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OSGeo Member
Name: Paul Ramsey Paul ramsey.jpg
Job Title: Geospatial Architect
Company: Boundless
City: Victoria
State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Local Chapter: British Columbia Chapter
Email: pramsey AT cleverelephant DOT ca
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description : Paul Ramsey is a senior developer and architect at Bouldess, a commercial open source company. He is a founder and core developer of the PostGIS spatial database. Paul regularly keynotes at geo-spatial conferences, including most recently FOSS4G 2011, FOSS4G NA 2012, ILGISA 2012, and ASPRS.

URIs of the form "pramsey AT cleverelephant DOT ca" are not allowed. [[Info::Paul Ramsey is a senior developer and architect at Bouldess, a commercial open source company. He is a founder and core developer of the PostGIS spatial database.

Paul regularly keynotes at geo-spatial conferences, including most recently FOSS4G 2011, FOSS4G NA 2012, ILGISA 2012, and ASPRS.| ]]

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

OSGeo User.png  OSGeo Coder.png  OSGeo ExBoard.png  OSGeo Charter.png  OSGeo SolKatz.png  

Paul Ramsey

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Paul Ramsey

Paul Ramsey is a senior developer and architect at Bouldess, a commercial open source company. He is a founder and core developer of the PostGIS spatial database. Paul regularly keynotes at geo-spatial conferences, including most recently FOSS4G 2011, FOSS4G NA 2012, ILGISA 2012, and ASPRS.

OSGeo Experience OSGeo exboard.png OSGeo charter.png OSGeo user.png SolKatz.png
Email: pramsey AT cleverelephant DOT ca
Twitter: @pwramsey
LinkedIn: [1]
Blog: [2]
Spoken Languages
Profile last updated
October 8, 2014