Difference between revisions of "FOSS4G 2010 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus"

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m (Protected "FOSS4G 2010 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus": this is the final version [edit=sysop:move=sysop])
(44 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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we'll try to stick as much as possible to this document from 2007 FOSS4G.
back to [[FOSS4G_2010]]...
that's important to maintain continuity of our communications.
reference archive:
* first version on 20091209 --[[User:Ominiverdi|ominiverdi]] 11:58, 9 December 2009 (UTC)
other references:
* http://www.osgeo.org/sites/osgeo.org/files/webfiles/conference/archives/foss4g/2008/FOSS4G2008_SponsorshipAndExhibitorProspectus.pdf
* [[...]]
==Invitation to Sponsor from the Conference Chair==
==Invitation to Sponsor from the Conference Chair==
;Theme: "the largest Geospatial Open Source solutions event ever. you can't miss it!"
;Theme: "the largest event about Geospatial Open Source solutions ever. you can't miss it!"
The Local Conference Committee is pleased to announce that Barcelona will host the
The Local Conference Committee is pleased to announce that Barcelona will host the
2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference, September
2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial ('''FOSS4G''') Conference, September
6-9, 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.
6-9, 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.
FOSS4G is a conference presented by '''OSGeo'''.
;Discover Your Open Source SDI
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years.  The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and it's application on a continental scale.  The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.
;About OSGeo
;About OSGeo
Line 31: Line 21:
;FOSS4G 2010
;FOSS4G 2010
From Monday 6th through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona for the most exiting meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (???), Australia (400) in this last 4 year; it's a long time where the community hasn't come back to Europe.  
From Monday 6th through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona for the most exiting meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (550), Australia (450) in this last 4 year; it's a long time where the community hasn't come back to Europe.  
It's the best chance for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives.
It's the best chance for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives.
We are expecting an attendance between 1000 and 2000 people.
We are expecting an attendance between 1000 and 2000 people.
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After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP).
After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP).
CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.  
CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.  
;Discover Your Open Source SDI
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years.  The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and it's application on a continental scale.  The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.
;OSGeo Community Awards
;OSGeo Community Awards
The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. and then the best education program around OSGeo Software. And No Profit organizations.
The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. and then the best education program around OSGeo Software. And No Profit organizations.
;Academic Track
;Academic Track
Full Paper and Posters will be included in the conference proceedings.
As in 2009, FOSS4G 2010 will organise an academic session with publication of papers and presentation of posters. The academic track aims at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.
'''other ideas'''
The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, but the major goal is to promote cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains. It will be organized in a way to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote international collaboration.  
esta parte no me convence
The Geospatial world grown intensively in this last years seen the involvement of many big actors coming from other sectors as Google, Oracle, Ingres, ... (buscar otras).
Open Source solutions for Geospatial has become a reference for some of the OGC standards and many users are adopting them.
(copiado desde 2008)
The Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities described in this Prospectus will provide your
The Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities described in this Prospectus will provide your
organisation with access to an international cross section of your markets, from users and
organisation with access to an international cross section of your markets, from users and
Line 93: Line 83:
:OSGeo Executive Director
:OSGeo Executive Director
==Conference Fact Sheet==
== Conference Fact Sheet ==
; Dates
*From September to September , 2010
* From September 6th to 9th 2010
; Congress Venue
*Palau de Congressos de Barcelona
* Palau de Congressos de Barcelona
:(Fira de Barcelona) – M1. Palace nº5.
: (Fira de Barcelona) – M1. Palace nº5.
:Avda. Reina Maria Cristina s/n  
: Avda. Reina Maria Cristina s/n  
:08004 Barcelona. Spain
: 08004 Barcelona. Spain
; Schedule
The preliminary schedule includes:
The preliminary schedule includes:
*A pre-conference day of hands-on workshops
* A pre-conference day of hands-on workshops
*Three main conference days with plenary sessions and a large number of
* Three main conference days with plenary sessions and a large number of break-outs for detailed presentations
*break-outs for detailed presentations
* A full exhibition hall and demo theatre
*A full exhibition hall and demo theatre
* A welcome party open to all participants
*A welcome party at the classic Sticky Wicket Pub
* Evening reception
*An evening reception at the Royal British Columbia Museum
* See the Program at a Glance in this Prospectus for further details.  
*See the Program at a Glance in this Prospectus for further details.
; Attendance
More than 1000 international developers and users of open source geo-spatial software from around the world are expected to attend.  
More than 1000 international developers and users of open source geo-spatial software from around the world are expected to attend.  
; Technical Secretariat
* GRUPO PACÍFICO - Exhibition & Sponsorship, Registrations and hotel accommodation
: Marià Cubí, 4, 08006 Barcelona, Spain
: foss4g2010@pacifico-meetings.com 
: Tel. (34) 932 388 777 /  Fax. (34) 932 387 488
Visit the conference web site at http://2010.foss4g.org on a regular basis for updates on Registration, the Educational Program, Accommodation and Tours.
*GRUPO PACÍFICO - Exhibition & Sponsorship, Registrations and hotel accommodation
:Marià Cubí, 4, 08006 Barcelona, Spain
:E-mail: foesgeo2010@pacifico-meetings.com 
:Tel. (34) 932 388 777 /  Fax. (34) 932 387 488
Visit http://2010.foss4g.org on a regular basis for updates on Registration, the Educational Program, Accommodation and Tours.
==Aim of the conference==
==Aim of the conference==
Line 149: Line 136:
===Sponsorship Levels===
===Sponsorship Levels===
* Premier
* Premier
:max # 1
:max # 1
:€ 45.000,00
:€ 40.000,00 (VAT included)
* Platinum
* Platinum
:max # 3
:max # 4
:€ 25.000,00
:€ 20.000,00 (VAT included)
:max # 5
:max # unlimited
:€ 10.000,00
:€ 10.000,00 (VAT included)
:max # 8
:max # unlimited
:€ 5.000,00
:€ 5.000,00 (VAT included)
:max # unlimited
:max # unlimited
:€ 1.000,00
:€ 1.200,00 (VAT included)
:max # unlimited
:max # unlimited
:€ no limit
:€ no limit
====Platinum (maximum of 3)====
====Premier (maximum of 1)====
Sponsor Benefits
* Fifteen minute keynote address at the opening plenary session
* Exclusive sponsorship of the Evening Reception
* One 18 sqm exhibition area located at the exhibition floor
* Name and/or logo on the lanyards (Lanyards supplied by sponsoring organization)
* Eight full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
* Placement of six banners throughout the conference venue
* Two-page literature insert in Conference Delegate Kit
* Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
* Recognition as the Premier Sponsor in all press releases and media coverage
* Full-page advertisement on the back cover of the Final Program
* Prominent display of your organization name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
* Recognition on the conference website home page as the Premier Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website
* Use of your organization name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
* Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
* 20% off additional conference registrations
*  Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
====Platinum (maximum of 4)====
*  Ten minute address and a position on the panel at the closing plenary debate on the  theme
*  Ten minute address and a position on the panel at the closing plenary debate on the  theme
*  Exclusive sponsorship of one lunch
*  Exclusive sponsorship of one lunch
*  One 3m x 3m exhibition stand in a prominent location.
*  One 12 sqm exhibition stand in a prominent location.
*  Full-page advertisement in the On-Site program
*  Six full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
*  Six full-access conference passes (workshop admission as observers only)
*  Placement of four banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
*  Placement of four banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
*  Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
*  Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the On-Site program
*  Full-page advertisement in the Final Program
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Platinum Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Platinum Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
*  Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
*  Logo in footer of registration form and conference letterhead
Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
*  Half-page advertisement in the On-Site program
*  Half-page advertisement in the Final Program
*  Four full-access conference passes (workshop admission as observers only)
*  Four full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
*  Placement of three banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
*  Placement of three banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
*  Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
*  Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
*  Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the On-Site program
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Gold Sponsor including your
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Gold Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
*  Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
*  Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
* Quarter-page advertisement in the On-Site program
* Two full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
* Two full-access conference passes (workshop admission as observers only)
* Placement of one banner throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
* Placement of one banner the conference venue where the conference is taking place
* Quarter-page advertisement in the Final Program
* Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the On-Site program
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Silver Sponsor including your  company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Silver Sponsor including your  company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
*  One full-access conference pass (workshop admission as observer only)
*  One full-access conference pass (no workshop admission)
* Hot-linked logo on conference website as Bronze sponsor
* Hot-linked logo on conference website as Bronze sponsor
* Organisation name and logo in conference program as Bronze sponsor
* Organisation name and logo in conference program as Bronze sponsor
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
*  Space for a small banner somewhere in conference venue
* Hot-linked logo on conference website on the contributor page
====Special Prices====
====Special Prices====
=====2009 application=====
=====2009 application=====
If your company decide to sponsor before the end of year 2009, you will receive a discount of 15%.
If your company decides to sponsor before the end of year 2009 (Dec 31, 2009), you will receive a discount of 15%.
Line 226: Line 235:
====social events====
====Code Sprint====
Welcome Cocktail
Cost: € 6.000 (VAT included)
Cost: € XX.000  
The code sprint remains a consistent part of FOSS4G, providing an opportunity for open source project developers to
come together and tackle targeted issues head on. The event attracts the key project contributors and as such provides an
opportunity to expose your brand to this influential audience.
Sponsorship Entitlements Include:
* Recognition as the Code Sprint Sponsor (with organisation logo) on all printed Conference material (see Note)
Banner informing that the event has been offered by…
* Recognition as the Code Sprint Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsors’ page of the Conference website,
Logo on sponsors page of Congress website  
including a hyperlink to your organisation’s home page
* Acknowledgment as the Code Sprint Sponsor on the official sponsorship acknowledgement board onsite
* The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned in a prominent location in the code sprint venue
(maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
* Display of organisation logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
* Use of the Conference logo until end of September 2010
16% VAT not included
====audiovisual equipment====
Audiovisual total Auditorium
Note: Exposure in Conference publications is determined by confirmation of sponsorship prior to print deadlines. To maximise exposure please confirm your participation by the earliest date possible.
Cost: €  XX.00
Sponsorship Entitlements Include:
Banner informing that the audiovisual equipment has been offered by…
Logo on sponsors page of Congress website
Audiovisual one parallel sessions room
Cost: € XX.00
==== Translations (maximum of 1)====
Joint at the audiovisual equipment we offer the chance to sponsor single or multiple language interpreter from the main European languages.
The translation will be available for the plenary events and for the presentations hosted in the biggest room.
Banner informing that the language translation has been offered by…
Cost: € 15.000 (VAT included)
Logo on sponsors page of Congress website
Available languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch
Cost for a single language: € XX.00
One day Coffee Break (2)
Collaboration: € XXX.000
Lunch 1 day
Cost: € XX.000
Sponsorship Entitlements Include:
Logo on sponsors page of the congress website
Banner informing that the Coffee break or lunch has been offered by…
16% VAT not included
Sponsorship Entitlements Include:
Banner informing that the audiovisual equipment has been offered by…
Logo on sponsors page of Congress website
16% VAT not included
We offer the chance to sponsor single or multiple language interpreter from the main European languages.
The translation will be available for the plenary events and for the presentations hosted in the plenary room. The number of available audio-receptors is based on 300 pax.
*  Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
*  Recognition on the conference website home page as a Translation Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
*  Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
*  Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
* Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
* 30 audio-receptors reserved
Note: to include extra languages please contact with Technical Secretariat ( foss4g2010 @ pacifico-meetings.com )
definir detalles y acualizar texto
The exhibition will be take place in the main hall. The poster sessions and coffee breaks will be located in the same area.
Cost: € 2.500 (VAT included)
* Each Surface 6 sqm (3m X 2m)
* Carpet, walls, name in the fascia (1 color) and electrical switchboard included (1.1 kw)
* 2 Exhibitors passes (coffee-break and lunch included)
* One Congress registration
An Exhibitors guide will be sent to all confirmed exhibitors with extra services and material not included in the standard package.
The companies can rent modular booths or spaces of 6sqm
====Government / Nonprofit / Universities====
Cost: € 1.250 (VAT included)
* Each Surface 6 sqm (3m X 2m)
Each Surface 6 sqm XX00,00 € excluding VAT at 16%
* Carpet and electrical switchboard included (1.1 kw)
Carpet, walls, name in the fascia and electrical switchboard included
* 1 Exhibitors passes (coffee-break and lunch included)
2 Exhibitors passes (coffee-break and lunch included)
One Congress registration
An Exhibitors guide will be sent to all confirmed exhibitors with extra services and material not included in the standard package.
An Exhibitors guide will be sent to all confirmed exhibitors with extra services and material not included in the standard package.
===Exhibition floor plan===
==Application and payment for sponsorship and exhibition==
mostrar mapa
For stands disposal and other informations not included in this Prospectus, please contact the Technical Secretariat.
; Technical Secretariat:
Marià Cubí, 4
08006 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. (34) 932 388 777. / Fax. (34) 932 387 488
Please complete the attached form and return it to the Congress Secretariat as soon as possible, or contact them by e-mail to discuss your requirements further.
Confirmation and Deposit
; Application
Please fill in the enclosed form. Every effort will be made to assign the requested space. However, the organisation does not guarantee that the booth requested will be available and/or assigned. Assignments will be made only after receipt of the contract form and the appropriate payment, (100% of total cost payable on application). Confirmation of your sponsorship and stand space will be mailed to you together with an accompanying invoice for the amount received.  
To receive the application form and exhibition plan please contact the Technical Secretariat.
Payment method:
. By Cheque or Bankers draft in Euros (€) only, drawn on a Spanish bank, made payable to GRUPO PACIFICO – FOSGEO 2010. Cheques or banker drafts in other currency will not be accepted.
. By Bank transfer: Account number: BANCO DE SABADELL: 0081 5084 08 0001150225.
IBAN: ES42 0081 5084 08 0001150225. SWIFT: BSABESBB. Bank fees must be paid by the company.
All invoices should be paid prior to arrival at the exhibition; build up will NOT be allowed if a balance is outstanding.
All prices listed are VAT included.
; Cancellation
All companies are required to pay VAT at the prevailing rate, currently 16%.
In case of cancellation, the total amount paid will be charged as cancellation fees.  
In case of cancellation, the total amount paid will be charged as cancellation fees.  
; Insurance
Companies participating in the Congress are required to take out appropriate insurance. In the Exhibitors Manual you'll find more instructions.
Companies participating in the Congress are required to take out appropriate insurance.
If you would like to comment any of the items included in this proposal or any further suggestions, please contact:
Exhibition and Sponsorship Enquiries
Marià Cubí, 4
08006 Barcelona, Spain
E-mail: fosegeo2010@pacifico-meetings.com
Tel. (34) 932 388 777. / Fax. (34) 932 387 488
este modulo esta en el pdf
este modulo esta en el pdf

Latest revision as of 07:26, 28 February 2010

back to FOSS4G_2010...

  • first version on 20091209 --ominiverdi 11:58, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

Invitation to Sponsor from the Conference Chair

"the largest event about Geospatial Open Source solutions ever. you can't miss it!"

The Local Conference Committee is pleased to announce that Barcelona will host the 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference, September 6-9, 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.

FOSS4G is a conference presented by OSGeo.

About OSGeo

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.

The foundation's projects are all freely available and useable under an OSI-certified open source license (OSI: Open Source Initiative).

FOSS4G 2010

From Monday 6th through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona for the most exiting meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (550), Australia (450) in this last 4 year; it's a long time where the community hasn't come back to Europe. It's the best chance for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives. We are expecting an attendance between 1000 and 2000 people.


After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP). CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.

Discover Your Open Source SDI

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years. The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and it's application on a continental scale. The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.

OSGeo Community Awards

The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. and then the best education program around OSGeo Software. And No Profit organizations.

Academic Track

As in 2009, FOSS4G 2010 will organise an academic session with publication of papers and presentation of posters. The academic track aims at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.

The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, but the major goal is to promote cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains. It will be organized in a way to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote international collaboration.

The Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities described in this Prospectus will provide your organisation with access to an international cross section of your markets, from users and developers to key government and industry leaders and decision makers. The Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities are designed to provide maximum value and exposure. They are not restricted to those provided in this document. Please review the enclosed sponsorship prospectus to discover which item(s) would fit your organisation’s needs. We would be pleased to entertain any additional or alternate suggestions you may have for recognition, such as a contribution of goods or services. If you wish to purchase a sponsorship or have questions regarding the opportunities, I would be happy to speak to with you. You can reach me at the coordinates below. Further information on the conference can be found on our web site:



Lorenzo Becchi
Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org
Tel: +34 695 99 77 64 (GMT +1)

Committees and organization

The Local Organization Commitee

  • Lorenzo Becchi - Conference Chair
Board member of the OSGeo Spanish Chapter
  • Jordi Guimet
Director of the Catalan SDI (IDEC)
  • Irene Compte and Lluís Vicens
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE) of the University of Girona
  • Cárol Puig
Lecture of Geomatics at Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)

OSGeo Representatives

  • Jeff McKenna
OSGeo Conference Committee Chair
  • Paul Ramsey
OSGeo Board Representative
  • Tyler Mitchell
OSGeo Executive Director

Conference Fact Sheet

  • From September 6th to 9th 2010
Congress Venue
  • Palau de Congressos de Barcelona
(Fira de Barcelona) – M1. Palace nº5.
Avda. Reina Maria Cristina s/n
08004 Barcelona. Spain

The preliminary schedule includes:

  • A pre-conference day of hands-on workshops
  • Three main conference days with plenary sessions and a large number of break-outs for detailed presentations
  • A full exhibition hall and demo theatre
  • A welcome party open to all participants
  • Evening reception
  • See the Program at a Glance in this Prospectus for further details.

More than 1000 international developers and users of open source geo-spatial software from around the world are expected to attend.

Technical Secretariat
  • GRUPO PACÍFICO - Exhibition & Sponsorship, Registrations and hotel accommodation
Marià Cubí, 4, 08006 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. (34) 932 388 777 / Fax. (34) 932 387 488

Visit the conference web site at http://2010.foss4g.org on a regular basis for updates on Registration, the Educational Program, Accommodation and Tours.

Aim of the conference

The International FOSS4G conference gathers developers and users of open source geo-spatial software as well as managers and decision-makers from around the world to discuss new directions, exciting implementations, and growing business opportunities in the field of open source geo-spatial software.

We consider this conference as the best opportunities for European actors to meet and share the highest level of knowledge about open source geo-spatial software.

List of topics, preliminary programme

  • New FOSS GIS developments
  • Interoperability and standards
  • Open source implementations for INSPIRE
  • Making the transition to FOSS GIS
  • Case studies of open source implementations
  • Improving FOSS GIS cartography and map production
  • GIS in education
  • GIS in government


Sponsorship Levels


  • Premier
max # 1
€ 40.000,00 (VAT included)
  • Platinum
max # 4
€ 20.000,00 (VAT included)
  • Gold
max # unlimited
€ 10.000,00 (VAT included)
  • Silver
max # unlimited
€ 5.000,00 (VAT included)
  • Bronze
max # unlimited
€ 1.200,00 (VAT included)
  • Contributors
max # unlimited
€ no limit

Premier (maximum of 1)

Sponsor Benefits

  • Fifteen minute keynote address at the opening plenary session
  • Exclusive sponsorship of the Evening Reception
  • One 18 sqm exhibition area located at the exhibition floor
  • Name and/or logo on the lanyards (Lanyards supplied by sponsoring organization)
  • Eight full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
  • Placement of six banners throughout the conference venue
  • Two-page literature insert in Conference Delegate Kit
  • Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
  • Recognition as the Premier Sponsor in all press releases and media coverage
  • Full-page advertisement on the back cover of the Final Program
  • Prominent display of your organization name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Recognition on the conference website home page as the Premier Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website
  • Use of your organization name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
  • Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
  • 20% off additional conference registrations
  • Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary

Platinum (maximum of 4)

  • Ten minute address and a position on the panel at the closing plenary debate on the theme
  • Exclusive sponsorship of one lunch
  • One 12 sqm exhibition stand in a prominent location.
  • Six full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
  • Placement of four banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
  • Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
  • Full-page advertisement in the Final Program
  • Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Recognition on the conference website home page as a Platinum Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
  • Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
  • Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
  • Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary


  • Half-page advertisement in the Final Program
  • Four full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
  • Placement of three banners throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
  • Priority placement at the exhibition demo theatre
  • Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Recognition on the conference website home page as a Gold Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
  • Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
  • Use of your organisation name and logo on the conference bag
  • Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary


  • Two full-access conference passes (no workshop admission)
  • Placement of one banner throughout the conference venue where the conference is taking place
  • Quarter-page advertisement in the Final Program
  • Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
  • Recognition on the conference website home page as a Silver Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
  • Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary


  • One full-access conference pass (no workshop admission)
  • Hot-linked logo on conference website as Bronze sponsor
  • Organisation name and logo in conference program as Bronze sponsor
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary


  • Hot-linked logo on conference website on the contributor page

Special Prices

2009 application

If your company decides to sponsor before the end of year 2009 (Dec 31, 2009), you will receive a discount of 15%.


If in year 2010 you want to upgrade sponsorship after having applied on 2009 we will maintain the same discount rate.

Specific sponsorship opportunities

Code Sprint

Cost: € 6.000 (VAT included)

The code sprint remains a consistent part of FOSS4G, providing an opportunity for open source project developers to come together and tackle targeted issues head on. The event attracts the key project contributors and as such provides an opportunity to expose your brand to this influential audience.

  • Recognition as the Code Sprint Sponsor (with organisation logo) on all printed Conference material (see Note)
  • Recognition as the Code Sprint Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsors’ page of the Conference website,

including a hyperlink to your organisation’s home page

  • Acknowledgment as the Code Sprint Sponsor on the official sponsorship acknowledgement board onsite
  • The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned in a prominent location in the code sprint venue

(maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)

  • Display of organisation logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Use of the Conference logo until end of September 2010

Note: Exposure in Conference publications is determined by confirmation of sponsorship prior to print deadlines. To maximise exposure please confirm your participation by the earliest date possible.

Translations (maximum of 1)

Cost: € 15.000 (VAT included)

We offer the chance to sponsor single or multiple language interpreter from the main European languages. The translation will be available for the plenary events and for the presentations hosted in the plenary room. The number of available audio-receptors is based on 300 pax.

  • Prominent display of your organisation name and logo on the inside cover of the Final Program
  • Recognition on the conference website home page as a Translation Sponsor including your company logo hot-linked to your website, as soon as payment has been received.
  • Use of your organisation name and logo in conference promotions and advertisements
  • Recognition by Conference Chair in the opening plenary
  • Logo in slide with other sponsors in opening plenary
  • 30 audio-receptors reserved

Note: to include extra languages please contact with Technical Secretariat ( foss4g2010 @ pacifico-meetings.com )




Cost: € 2.500 (VAT included)

  • Each Surface 6 sqm (3m X 2m)
  • Carpet, walls, name in the fascia (1 color) and electrical switchboard included (1.1 kw)
  • 2 Exhibitors passes (coffee-break and lunch included)
  • One Congress registration

An Exhibitors guide will be sent to all confirmed exhibitors with extra services and material not included in the standard package.

Government / Nonprofit / Universities

Cost: € 1.250 (VAT included)

  • Each Surface 6 sqm (3m X 2m)
  • Carpet and electrical switchboard included (1.1 kw)
  • 1 Exhibitors passes (coffee-break and lunch included)

An Exhibitors guide will be sent to all confirmed exhibitors with extra services and material not included in the standard package.

Application and payment for sponsorship and exhibition

For stands disposal and other informations not included in this Prospectus, please contact the Technical Secretariat.

Technical Secretariat
Marià Cubí, 4 
08006 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. (34) 932 388 777. / Fax. (34) 932 387 488


To receive the application form and exhibition plan please contact the Technical Secretariat.


All prices listed are VAT included.


In case of cancellation, the total amount paid will be charged as cancellation fees.


Companies participating in the Congress are required to take out appropriate insurance. In the Exhibitors Manual you'll find more instructions.