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Just so you know, I did use GRASS in my masters! I coded a simple bash+perl script for automatic cloud detection. The script is based on the following paper:
Just so you know, I did use GRASS in my masters! I coded a simple bash+perl script for automatic cloud detection. The script is based on the following paper:
Simpson, J. J. Gobat, J. I. Improved Cloud Detection for Daytime AVHRR Scenes over Land '''REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT'''. 1996, VOL 55; NUMBER 1, pages 21-49
Simpson, J. J. Gobat, J. I. Improved Cloud Detection for Daytime AVHRR Scenes over Land '''REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT'''. 1996, VOL 55; NUMBER 1, pages 21-49
Curently I'm working on the water modeling of the Amazon basin using the VIC model and hopfully will link that to a biogeochemical transport model
Curently I'm working on the water modeling of the Amazon basin using the VIC model and hopfully will link that to a biogeochemical transport model
== Where am I at? ==
== Where am I at? ==

Latest revision as of 09:24, 1 June 2006

Daniel de Castro Victoria
- individual -

Who am I?

Good question, wish I knew...
I'm Brazilian and have an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Enginnering. I also have a masters degree and I'm currently working on a doctorate at CENA-USP.

What I do?

For my masters I inserted the Thorthwaite-Mather water balance inside ARC-Info (I know I know, was not very fluent in GRASS back then) and did a water balance for the Ji-Paraná river basin (western Amazon). The dissertation can be found here. Just search for Daniel Victoria. The title is: Estimativa da evapotranspiração da bacia do Ji-Paraná (RO) através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. - in portuguese.

Just so you know, I did use GRASS in my masters! I coded a simple bash+perl script for automatic cloud detection. The script is based on the following paper:

Simpson, J. J. Gobat, J. I. Improved Cloud Detection for Daytime AVHRR Scenes over Land REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT. 1996, VOL 55; NUMBER 1, pages 21-49

Curently I'm working on the water modeling of the Amazon basin using the VIC model and hopfully will link that to a biogeochemical transport model

Where am I at?

I live in Piracicaba, São Paulo state, Brazil

Other plans...

Start helping Paulo Marcondes (pmarc) in translating GRASS to portuguese


Some of my published works
...will do it later...