round of the Advanced Session of September 1997 with the long strike which was known and which will have strongly marked the collective conscience of the Senegalese school.
Le 17 octobre 1997, le nouveau bachelier débarque à l’université Gaston BERGER (www.ugb.sn) de Saint-LOUIS du Sénégal. De même c’est la section de Géographie de l’UFR (Unité de Formation et de Recherches) de Lettres et Sciences Humaines qui l’accueillit. Par conséquent, l’année universitaire 1997-1998 a aussi subi de graves perturbations occasionnant une session unique : celle d’octobre 1998 qui nous aurait permis d’accéder en deuxième année de Géographie. L’impétrant SARR a eu le DEUG (Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales) en 2000, la Licence (option : Aménagement du Territoire) en 2001 et le Diplôme de Maîtrise en 2004.  
On October 17, 1997, the new bachelor arrives at the university Gaston BERGER (www.ugb.sn) of Saint-Louis of Senegal. In the same way, it was the section of Geography of the UFR (Unit of Formation and Research) of Letters and Human Sciences which welcomed it. Consequently, the academic year 1997-1998 also suffered severe disruptions resulting in a single session: that of October 1998 which would have allowed us to enter the second year of Geography. The applicant SARR had the DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies) in 2000, the License (option: Development of the Territory) in 2001 and the Master's Degree in 2004.
Après sa formation du deuxième cycle, Mr SARR a fait un stage pré-emploi, avant de devenir assistant dans le domaine des Systèmes d’Information géographiques (SIG) au niveau de la Cellule Outils et Stratégies de l’Organisation Non Gouvernementale AQUADEV West Africa (www.aquadev.org), bureau de Louga. Il aura vécu près 15 mois comme prestataire de service aussi dans cette structure avant de rejoindre l’école sous-africaine du Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS : www.rectas.org) du Nigéria. Cette institution est créée en 1972. Elle a toujours accueilli des étudiants ouest-africains et particulièrement des sénégalais. Elle est une composante scientifique panafricaniste de 8 Etats de la CEDEAO dont le Mali, le Sénégal, le Bénin, le Ghana, le Nigéria, le Niger, le Burkina Faso et le Cameroun. C’est là où, Mr SARR a obtenu son Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) en géométique, option SIG avec la mention BIEN en Août 2007.  
After his second cycle, Mr SARR completed a pre-employment training course before becoming an assistant in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the level of the Tools and Strategies Unit of the Non-Governmental Organization AQUADEV West Africa (Www.aquadev.org), office of Louga. He will have spent almost 15 months as a service provider in this structure before joining the African School of the Regional Center for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS: www.rectas.org) in Nigeria. This institution was created in 1972. It has always welcomed West African students and especially Senegalese students. It is a pan-African scientific component of 8 ECOWAS states including Mali, Senegal, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso and Cameroon. This is where, Mr SARR obtained his Diploma of Specialized Higher Education (DESS) in geomatics, option GIS with the mention BIEN in August 2007.
Depuis le début du mois de Septembre, SARR Khalifa Ababacar est retourné au Sénégal et entend toujours œuvré dans le domaine du développement national.  
Since the beginning of September, SARR Khalifa Ababacar has returned to Senegal and still intends to work in the field of national development.
L’Expert géomaticien SARR a travaillé dans le cabinet iDev-IC ex-SENAGROSOL Consult (www.senagrosol.com) dans un projet intitulé « Identification et cartographie des zones à risque du Sénégal » de décembre 2008 à décembre 2009.  
The geomatician expert SARR worked in the firm iDev-IC ex-SENAGROSOL Consult (www.senagrosol.com) in a project entitled "Identification and mapping of zones at risk of Senegal" from December 2008 to December 2009.
En janvier 2010, il intègre MANOBI-Sénégal qui est un opérateur panafricain GSM & GPS qui a travaillé sur bien des projets comme la cartographie de la Mexique, d'Honduras, de la Cote d'Ivoire, etc. mais aussi au niveau national avec le recensement des panneaux publicitaires de la Mairie de Dakar pour l'assiette fiscale de l'évaluation de la taxation. En décembre 2010, il quitte MANOBI après 11 mois de prise en charge du Poste des opérations géomatiques de la structure.  
In January 2010, he joined MANOBI-Senegal, which is a pan-African GSM & GPS operator who has worked on many projects such as Mexico, Honduras, Cote d'Ivoire, etc. But also at the national level with the census of the billboards of the City council of Dakar for the tax base of the evaluation of the taxation. In December 2010, he left MANOBI after 11 months of taking charge of the Geomatics Operations Station of the structure.
Intégrant le domaine de la consultance en 2011, j'ai eu à travailler avec beaucoup de programmes et de cabinets : Projet d'appui aux Communes Rurales de la Vallée du Fleuve Sénégal (PACR-VFS), Groupe d'Ingénierie et de Conseils (GIC), Afrique Emergence Conseils (AEC), Groupe Stratégies et de Leadership (GSL), etc.
As a consultant in the field of consultancy in 2011, I had to work with a lot of programs and offices: Project of support to the Rural Communes of the Valley of the Senegal River (PACR-VFS), Group of Engineering and Consulting GIC), Africa Emergence Conseils (AEC), Strategies and Leadership Group (GSL), etc.
En janvier 2012, Mr SARR a été recruté par le Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel dans son Département Géomatique du CEDT-G15 pour l'enseignement de la Cartographie thématique, des phases de conception de bases de données géospatiales et des techniques de base de la géographie. Il donne depuis 2012 aussi le cours de Systèmes d'Information Géographiques (SIG) appliqués à l'élevage du Master Epidémiologie et Gestion des Risques Sanitaires (EGRS) sur 60 heures à l'Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Médecines Vétérinaires (EISMV) de l'enceinte de l'UCAD.
Contact information:
Aujourd'hui, Khalifa est le Manager Géomaticien qui gère le Poste d'Administrateur de la Base de données Géospatiale de l'Unité de Coordination de la Gestion des déchets solides (UCG) du Ministère de la Gouvernance Locale, du Développement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MGLDAT).
* mail: khasaar [at] gmail [dot] com
* phone: +221 77 657 73 46

Latest revision as of 00:44, 1 September 2017

25ans UGB Cérémonie-officielle 21042016 2.jpg

Mr. SARR Khalifa Ababacar was born on September 5, 1976 in Pire Gourèye, a rural town located in the department of Tivaouane (region of Thiès). My village of origin is Ndiffife which constitutes one of the human settlements of the Arrondissement of Pambal, localizable to 2.5 km to the West of Pire Gourèye. This village was founded in the 1850s by the ancestor Tafsir Moussé SARR, a wise scholar of Islam and great Moukhadam of Seydil Hadji Malick SY (RTA) of Tivaouane.

Khalifa A. SARR made his debut at the elementary elementary school of Pire Gourèye between 1983 and 1985. After two years of study (CI and CP) in this knowledge center, primary school Khaly Amar FALL of the Diacksao road, Given the difficulties of access and supervision in studies well known in Pire, his father El Hadji Bara decided to transfer him to Ngaye Méckhé, an urban commune adjoining Pire Gourèye on his way to Saint-Louis. Arrived at his Serigne, homonym and son-in-law Marabout Khalifa DIAGNE, Grand Master Koran at Ngaye DIAGNE, Mbaye SARR not only integrated the class of CE1 in elementary elementary school of Meckhe 3 in 1985, but he also allied Koranic training under good control.

In 1990, the student SARR obtains his ticket for the CEM Sheikh Mourath NDAO of Meckhe by obtaining the Primary Certificate and the entry in sixth. Four years later, he obtained the BFEM (Patent of End of Middle Study) from the first round of the 1994 session of the exams and competitions of the Middle. He was sent to the Lycee de Tivaouane, but his father, Sergeant-Chef El Hadji Malick SARR, drew him to Dakar. Thus arrived late in Dakar and seen the difficulties of admission in Second in the public lycées especially, recourse was made to the private high school Yalla-Suur-En of the Sicap Karack.

It was only at the beginning of the 1995-1996 academic year that SARR Ababacar Khalifa obtained an admission ticket for the mixed school Maurice Delafosse. He was admitted to the Baccalaureate from the first round of the Advanced Session of September 1997 with the long strike which was known and which will have strongly marked the collective conscience of the Senegalese school.

On October 17, 1997, the new bachelor arrives at the university Gaston BERGER (www.ugb.sn) of Saint-Louis of Senegal. In the same way, it was the section of Geography of the UFR (Unit of Formation and Research) of Letters and Human Sciences which welcomed it. Consequently, the academic year 1997-1998 also suffered severe disruptions resulting in a single session: that of October 1998 which would have allowed us to enter the second year of Geography. The applicant SARR had the DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies) in 2000, the License (option: Development of the Territory) in 2001 and the Master's Degree in 2004.

After his second cycle, Mr SARR completed a pre-employment training course before becoming an assistant in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the level of the Tools and Strategies Unit of the Non-Governmental Organization AQUADEV West Africa (Www.aquadev.org), office of Louga. He will have spent almost 15 months as a service provider in this structure before joining the African School of the Regional Center for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS: www.rectas.org) in Nigeria. This institution was created in 1972. It has always welcomed West African students and especially Senegalese students. It is a pan-African scientific component of 8 ECOWAS states including Mali, Senegal, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso and Cameroon. This is where, Mr SARR obtained his Diploma of Specialized Higher Education (DESS) in geomatics, option GIS with the mention BIEN in August 2007.

Since the beginning of September, SARR Khalifa Ababacar has returned to Senegal and still intends to work in the field of national development.

The geomatician expert SARR worked in the firm iDev-IC ex-SENAGROSOL Consult (www.senagrosol.com) in a project entitled "Identification and mapping of zones at risk of Senegal" from December 2008 to December 2009.

In January 2010, he joined MANOBI-Senegal, which is a pan-African GSM & GPS operator who has worked on many projects such as Mexico, Honduras, Cote d'Ivoire, etc. But also at the national level with the census of the billboards of the City council of Dakar for the tax base of the evaluation of the taxation. In December 2010, he left MANOBI after 11 months of taking charge of the Geomatics Operations Station of the structure.

As a consultant in the field of consultancy in 2011, I had to work with a lot of programs and offices: Project of support to the Rural Communes of the Valley of the Senegal River (PACR-VFS), Group of Engineering and Consulting GIC), Africa Emergence Conseils (AEC), Strategies and Leadership Group (GSL), etc.

Contact information:

* mail: khasaar [at] gmail [dot] com 
* phone: +221 77 657 73 46