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* Presiding: Jeff
* Presiding: Jeff
* Scribing: Anita
* Scribing: Anita
=== Assigned Tasks ===
* [Jody] contact Mike on how/when/etc to get Geoserver sprint funds out.
* [Jody] update the osgeo website and email potential sponsors
* [Jody] book travel to F2F
* [Anita] book travel to F2F
* [Sanghee] contact Jeroen about accommodation for F2F
* [Jeff] find out transport details train to venue/hotel for F2F
* [Jeff] ping FOSS4G 2016 organizers about academic track details
=== Motions (confirmed by email) ===
=== Motions (confirmed by email) ===
See [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-March/012607.html email thread] on the Board list.
See [https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-December/013713.html email thread] on the Board list.
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| Approve prior meeting minutes from Nov 12
| Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Maxi, Venka, Vasile, Helena
| 0
| 0
| 0
| n/a
| Recognize mdsmith as our representative to LocationTech
| Jody, Anita, Sanghee, Vasile, Helena
| 0
| Maxi, Venka
| Mike
| n/a
| GeoServer PSC request $1500 CAD towards GeoServer Code Sprint
| Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Maxi, Venka, Vasile, Helena
| 0
| 0
| 0
| n/a
| Schedule next IRC board meeting for Jan 7th at 2 pm UTC
| Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Helena
| Vasile
| Maxi, Venka
| 0
| n/a
=== Assigned Tasks ===
* [Jody] contact Mike on how/when/etc to get Geoserver sprint funds out.
* [Jody] update the osgeo website ([http://www.osgeo.org/sponsorship done]) and email potential sponsors
* [Jody] book travel to F2F
* [Anita] book travel to F2F
* [Sanghee] contact Jeroen about accommodation for F2F
* [Jeff] find out transport details train to venue/hotel for F2F
* [Jeff] ping FOSS4G 2016 organizers about academic track details
=== Full, raw minutes notes ===
=== Full, raw minutes notes ===

Latest revision as of 13:34, 18 December 2015

This board meeting is scheduled for the 10th of December 2015 at 14.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.


Current items


  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2015-11-12
  • brief treasurer report (including sponsors)
  • updates on Board Face to Face Meeting 2016
  • FOSS4G update
  • Replace Anne Ghisla as LocationTech representative
  • GeoServer code sprint funding request (wiki | budget )
  • OSGeo geo4all / education committee: status of the discussion, potential vote if geo4all AB makes a decision
  • update on UCGIS MOU
  • proposed plan to upgrade osgeo.org Drupal instance (request)
  • letter of support for proposal to Ministry of Education, University and Research in Italy (request)
  • Accept OSGeo.cz as official OSGeo Local Chapter as requested in https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-December/013662.html

As time permits:

  • FOSS4G-Argentina request to add OSGeo as a supporter of the event (add logo to branding)

Items from past meetings


  • Attending: Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Jeff, Helena, Maxi, Jody, Venka
  • Presiding: Jeff
  • Scribing: Anita

Motions (confirmed by email)

See email thread on the Board list.

Motion +1 0 -1 Abstain Passed? Notes
Approve prior meeting minutes from Nov 12 Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Maxi, Venka, Vasile, Helena 0 0 0 n/a
Recognize mdsmith as our representative to LocationTech Jody, Anita, Sanghee, Vasile, Helena 0 Maxi, Venka Mike n/a
GeoServer PSC request $1500 CAD towards GeoServer Code Sprint Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Maxi, Venka, Vasile, Helena 0 0 0 n/a
Schedule next IRC board meeting for Jan 7th at 2 pm UTC Jody, Anita, Mike, Sanghee, Helena Vasile Maxi, Venka 0 n/a

Assigned Tasks

  • [Jody] contact Mike on how/when/etc to get Geoserver sprint funds out.
  • [Jody] update the osgeo website (done) and email potential sponsors
  • [Jody] book travel to F2F
  • [Anita] book travel to F2F
  • [Sanghee] contact Jeroen about accommodation for F2F
  • [Jeff] find out transport details train to venue/hotel for F2F
  • [Jeff] ping FOSS4G 2016 organizers about academic track details

Full, raw minutes notes

  • IRC Log at http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2015-12-10.log
  • 13:59 Meeting starts
  • 14:03 MOTION: Approve past meeting minutes, 5 votes in favour, passed
  • 14:07 Treasurer report from Mike Smith
    • received the seed money back from FOSS4G2015 and are expecting a separate disbursement back of the profits
    • Google summer of code invoice was submitted to Google. The invoice has been approved but not yet paid. Reimbursements have gone out (and been received) by the GSOC mentors.
    • We've received several donations earmarked for the GeoServer code sprint.
  • 14:07 Sponsors update by Jody Garnett
    • updated sprint sponsorship page.
    • All the details concerning OSGeo sponsors are sorted out but website needs to be updated and emails sent.
    • Jeff hopes for new sponsors page by the F2F since most businesses will be pinged by other orgs for sponsor renewal by end of Jan
    • Jody to update the osgeo website and ask your help emailing potential sponsors.
    • proposed letters in the wiki
    • https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_2015_Sponsorship highlights the changes - a lower $500 price point and some recognitition of sponsoring osgeo events are the key take aways
    • Jeff notes actual phone calls and even a visit F2F for larger "sustaining" sponsors might be necessary
      • Mike notes, unless we have members local, not sure how we could do f2f with sponsors
      • Jeff notes that if an org is interested in providing 20k, 50k, for sure we can meet in person. F2F relationship that will attract large sponsors and keep that relationship over the years.
      • Jody notes we do not realy want to spend money to raise money (money is not our focus as an organization)
      • Venka +1 for f2f. Can't have the show running without money. Profit is not our focus, but money is, I think.
      • Anita: depends on how seriously interested the sponsor seems I guess
      • Jody: agree with Jeff, I was thinking more along the lines of large sponsors arranging a meeting with a board member, it woudl be worth while anyways to see they are interested in accomplishing. Thing is we are actually interested in hearing from anyone so it is not much of a "perk".
      • Mike asks: does that become a benefit of a large sponsor, a f2f relationship with osgeo?
      • Jody: not sure mdsmith - was focused on starting sponsorship again and did not adjust perks. Perhaps that is something we can keep in mind for board meetings / discuss / hangouts. Indeed there have been a couple good ideas in this meeting.
    • Venka suggestes: How about asking "official" local chapters to be associate sponsors.
      • Jeff: nice idea venka
      • Mike: very reluctant to tax local chapters (if thats what you're proposing)
      • Anita: not sure if the local chapter = sponsors idea will fly ...
    • Jody asks for sample mails to send to sponsors
    • Jeff offers help sending as "the president"
  • 14:20 updates on F2F https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Face_to_Face_Meeting_2016
    • Jody still to book a flight - trying to set up a buisness trip so I could avoid passing on the costs to OSGeo
    • Anita still working on travel arrangements
    • Mike and Jody to stay at Geocat facilities
    • Jeff and Venka to stay at "Hotel de Wereld" in the nearest town
    • Jeff: please let Jeroen know if you are planning to stay there
    • Sanghee to contact Jeroen
    • Mike plans to move to amsterdam sunday evening and spending a couple of days visiting after the f2f
    • Anita asking for transport options from train to venue/hotel
    • Jeff to find more details and put onto wiki
  • 14:27 FOSS4G update by Sanghee
    • Last week FOSS4G Seoul LOC has been disbanded officially.
    • Seoul team made a great decision that Seoul team will send 70% of profit to OSGeo not 50%, that was in agreement between LOC and OSGeo.
    • FOSS4G Seoul team will send around USD 25K to OSGeo soon.
  • 14:32 Status FOSS4G 2016 by Jeff
    • 2016 is setting up registration system, setting up program committee. Call for abstracts set for 01-21. on schedule, compared to past events
    • Mike: call for abstracts in Jan seems early to me, depends on when they close
    • Jeff: normal, with closing around march/apr 03-24
    • Mike, Jeff, Anita: wonder about the existence and rules for the academic track
    • Jeff to ping organizers about academic track details
  • 14:36 FOSS4G 2017 by Jeff
    • winner Boston. Michael Terner as chair
    • Venka: Bangkok could be a candidate for 2018.
  • 14:40 Replace Anne Ghisla as LocationTech representative by Jody
    • Jody encourages board members to read bart's message https://gist.github.com/bartvde/9571d859b9e442265226, and ask that someone else take the lead on addressing this
    • LocationTech representative
      • - OSGeo has been a guest member of LocationTech, in part to prevent communication breakdowns such as we recently witnessed. This participation lapsed - Anne Ghisla was our last representative.
      • - I would like to request a representative to attending hangout monthly, and help mend some of the concerns that have been raised. Primarily for LocationTech projects that have felt isolated by recent discussion.
      • - https://www.locationtech.org/content/become-member / https://www.locationtech.org/charter have the actual details.
      • So I would like to ask that renew our relationship with LocationTech, we are listed on their website as a member - we are just really inactive :)
    • Jeff: i believe we have you working hard on both teams, am I correct?
    • Jody: I do work hard on both team
    • Venka: Yes, I thought Jody was representing OSGeo at LocatioTech.
    • Jody: nope
    • Jeff: note that my very public proposal for a "summit" by both board members, was not answered by LocationTech.
    • Jody: I represent "committers" on the locationtech SC - something that is voted on annually. I already have enough of a conflict in that several of my customers (such as Boundless) are members on that steering committee.
    • Jody asks for a volunteer to act as our representative to locationtech to improve communication and transparency.
    • Mike agrees representative is important and volunteers
    • motion: Recognize mdsmith as our representative to LocationTech. 4 in favor
  • 14:58 Jeff passes over meeting chair role to Mike
  • 15:07 Jody asks about movement on geo4all relationship
    • Venka: Scenario 1B got the maximum votes. But I think we need to discuss a bit more before deciding anything. I will discuss with Helena and give an update.