Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2017-10-05"

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(board meeting minutes)
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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* ''appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary''
* ''appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary''
* ''Approve last [[Board Meeting 2017-09-07|meeting minutes]]''
* ''Approve last [[Board Meeting 2017-09-07|meeting minutes]]''
* Schedule Project review meeting
* Note motions passed by electronic voting:
* Discuss and approve revised DOI MOU
** acceptance of new charter members
* osgeo.org website/rebranding
** decision on hosting from system administration committee
** discuss revision of payment schedule due to above delay
* Schedule Project review meeting, waiting on report from Jeff McKenna
* Review outstanding f2f meeting action items
* Review outstanding f2f meeting action items
** Need a list of these items
* 2018 budget preflight update
=== Minutes ===
=== Minutes ===
* Attending:  TBD
* Attending:  Venka, Sanghee, Angelos, Michael, Maria, Anita, Jody
* Presiding: TBD
* Presiding: Venka
* Scribing: TBD
* Scribing: Angelos
* ...
* Approval of previous board meeting minutes on 2017-09-07. (see MOT1)
* Approval of previous board meeting minutes on 2017-05-11. (see MOT2)
* Note motions passed by electronic voting
** Formally approve the 2017 new charter members list (see MOT3).
** Welcome to new charter members. Thanks to Vasile and Jeff our CROs
** Discussion about the idea of something like the lime survey for next round of charter members so its less of a manual process.
** Discussion about finding out which charter members have not voted for two year consecutively.
* Schedule Project review meeting, waiting on report from Jeff McKenna. Jeff will send the link to the document to the Board to review
* Review outstanding f2f meeting action items
** European bank account: Angelos and Vasile to open the account.
*** We need two directors in one location to open the account.
*** One question is where to open the account - needs more discussion.  
*** Vasile and Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary (see MOT4)
** Request for support for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings.
*** Franz was requested to contact Charlie to find out about bringing a joint conference proceedings for 2016 and 2017, not sure what happened after that.
*** Instead of transforming everything in latex, the papers can be asked in pdf (camera ready). Charlie has the template. He modified the one from FOSS4G-2015.
*** No approve request for funding for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings (see MOT5)
* 2018 budget preflight update
** We can note that projects have been asked to think about next years budgets
** Planning budget for 2018 would happen by the new board with some knowledge on surplus generated in Bonn and Boston
** So far, not many have taken the time to reply http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2018
** Venka suggested we send a remainder to all project PSC to submit their reports by end of Oct. 2017 and include their budget request for 2018 in the report.
* osgeo.org website/rebranding
** The marketing committee is reviewing two of the deliverables (branding and printables).
** The website has been making progress, mostly on the vendor end as they address bugs raised during the foss4g sprint (they are going to send out a feedback survey after the bugs are fixed).
** SAC meeting on Oct 10th
** Discussion about rebooting Website Committee with a mandate for maintaining the new website content. No decisions yet, more discussions to follow.
* Next board IRC meeting same time on 2 Nov, 2017
=== Actions ===
=== Actions ===
* Jeff McKenna to send the Project Review document to the Board.
* Vasile and Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary
* Jody to see who could not make the AGM, and we can sort out contacting those projects on the board email list
* Angelos to join the SAC meeting to report back progress on website.
=== Motions  ===
=== Motions  ===
{|class="wikitable sortable"  border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="all" style="margin:1em 1em 1em 0; border:solid 1px #AAAAAAAA; border-collapse:collapse; font-size:95%; empty-cells:show;"
MOT1: Approve last meeting minutes https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-09-07
* Motion by Angelos
* Approve: Michael, Sanghee, Venka, Angelos, Anita
* Abstain: Maria
* Block:
* Moved to Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/p/RsmTnpKb/approve-board-meeting-minutes-2017-09-07-
* Motion passed
MOT2: Approve meeting minutes https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-05-11
* Motion by Venka
* Approve: Angelos, Michael, Sanghee, Venka, Maria
* Abstain: Anita
* Block:  
* Moved to Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/p/VElT0PB1/approve-board-meeting-minutes-for-2017-05-11
* Motion passed
MOT3: Formally approve the 2017 new charter members list https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2017
* Motion by Angelos
* Approve: Venka, Michael, Sanghee, Maria, Anita, Angelos
* Abstain:
* Block:
* Moved to Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/p/dxOh28JT/approve-the-2017-new-charter-members-list
* Motion passed
MOT4: Vasile, Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary.
* Motion by Venka
* Approve: Anita, Michael, Maria, Venka, Sanghee, Jody
* Abstain: Angelos
* Block:
* Motion passed (not moved to Loomio, since this is actually an action item)
MOT5: No approve request for funding for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings
* Motion by Venka
* Approve: Angelos, Sanghee, Venka, Anita, Maria, Jody
* Abstain:
* Block:
* Moved to Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/p/qZvzkMHO/do-not-approve-request-for-funding-for-proofing-layout-for-foss4g-2016-proceedings
* Motion passed
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* http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2017-10-05.log
* http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2017-10-05.log
[[Category:Board Meetings 2017]]

Latest revision as of 14:01, 30 October 2017

This board meeting is scheduled for 5 October 2017 (the first Thursday of each month) at [1] through IRC and follow up voting on Loomio.


Current items

  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • Approve last meeting minutes
  • Note motions passed by electronic voting:
    • acceptance of new charter members
  • osgeo.org website/rebranding
    • decision on hosting from system administration committee
    • discuss revision of payment schedule due to above delay
  • Schedule Project review meeting, waiting on report from Jeff McKenna
  • Review outstanding f2f meeting action items
    • Need a list of these items
  • 2018 budget preflight update


  • Attending: Venka, Sanghee, Angelos, Michael, Maria, Anita, Jody
  • Presiding: Venka
  • Scribing: Angelos
  • Approval of previous board meeting minutes on 2017-09-07. (see MOT1)
  • Approval of previous board meeting minutes on 2017-05-11. (see MOT2)
  • Note motions passed by electronic voting
    • Formally approve the 2017 new charter members list (see MOT3).
    • Welcome to new charter members. Thanks to Vasile and Jeff our CROs
    • Discussion about the idea of something like the lime survey for next round of charter members so its less of a manual process.
    • Discussion about finding out which charter members have not voted for two year consecutively.
  • Schedule Project review meeting, waiting on report from Jeff McKenna. Jeff will send the link to the document to the Board to review
  • Review outstanding f2f meeting action items
    • European bank account: Angelos and Vasile to open the account.
      • We need two directors in one location to open the account.
      • One question is where to open the account - needs more discussion.
      • Vasile and Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary (see MOT4)
    • Request for support for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings.
      • Franz was requested to contact Charlie to find out about bringing a joint conference proceedings for 2016 and 2017, not sure what happened after that.
      • Instead of transforming everything in latex, the papers can be asked in pdf (camera ready). Charlie has the template. He modified the one from FOSS4G-2015.
      • No approve request for funding for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings (see MOT5)
  • 2018 budget preflight update
    • We can note that projects have been asked to think about next years budgets
    • Planning budget for 2018 would happen by the new board with some knowledge on surplus generated in Bonn and Boston
    • So far, not many have taken the time to reply http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2018
    • Venka suggested we send a remainder to all project PSC to submit their reports by end of Oct. 2017 and include their budget request for 2018 in the report.
  • osgeo.org website/rebranding
    • The marketing committee is reviewing two of the deliverables (branding and printables).
    • The website has been making progress, mostly on the vendor end as they address bugs raised during the foss4g sprint (they are going to send out a feedback survey after the bugs are fixed).
    • SAC meeting on Oct 10th
    • Discussion about rebooting Website Committee with a mandate for maintaining the new website content. No decisions yet, more discussions to follow.
  • Next board IRC meeting same time on 2 Nov, 2017


  • Jeff McKenna to send the Project Review document to the Board.
  • Vasile and Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary
  • Jody to see who could not make the AGM, and we can sort out contacting those projects on the board email list
  • Angelos to join the SAC meeting to report back progress on website.


MOT1: Approve last meeting minutes https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-09-07

MOT2: Approve meeting minutes https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-05-11

MOT3: Formally approve the 2017 new charter members list https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2017

MOT4: Vasile, Angelos to follow up on Europe bank account and request for travel support as necessary.

  • Motion by Venka
  • Approve: Anita, Michael, Maria, Venka, Sanghee, Jody
  • Abstain: Angelos
  • Block:
  • Motion passed (not moved to Loomio, since this is actually an action item)

MOT5: No approve request for funding for proofing/layout for FOSS4G-2016 proceedings