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== Venue ==
== Purpose ==
Get together project members to make decisions and tackle larger problems, see the [[Toronto Code Sprint 2009 Agenda]].  We have chosen a mid-North American location because this code sprint is targeting members of the "C Tribe" (eg,  Mapserver, GRASS, GDAL, Proj, PostGIS, MapGuide) and many members of the "C Tribe" are clustered in the area. Toronto is also a major travel hub, for sprinters traveling from afar.  Other tribes are welcome to join the sprint, of course, but we hope that "C Tribe" members will give this event special consideration.
== Sponsors ==
We have received support from six sponsors, each providing a $500 sponsorship that will be put towards venue, internet and lunch costs.
Thanks to our sponsors!
* [http://www.greenwoodmap.com/ Rich Greenwood]
* [http://www.osgis.nl/index_en.htm OSGIS.nl]
* [http://www.coordinatesolutions.com Coordinate Solutions]
* [http://www.lizardtech.com/ LizardTech]
* [http://www.sjgeophysics.com/ SJ Geophysics]
* [http://qpublic.net/ qPublic.net]
* [http://www.gdal.org/ GDAL]
[http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada]
The event budget is available [http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=plI7bw56S6qHPAj9OEsIMaQ here]. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to OSGeo.
We (Tom Kralidis) are currently searching for a suitable venue in Toronto that combines reasonably priced accommodation with a meeting room for sprinting and proximity to Toronto night life in the downtown area.
* [http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/9/9e/TorontoCodeSprintReceipts1.pdf Receipts] for dinners, hockey and beverages.
* [http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/f/ff/TorontoCodeSprintReceipts2.pdf Receipts] for conference room and internet.
== Timing ==
== Timing ==
When: Mid-February to Mid-March, 2009.
Where: '''Rainbow Room''', Radisson Admiral Waterfront Hotel, Toronto, Ontario
Duration: Four days.
When: Saturday March 7 - Tuesday March 10, 2009.
* Option 1, Feb 14-17, 2009
Duration: Four days from approximately 9am-4pm
* Option 2, Feb 21-24, 2009
* Option 3, Feb 28-Mar 3, 2009
* Option 4, Mar 7-9, 2009
* Option 5, Mar 14-17, 2009
* Option 6, Mar 21-24, 2009
== Purpose ==
== Venue ==
[http://www.radisson.com/torontoca_admiral Radisson Hotel Admiral Toronto-Harbourfront]<br/>
249 Queen's Quay West<br/>
Toronto, Ontario<br/>
M5J 2N5 , Canada<br/>
Reservations: 1-888-201-1718<br/>
Telephone: +01-416-203-3333<br/>
Fax: +01-416-203-3100<br/>
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Radisson+Hotel+Admiral+Toronto-Harbourfront&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.337319,62.314453&ie=UTF8&ll=43.643156,-79.385662&spn=0.026428,0.030427&z=15 Map]
Get together project members to make decisions and tackle larger problems.  We have chosen a mid-North American location because this code sprint is targeting members of the "C Tribe" (eg,  Mapserver, GRASS, GDAL, Proj, PostGIS, MapGuide) and many members of the "C Tribe" are clustered in the area. Toronto is also a major travel hub, for sprinters traveling from afar.  Other tribes are welcome to join the sprint, of course, but we hope that "C Tribe" members will give this event special consideration.
When reserving, please specify "OSGeo" as the block name. '''The block rate is $79/night.'''
== Costs ==
== Costs ==
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* Travel to Toronto, variable depending on where you are.
* Travel to Toronto, variable depending on where you are.
* Accommodation for four nights, $180 to $500 depending on whether you room share.
* Accommodation for four nights, $160 to $400 depending on what room you choose and whether you room share.
* Shared venue cost, $50 to $0 depending on whether we can arrange sponsors.
* Breakfast, lunch, and other snacks.
* Meals. Dinners at least, we may be able to cover lunches/morning snacks if we can find sponsors.
* The sponsorship moneys will be put towards: meeting room rental, internet access, Saturday night social event (hockey), group dinners Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
== Communication ==
Please join the mailing list at:
== Participation ==
== Participation ==
We are planning for attendance of 20-40. Please add your name and the projects you are hoping to sprint on, if you have a strong intention to attend. If there date options you '''cannot''' attend, please note them next to your entry.
We are planning for attendance of 20-40. Please add your name and the projects you are hoping to sprint on, if you have a strong intention to attend.  
* [[User:pwramsey3|Paul Ramsey]] (PostGIS, Mapserver, Proj) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 14:00 Friday AC190
* [[User:Tomkralidis|Tom Kralidis]] (MapServer, Mapbuilder) '''attendance confirmed''',
* Frank Warmerdam (GDAL/OGR, PROJ.4, MapServer, QGIS, OSGeo4W) '''attendance confirmed''', cell:613-635-3771
* [[User:tbonfort|Thomas Bonfort]] (MapServer) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 12:45 Friday
* Howard Butler (MapServer, GeoDjango, GDAL, CS-Map, spatialreference.org) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 16:00 Friday
* [[User:jmckenna|Jeff McKenna]] (MapServer docs, MS4W) '''attendance confirmed'''
* Steve Lime (MapServer) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 18:15 Friday NW 2882
* [[User:dmorissette|Daniel Morissette]] (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
* [[User:assefa|Yewondwossen Assefa]] (MapServer) '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:mpg|Michael P. Gerlek]] (GDAL & liblas)  '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:mrosen|Mike Rosen]] (GDAL & liblas)  '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:paragon|Leo Hsu and Regina Obe]] (PostGIS, GEOS, Mapserver) '''Can attend Saturday only'''
* [[User:olivier.courtin|Olivier Courtin]] (PostGIS, TinyOWS) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 12:45 Friday
* Mark Cave-Ayland (PostGIS) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 19.35 Friday BA0099
* [[User:JulienSam|Julien-Samuel Lacroix]] (MapServer) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
* [[User:pnaciona|Perry Nacionales]] (MapServer docs) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 18:15 Friday NW 2882
* [[User:pierre|Pierre Racine]] ([http://postgis.refractions.net/support/wiki/index.php?WKTRasterHomePage PostGIS WKT Raster]) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 21:55 Friday AC8925
* [[User:jimk|Jim Klassen]] (Mapserver, GeoMOOSE) '''attendance confirmed'''
* Dan Little (Mapserver, OpenLayers, GeoMOOSE) '''attendance confirmed'''
* Alan Boudreault (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
* Christopher Schmidt (OpenLayers) '''attendance confirmed''' YYZ @ 22:35 Friday.
* [[User:SchuylerErle|Schuyler Erle]] (OpenLayers) YYZ @ 12:00 Saturday..
* Vivien Deparday (OpenLayers) attendance on Monday Tuesday.
=== Present in spirit ===
If you can not make it to get to Toronto in person and you still want to actively participate in the sprint, there will be a chance to do it by joining the event on IRC ([irc://irc.freenode.net/tosprint #tosprint]). If you are interested in remote participation, feel free to add yourself below.
* [[User:mloskot|Mateusz Loskot]] (GDAL/OGR, GEOS, PostGIS, WKTRaster) '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:szekerest|Tamas Szekeres]] (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:strk|strk]] (GEOS, PostGIS, WKTRaster) '''attendance confirmed'''
* [[User:jive|jive]] (GeoTools)
* [[User:Mleslie|Mark Leslie]] (PostGIS)
For all who would like to track the discussions, [http://logs.qgis.org/tosprint/%23tosprint.2009-03-07.log #tosprint channel logs] are available.
== Breakout Session Notes ==
* [http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/TorontoCodeSprint2009Notes MapServer Sprint Notes]
* [http://postgis.refractions.net/support/wiki/index.php?Sprint2009Notes PostGIS Sprint Notes]
== Gear ==
* Extra items that would be useful (please sign up if you can bring)
** Wireless hub (Perry 1, Mike R 1)
** Extension Cords (Pierre 1, Paul 1, Steve 1, Daniel 3)
** Power Bars (Pierre 1, Paul 1, Steve 1, Daniel 3)
** Ethernet Cables (Pierre 2 short, Paul 1 long, Schuyler some short, Daniel 2-3 long)
** Projector (Schuyler 1, assuming the airline lets him carry it on)
** Screen
** [http://www.pace.edu/emplibrary/EMC%20Flip%20Chart.jpg Flip Charts]
** Wired hubs
** Daniel will bring a 16 port switch, just in case
== Room Share ==
If you would like to room share,
# Reserve a room at the hotel, choosing a type with more than one bed.
# Put your name in this section, indicating the amount of space in your room.
Put your names below:
* example entry: B has a triple room, needs two roommates.
== Individual Preparation ==
* Bring your own computer
* Install subversion and the compiler tools, and come with a working development environment if possible.
* [[User:pwramsey3|Paul Ramsey]] (PostGIS, Mapserver, Proj) (unable to attend option 5)
== FAQ ==
* Tom Kralidis (MapServer) (would be nice if spanned over weekend)
* Frank Warmerdam (GDAL/OGR, PROJ.4, MapServer, QGIS, OSGeo4W) (March is better than February)
* Thomas Bonfort (mapserver)
* Howard Butler (MapServer, GeoDjango, GDAL, CS-Map, spatialreference.org) (Options 5 and 6 not preferred)
* [[User:jmckenna|Jeff McKenna]] (MapServer docs, MS4W) - prefer weekend dates
* Steve Lime (MapServer) - option 4 as a last resort (kids spring break)
* [[User:dmorissette|Daniel Morissette]] (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) (can't do option 2, prefer options 3 to 6)
* [[User:assefa|Yewondwossen Assefa]] (MapServer) (prefer options 4 to 6)
* [[User:Aross|Andrew Ross (or someone else from Ingres)]] (GEOS, GDAL/OGR, Proj.4, CS-Map)
== Planning ==
* Is the Toronto Code Sprint just a coding event?
** Yes, a coding and documentation event. It is a working session for people who are already participants in open source projects.
* Will it be possible to present new projects during this event?
** No, this is not a presentation-oriented event. People will get together in small groups and work on areas of mutual interest within their projects.
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== Social Events ==
|+ Hotel ideas
! Hotel !! Block Rate? !! Has meeting facilities? !! Comments
| [http://www.bondplace.ca/ Bond Place] ([http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=110809864490220790408.0004506b0bd3aa5caf6a9&ll=43.656726,-79.378452&spn=0.00739,0.01369&z=15&source=embed map])|| $79 CAD/night (single or double occupancy) || yes || Option 3 they are booked
| [http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/hi/1/en/hotel/YYZBS/welcome Holiday Inn] ([http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=280+BLOOR+ST.+WEST,toronto,on&sll=43.656726,-79.378452&sspn=0.021082,0.03828&ie=UTF8&z=16&g=280+BLOOR+ST.+WEST,toronto,on&msa=0&msid=110809864490220790408.0004506b0bd3aa5caf6a9 map])|| ? || use U of T || na
| [http://www.hojoyorkville.com/ Howard Johnson Yorkville] ([http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&q=89+avenue+road,toronto,on&ie=UTF8&z=16&g=89+avenue+road,toronto,on&iwloc=addr map])|| ? || no || na
| [http://www.bestwesternontario.com/hotels/best-western-primrose-hotel/ Best Western Primrose] ([http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=111+Carlton+Street,+++Toronto,+Ontario,&ie=UTF8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&z=16&g=111+Carlton+Street,+++Toronto,+Ontario,&iwloc=addr map]) || $100 - $125/night (checking) || yes || waiting for return call
* Saturday March 7th
** 4PM, '''Ice hockey game''', Hershey Bears vs Toronto Marlies @ Ricoh Coliseum, 100 Princes' Blvd. [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=100+Princes+Boulevard,+Toronto,+ON+M6K,+Canada%E2%80%8E&sll=43.640237,-79.392271&sspn=0.03056,0.073214&ie=UTF8&ll=43.636821,-79.411583&spn=0.032053,0.073214&z=14&iwloc=addr map]  If you are interested please send a message to the 'tosprint' mailing list, as the tickets must be pre-ordered
** Dinner at [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=151+Front+Street+West+Toronto+on+(East+Side+Marios) East Side Mario's] (8PM)
* Sunday March 8th
**  Dinner at [http://www.batonrougerestaurants.com/page.asp?intNodeID=33079 Baton Rouge] (7PM)
* Monday March 9th
** Dinner at [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=jack+astor%27s&sll=43.643032,-79.40918&sspn=0.256397,0.585709&ie=UTF8&ll=43.667623,-79.39064&spn=0.128146,0.292854&z=12&iwloc=D Jack Astor's] (7PM)
{| border="1"
== Recaps ==
|+ Meeting Facility ideas
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/toronto-code-sprint-recaps.html
! Facility !! Cost !! Outbound Bandwidth? !! Single Cable Modem? !! Comments
* http://crschmidt.net/blog/374/toronto-code-sprint-day-1/
* http://crschmidt.net/blog/376/toronto-code-sprint-day-2/
| U of T || ? || ? || ? || FrankW looking into this
* http://crschmidt.net/blog/380/code-sprint-day-3/
* http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/index.php?/archives/108-PostGIS-Raster-and-More.html#extended
| [http://www.bondplace.ca/ Bond Place] || $200 (+ 5% GST) per day for room, $250 for Internet (4 days).  Total of $1050+tax || hotel is checking (Internet is outsourced) || hotel is checking (Internet is outsourced) || can house 20-40, have square (or round) rearrangable tables, can handle 40 wireless internet connections. Contact: Marisol @ 416.362.6061 TODO: site visit (layout/setup, furniture)
* http://www.kralidis.ca/blog/2009/03/10/mapserver-code-sprint-progress/
* http://fromtheinsidelookingin.blogspot.com/2009/03/toronto-code-sprint-in-absentia.html
* http://research.dmsolutions.ca/?p=299
* http://mapfishblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/camtpocamp-at-toronto-code-sprint.html
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/toronto-code-sprint-lessons.html
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/sprint-day-1.html
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/sprint-day-2.html
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/sprint-day-3.html
* http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/03/sprint-day-4.html
* http://gfoss.blogspot.com/2009/03/four-days-of-toronto-code-sprint-2009.html
* http://www.lizardtech.com/blog/2009/post-sprint-reflections/
== Photos ==
* http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=tosprint&w=all
[[Category:Code Sprints]]
[[Category:Code Sprints]]
[[Category:Past Events]]
[[Category:C Tribe Code Sprint]]

Latest revision as of 02:45, 22 September 2013


Get together project members to make decisions and tackle larger problems, see the Toronto Code Sprint 2009 Agenda. We have chosen a mid-North American location because this code sprint is targeting members of the "C Tribe" (eg, Mapserver, GRASS, GDAL, Proj, PostGIS, MapGuide) and many members of the "C Tribe" are clustered in the area. Toronto is also a major travel hub, for sprinters traveling from afar. Other tribes are welcome to join the sprint, of course, but we hope that "C Tribe" members will give this event special consideration.


We have received support from six sponsors, each providing a $500 sponsorship that will be put towards venue, internet and lunch costs.

Thanks to our sponsors!

The event budget is available here. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to OSGeo.

  • Receipts for dinners, hockey and beverages.
  • Receipts for conference room and internet.


Where: Rainbow Room, Radisson Admiral Waterfront Hotel, Toronto, Ontario

When: Saturday March 7 - Tuesday March 10, 2009.

Duration: Four days from approximately 9am-4pm


Radisson Hotel Admiral Toronto-Harbourfront
249 Queen's Quay West
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2N5 , Canada
Reservations: 1-888-201-1718
Telephone: +01-416-203-3333
Fax: +01-416-203-3100


When reserving, please specify "OSGeo" as the block name. The block rate is $79/night.


Participants should plan for the following costs:

  • Travel to Toronto, variable depending on where you are.
  • Accommodation for four nights, $160 to $400 depending on what room you choose and whether you room share.
  • Breakfast, lunch, and other snacks.
  • The sponsorship moneys will be put towards: meeting room rental, internet access, Saturday night social event (hockey), group dinners Saturday, Sunday and Monday.


Please join the mailing list at:



We are planning for attendance of 20-40. Please add your name and the projects you are hoping to sprint on, if you have a strong intention to attend.

  • Paul Ramsey (PostGIS, Mapserver, Proj) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 14:00 Friday AC190
  • Tom Kralidis (MapServer, Mapbuilder) attendance confirmed,
  • Frank Warmerdam (GDAL/OGR, PROJ.4, MapServer, QGIS, OSGeo4W) attendance confirmed, cell:613-635-3771
  • Thomas Bonfort (MapServer) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 12:45 Friday
  • Howard Butler (MapServer, GeoDjango, GDAL, CS-Map, spatialreference.org) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 16:00 Friday
  • Jeff McKenna (MapServer docs, MS4W) attendance confirmed
  • Steve Lime (MapServer) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 18:15 Friday NW 2882
  • Daniel Morissette (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
  • Yewondwossen Assefa (MapServer) attendance confirmed
  • Michael P. Gerlek (GDAL & liblas) attendance confirmed
  • Mike Rosen (GDAL & liblas) attendance confirmed
  • Leo Hsu and Regina Obe (PostGIS, GEOS, Mapserver) Can attend Saturday only
  • Olivier Courtin (PostGIS, TinyOWS) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 12:45 Friday
  • Mark Cave-Ayland (PostGIS) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 19.35 Friday BA0099
  • Julien-Samuel Lacroix (MapServer) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
  • Perry Nacionales (MapServer docs) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 18:15 Friday NW 2882
  • Pierre Racine (PostGIS WKT Raster) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 21:55 Friday AC8925
  • Jim Klassen (Mapserver, GeoMOOSE) attendance confirmed
  • Dan Little (Mapserver, OpenLayers, GeoMOOSE) attendance confirmed
  • Alan Boudreault (MapServer, GDAL/OGR) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 8:15am Friday, then in a meeting until about 16:30
  • Christopher Schmidt (OpenLayers) attendance confirmed YYZ @ 22:35 Friday.
  • Schuyler Erle (OpenLayers) YYZ @ 12:00 Saturday..
  • Vivien Deparday (OpenLayers) attendance on Monday Tuesday.

Present in spirit

If you can not make it to get to Toronto in person and you still want to actively participate in the sprint, there will be a chance to do it by joining the event on IRC (#tosprint). If you are interested in remote participation, feel free to add yourself below.

For all who would like to track the discussions, #tosprint channel logs are available.

Breakout Session Notes


  • Extra items that would be useful (please sign up if you can bring)
    • Wireless hub (Perry 1, Mike R 1)
    • Extension Cords (Pierre 1, Paul 1, Steve 1, Daniel 3)
    • Power Bars (Pierre 1, Paul 1, Steve 1, Daniel 3)
    • Ethernet Cables (Pierre 2 short, Paul 1 long, Schuyler some short, Daniel 2-3 long)
    • Projector (Schuyler 1, assuming the airline lets him carry it on)
    • Screen
    • Flip Charts
    • Wired hubs
    • Daniel will bring a 16 port switch, just in case

Room Share

If you would like to room share,

  1. Reserve a room at the hotel, choosing a type with more than one bed.
  2. Put your name in this section, indicating the amount of space in your room.

Put your names below:

  • example entry: B has a triple room, needs two roommates.

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own computer
  • Install subversion and the compiler tools, and come with a working development environment if possible.


  • Is the Toronto Code Sprint just a coding event?
    • Yes, a coding and documentation event. It is a working session for people who are already participants in open source projects.
  • Will it be possible to present new projects during this event?
    • No, this is not a presentation-oriented event. People will get together in small groups and work on areas of mutual interest within their projects.

Social Events

  • Saturday March 7th
    • 4PM, Ice hockey game, Hershey Bears vs Toronto Marlies @ Ricoh Coliseum, 100 Princes' Blvd. map If you are interested please send a message to the 'tosprint' mailing list, as the tickets must be pre-ordered
    • Dinner at East Side Mario's (8PM)
  • Sunday March 8th
  • Monday March 9th

