Difference between revisions of "Mapbender Incubation Progress"

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(moved from Mapbender Wiki web site)
(changed to reflect status as a graduated project (although this does not seem to make much difference, who cares?).)
(34 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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''This page has been developed in the [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/OSGeo_Project_Incubation Mapbender Wiki Incubation page] and was copied to OSGeo Wiki March 19th''
''[[Mapbender]] has officially graduated as OSGeo Project. This page lists the steps taken during OSGeo Incubation and is kept for documentation purposes. Find all current information on the [http://www.mapbender.org Mapbender Website and Wiki].''
== English ==
== General ==
== Project Evaluation Criteria ==
Criteria for prioritizing projects for the incubation process.
; Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
: Yes
=== Requirements ===
; Has an OSGeo committee member been assigned as Mentor?
* the code is under an OSI approved license (data & doc projects need to specify their choice for a type of license).
: Yes, [[User:Pagameba | Paul Spencer]]
: -> Mapbender is licensed under the [[GNU GPL]]
* project willing to keep code clear of encumbrances (committer agreements, etc).
: -> Committer agreements are in progress. All active committers have consented to sign [http://www.fossgis.de/osgeo/index.php/Individual_Contributor_License_Agreement_%28CLA%29 Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA)] (once it is approved)
* the project is "geospatial", or directly in support of geospatial applications.
: -> There is an [http://wms1.ccgis.de/mapbender2/frames/login.php?name=mb&password=mb&mb_user_myGui=mapbender Mapbender application] that shows some of the highlights.
<iframe src='http://wms1.ccgis.de/mapbender2/frames/login.php?name=mapbender&password=mapbender&mb_user_myGui=ccgis_de'
width='250' height='200' frameborder='0'>
''This application is a Mapbender MiniMe.''
== Infrastructure Transition ==
=== Desirable ===
''Note, for each of the following it isn't necessary to move to foundation infrastructure, but if you aren't a reason should be provided.''
* already reasonably mature (working quality code).
: -> Mapbender has been in productive use for more than a year in at least 30 larger installations. The roots go back to the year 1999 when the software was first implemented as a proprietary package. At the end of 2002 it was published for the first time as [[Free Software]], in August 2003 it was moved to [[SourceForge]], at the end of 2004 code moved into the [[CVS]].
* already has a substantial user community.
: -> The user mailing list has around 197 subscribers, at the the first national Mapbender user meeting in Bonn, Germany 80 people showed up.
* already has a substantial developer community.
: -> 8 active contributors
: -> 10 to 50 CVS commits per week
* adheres to standards (ie. OGC, etc) where appropriate.
: -> Mapbender implements OGC WMS, WFS, WFS-T, WCD, CS-W 2.0 beta, WKT, SFS, and many more
* has linkages with existing foundation projects.
** [[MapServer]] (pending)
** [[GeoServer]] (pending)
** [[MapBuilder]] (pending)
** [[PostGIS]] (external)
* fills a gap in the foundation software stack.
: -> Mapbender is probably the only comprehensive server side OGC OWS management interfaces that includes user and group management with multi-client capacity, CMS-style interface development, security module, log, monitor, etc. We do not know whether we fill any gaps, but we have friendly contacts to the [[MapBuilder]] team and plan to cooperate closely.
* prepared to develop in an open and collaborative fashion.
: -> Contributors are welcome. Cross project interaction is being discussed and joining with the [[MapBuilder]] project is planned as long time goal.
* has contributions and interest from more than just one company/organization.
: -> Core developers come from the companies [[CCGIS]], [[CeGIT]] and [[terrestris]], code contributions come from [[KARTA.GO]], [[Geo-Consortium]], [[in medias res]], some individuals and larger customers.
* willing to migrate to foundation support infrastructure, and adopt website style consistent with the foundation.
: -> CVS, Mailing lists (user, devel, CVS) are ready to migrate. The web page, documentation, develoment coordination, demo site, developer beta and testing pages are all integrated into this Wiki and should stay that way if possible.
; Has https://mapbender.osgeo.org domain been populated with the projects we presence?
: Yes. It has links to the project homepage, download, demo and gallery. Most content is managed in the Wiki at the project web site at http://www.mapbender.org
== Deutsch ==
; Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project? 
== Bewertungskriterien des Projektes ==
: No, bug trackking is a loose business due to the nature of the project. Issues that cannot be resolved at once (within 72 h) are added to the Wiki.
Kriterien für die Priorisierung von Projekten innerhalb des Inkubationsprozesses.
; Is the OSGeo mailing list manager being used for the project?
: Yes. Currently [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Mapbender_Mailing_Lists three lists] are in use for users, developer and an automated committs list that is fed by the SVN
=== Anforderungen ===
; Is the OSGeo SVN or CVS system being used for the project?
* Der Code ist unter einer von der OSI anerkannten Lizenz verfügbar (Daten und Dokumentationen der Projekte müssen die Wahl eines Lizenztypes spezifizieren).
: Yes, the OSGeo [https://mapbender.osgeo.org/source/browse/mapbender/ Mapbender SVN] is up and running. As the [https://mapbender.osgeo.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=38&expandFolder=38&folderID=0  CVS history] could not be uploaded to the SVN it has to be accessed at the old repository where it can be browsed with an [http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/mapbender/mapbender/ online CVS viewer].
: -> Mapbender ist lizensiert unter der [[GNU GPL]]
* Das Projekt ist in der Lage den Code frei von Altlasten zu halten (Verpflichtende der Vereinbarung CLA)
: -> Die Vereinbarunen der Verpflichtenden sind in Bearbeitung. Alle aktiven Verpflichtenden haben eingewilligt die
[http://www.fossgis.de/osgeo/index.php/Individual_Contributor_License_Agreement_%28CLA%29 Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA)] zu unterschreiben (sobald sie genehmigt ist).
* Das Projekt ist "geospatial", oder hat direkt mit der Unterstützung von geospatialen Applikationen zu tun.
: -> Hier ist eine [http://wms1.ccgis.de/mapbender2/frames/login.php?name=mb&password=mb&mb_user_myGui=mapbender Mapbender Applikation], die einige der Highlights zeigt.
<iframe src='http://wms1.ccgis.de/mapbender2/frames/login.php?name=mapbender&password=mapbender&mb_user_myGui=ccgis_de'
width='250' height='200' frameborder='0'>
''Dies ist eine Mapbender Mini Applikation.''
; Are binary and source downloads available from the OSGeo download area?
: Yes. (due to the nature of the project there is one single ZIP file that contains everything, no build process or binaries required)
=== Wünschenswert ===
== Community Functioning ==
* Bereits einigermaßen ausgereift (Qualität des Codes hat sich bewährt).
: -> Mapbender ist seit mehr als einem Jahr und in mindestens 30 größeren Installationen produktiv. Seine Wurzeln reichen zurück bis in das Jahr 1999, als die Software das erste Mal als proprietäres Packet implementiert wurde. Ende 2002 wurde sie erstmals als [[Free Software|Freie Software]] veröffentlicht, im August 2003 ist sie zu [[SourceForge]] umgezogen und Ende 2004 wurde sie ins [[CVS]] gestellt.  
; Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
* Hat bereits eine beachtliche Anwendergemeinschaft.
: Yes, there are two active mailing lists and most recently an IRC channel has been added
: -> Die User Mailing Listehat um die 197 Abonnenten, beim ersten nationalen Mapbender Anendertreffen in Bonn erschienen 80 Teilnehmer.
* Hat bereits eine beachtliche Entwicklergemeinschaft.
; Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
: -> 8 aktive Mitwirkende
: Yes. (due to the nature of the project there is one single ZIP file that contains everything, no build process or binaries required)
: -> 10 bis 50 CVS Bestätigungen pro Woche
* Einhaltung von Standards (z.B. OGC, etc.), wo es angebracht ist.
; Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
: -> Mapbender implementiert OGC WMS, WFS, WFS-T, WCD, CS-W 2.0 beta, WKT, SFS, und viele mehr
: Yes. The members are liste on the [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Mapbender_PSC Mapbender PSC] page of the Wiki.
* Hat Verbindungen zu bereits existierenden Basis-Projekten.
; Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.  
** [[MapServer]] (bevorstehend)
: Yes, see [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Development_Process Development Process] and [http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Voting_Process Voting Process].  
** [[GeoServer]] (bevorstehend)
** [[MapBuilder]] (bevorstehend)
; How many active developers are there?  Are they from multiple organizations?
** [[PostGIS]] (extern)
: 7 developers from 5 different organizations (CCGIS, SAG-EL, terrestris. KARTA.GO, Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz, NRW) plus the on and off contributor
* Füllt eine Lücke in der Software Palette der Foundation.
: -> Mapbender ist wahrscheinlich die einzige umfangreiche, serverseitige OGC OWS Verwaltungs-Oberfläche, die eine Benutzer- und Gruppenverwaltung mit Multi-Client Kapazität, Entwicklungsumgebung im CMS-stil, Sicherheitsmodul, Log und Monitor etc. beinhaltet. Wir wissen nicht, ob wir irgendwelche Lücken füllen, aber wir haben einen freundschaftlichen Kontakt zum [[MapBuilder]]-Team und planen eine enge Zusammenarbeit.
== Foundation Membership ==
* Bereit in einer offenen und kollaborativen Art und Weise zu entwickeln.
: -> Mitwirkende sind sehr willkommen. Übergreifende Projektinteraktion wird diskutiert und eine Verbindung mit dem [[MapBuilder]] Projekt wird auf längere Sicht hin angestrebt.
; Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
* Hat Beteiligungen und Interessen von mehr als einer Firma/Organisation.
: Yes. We are still missing an OSGeo logo and correct wording. Please indicate whether "Mapbender is an OSGeo Foundation project" is fine?
: -> Die Hauptentwickler kommen von den Firmen [[CCGIS]], [[CeGIT]] und [[terrestris]], die Einbringung von Code kommt von [[KARTA.GO]], [[Geo-Consortium]], [[in medias res]], einigen einzelnen Personen und größeren Auftraggeber.
* Bereit zur Foundation Support Infrastruktur zu migrieren, und mit dem Stil der Webseiten der Foundation konform zu gehen.
; Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
: -> CVS, Mailing Listen (user, devel, CVS) sind bereit zu migrieren. Die Webseite, Dokumentation, Entwicklungskoordination, Demoseite, Entwickler beta und Testseiten sind alle in diesem Wiki integriert und sollen, wenn möglich auch so bleiben.
: The logo has been inlcuded and some green added here and there. This does not deserve being titled styling and branding but there is not much branding material available at OSGeo.
== Code Copyright Review ==
; Has a [[Code Provenance Review]] document been prepared for the project?
: Yes [[Mapbender Provenance Review]]
; Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
: They are currently being adressed: [[Mapbender Provenance Review#Other licensing model]]

Latest revision as of 00:24, 5 May 2007

Mapbender has officially graduated as OSGeo Project. This page lists the steps taken during OSGeo Incubation and is kept for documentation purposes. Find all current information on the Mapbender Website and Wiki.


Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
Has an OSGeo committee member been assigned as Mentor?
Yes, Paul Spencer

Infrastructure Transition

Note, for each of the following it isn't necessary to move to foundation infrastructure, but if you aren't a reason should be provided.

Has https://mapbender.osgeo.org domain been populated with the projects we presence?
Yes. It has links to the project homepage, download, demo and gallery. Most content is managed in the Wiki at the project web site at http://www.mapbender.org
Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
No, bug trackking is a loose business due to the nature of the project. Issues that cannot be resolved at once (within 72 h) are added to the Wiki.
Is the OSGeo mailing list manager being used for the project?
Yes. Currently three lists are in use for users, developer and an automated committs list that is fed by the SVN
Is the OSGeo SVN or CVS system being used for the project?
Yes, the OSGeo Mapbender SVN is up and running. As the CVS history could not be uploaded to the SVN it has to be accessed at the old repository where it can be browsed with an online CVS viewer.
Are binary and source downloads available from the OSGeo download area?
Yes. (due to the nature of the project there is one single ZIP file that contains everything, no build process or binaries required)

Community Functioning

Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
Yes, there are two active mailing lists and most recently an IRC channel has been added
Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
Yes. (due to the nature of the project there is one single ZIP file that contains everything, no build process or binaries required)
Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
Yes. The members are liste on the Mapbender PSC page of the Wiki.
Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
Yes, see Development Process and Voting Process.
How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
7 developers from 5 different organizations (CCGIS, SAG-EL, terrestris. KARTA.GO, Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz, NRW) plus the on and off contributor

Foundation Membership

Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
Yes. We are still missing an OSGeo logo and correct wording. Please indicate whether "Mapbender is an OSGeo Foundation project" is fine?
Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
The logo has been inlcuded and some green added here and there. This does not deserve being titled styling and branding but there is not much branding material available at OSGeo.

Code Copyright Review

Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
Yes Mapbender Provenance Review
Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
They are currently being adressed: Mapbender Provenance Review#Other licensing model