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== Committee Members ==
== Committee Members ==
* [[User:Aracicot | Aaron Racicot]]
* [[User:Racicot | Aaron Racicot]]
* [[User:Dpatton | Dave Patton (chair)]]
* [[User:Dpatton | Dave Patton (chair)]]
* [[User:Jasonbirch | Jason Birch]]
* [[User:Jasonbirch | Jason Birch]]

Revision as of 21:36, 2 March 2007

Back to FOSS4G2007...

Committee Members

Next Committee Meeting

The date/time for the next committee meeting has not been determined. It will be scheduled for a date/time when all the committee members can attend. The agenda will start with the items remaing when the 2007/03/02 meeting was adjourned.

Previous Committee Meetings


  • IRC Log
  • Action Items arising from meeting:
    • action: dave to phone Paul re making workshop selection process public, and deadline for finishing workshop submission review process
  • Agenda:
  1. Select chair for this meeting
  2. Committee membership
    1. invite David Percy to the committee
    2. status of Olivier?
  3. Set date/time for next meeting
  4. Review goals for number of workshops
    1. For "Workshops Day" (Monday September 24)
    2. Concurrent with presentations (Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM/PM, Thursday AM)
  5. Workshop Submissions - process summary
    1. have there been any comments on, or issues with, the submission process?
    2. are we aware of any submissions that are 'in the works', but which haven't been received?
    3. clarify "workshop" vs "lab" (e.g. half-day vs 90-minutes? Monday vs Tuesday-Thursday?)
    4. should 'workshops' that have no requirements for computers be considered "presentations"?
    5. Current status (as of 1:00PM Friday, 30 minutes before this meeting: total of 45 submissions)
      1. Number of submissions for half-day workshops = 28 (Beginner=9, Intermediate=2, Advanced=5, Developer=12)
      2. Number of submissions for 90-minute workshops = 17 (Beginner=7, Advanced=3, Developer=7)
      3. Number of half-day submissions that indicated they could be shortened to 90 minutes = 2
      4. Number of 90-minute submissions that indicated no need for computers = 5
      5. Technical Requirements:
        1. Provided Windows XP workstations = 21
        2. Multiple options, or ambiguous = 8
        3. Participants bring their own Laptop = 5
        4. Provided Linux VMWare machine = 5
        5. Instructor-provided LiveCD = 4
        6. None = 2
  6. Workshop selection process
    1. How to do the selection process - who, collaboration methods, etc.
    2. Plans re "filling in the holes" - how to get workshop submissions for key topics that aren't covered so far
    3. Dates
      1. Confirm current submission deadline(March 2), or select new deadline
      2. deadline for finishing review process
  7. Workshop selection criteria
    1. Decisions
      1. workshop committee to make recommendations
      2. final decisions made by conference organizing committee
    2. Objective criteria
      1. can submission's technical requirements be met by the conference facilities?
    3. Subjective criteria
      1. expected level of interest in the workshop topic
      2. expertise of the workshop presenter in the workshop subject matter
      3. ability of the workshop presenter to present a 'good' workshop


  • IRC Log
  • Action Items arising from meeting:
    • action: dave - send out reminder later today about next week's meeting
    • DONE: Dave to email Frank a reminder announcement for the workshop submission deadline
    • action: dave to start wiki page re guidelines for workshops
  • Agenda:
  1. Select chair for this meeting
  2. Set date/time for next meeting
  3. review Action Items from 2007/02/09 meeting:
    1. ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
    2. OBSOLETE: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
    3. ACTION: Jason to follow up with Jody
    4. ACTION: Dave to start developing the list of local print shops
    5. DONE: Dave to make agenda for next meeting
  4. review committee membership
    1. Jeff McKenna resigned from the committee due to work commitments, but will hopefully be able to help 'later on'
    2. Olivier Ertz hasn't been on IRC for about 3 weeks - anyone know his status?
    3. do we need more committee members?
    4. nominate and confirm new committee chair
  5. video of conference - confirm that this has been ruled out?
  6. Workshops
    1. Status of workshop submissions
    2. workshop materials
      1. who pays, and for what
      2. guidelines for workshop presenters:
        1. make a guideline based on the "top 5/10 rated workshops" from the prior conference( s )?
        2. guidelines for what? Format of workshop handouts? Size/length of handouts? Type of presentation?
        3. when accepting workshops, provide the presenters with the guidelines
        4. where/when to indicate to workshop presenters (or for workshop proposals?) to check with project steering committees?
  7. New Business
    1. estimated maximum bandwidth demand for a single workshop
    2. review of workshop evaluations from FOSS4G2007


  • IRC Log
  • Action Items arising from meeting:
    • ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
    • ACTION: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
    • ACTION: Jason to follow up with Jody
    • ACTION: Dave to start developing the list of local print shops
    • ACTION: Dave to make agenda for next meeting
  • Agenda:
  1. Select chair for this meeting
  2. Set date/time for next meeting
  3. Old Business
    1. review Action Items from 2007/02/02 meeting:
      1. DONE: Jason: send meeting reminders 1 day and 1 hour before meetings
      2. ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
      3. DONE: Jason: send out message to re-review the call and requirements by noon tomorrow PST
      4. ACTION: Dave: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
      5. DONE: Dave: email Lorenzo re attending next week's meeting to discuss use of LiveCD
      6. DONE: Dave: review action items from earlier in the meeting
      7. DONE: Dave: prepare agenda for next week's meeting
    2. Status of help from Jody
    3. need a way to track the submissions like last year's INDICO system
    4. possibility of some sort of "facility" at the conference where workshop presenters can arrive and get help (financially and technically) getting copies, CD's, etc
    5. video of conference - is there an 'external resource' that could be used to manage this?
    6. Ominiverdi LiveCD: mailing list email from Lorenzo
  4. New Business
    1. nominate and confirm new committee chair
    2. review committee membership
    3. Status of workshop call, announcements, and feedback so far
    4. Policies & Procedures for workshop materials:
      1. who pays for workshop materials
      2. financial support by conference for workshop materials preparation
      3. guidelines for workshop materials (format, length, etc)
    5. Guidelines for types of workshop:
      from #osgeo, 2007/02/06
      12:54:38 jgarnett:  aside: #geoserver meeting trying to come up with workshop topics   12:54:59 jgarnett:  how "advanced" should workshops go?
    6. Specs for rental computers
    7. Other New Business


  • IRC Log
  • Action Items arising from meeting:
    • ACTION: Jason: send meeting reminders 1 day and 1 hour before meetings
    • ACTION: Aaron: talk to David Percy before next meeting
    • ACTION: Jason: send out message to re-review the call and requirements by noon tomorrow PST
    • ACTION: -----: need to find out from Olivier re use of INDICO
    • ACTION: Dave: email Lorenzo re attending next week's meeting to discuss use of LiveCD
    • ACTION: Dave: review action items from earlier in the meeting
    • ACTION: Dave: prepare agenda for next week's meeting
  • Agenda:
  1. Select Meeting chair
  2. Set date/time for next meeting
  3. Old Business (based on Log from 2007/01/26 meeting)
    1. Jason: did you get in contact with Jody (jgarnett)?
    2. who will send out meeting reminders, and when
    3. Aaron: did you get in contact with David Percy?
    4. do we have a "set of questions/needs for the full committee to answer"?
    5. theme rooms, and creating tracks after workshop submissions received
    6. in 2006, workshops were 3.5 hours, including 30 minute break
    7. What about podcast/video of the workshops and presentations
    8. workshop details needed before call for abstracts (room sizes, number of machines, etc.)
    9. need a way to track the submissions like last year's INDICO system
    10. Olivier: did you contact the 2006 local committee re setting up an instance of INDICO for use for 2007 (for workshop submission tracking)?
    11. possibilities re adding more workshop time at the start/end of the conference?
  4. New Business
    1. for any "to do" items that come up in meetings, use "ACTION: name" on IRC to flag who is to take care of that item
    2. review Call For Workshops Content:
      1. Hyperbole
      2. Submission Requirements
    3. Ominiverdi LiveCD: mailing list email from Lorenzo
    4. date when call for workshops will be ready for announcement
    5. rooms for workshops - establish minimum allocations Workshop Rooms
    6. computer resources - current availability, and desired target Computers


  • IRC Log
  • Agenda: There was no set agenda

Workshops Notes

Workshop Duration and Scheduling



  • 40 computers in the rental budget
  • another 20 slated as loaners from Nanaimo
  • other options? (bring-your-own etc.)

Room Availability


Software Installation

  • LiveCD for Linux
  • MS4W installer for Windows
  • other?
  • attendees come with laptops and software installed?


  • local person to deal with venue's tech staff?

Questions for Organising Committee

  • Number and dimension of rooms, tables (how many PCs /people can we fit in a room)

Feedback from Past Conferences (things to note)

  • overcrowded workshops are bad
  • registrants could possibly list their "top 4" workshop selections
  • LiveCD for linux workshops very successful
  • grouping workshops by room "theme" successful (MapServer room, GRASS room, ...)