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== Initial Proposal ==
* [[Conference-Europe-2025|Call-for-venue]]
== Selection process ==
== Organisation ==
=== Propositions ===
* TODO: [https:// Local Committee Team]
[https://europe.foss4g.org FOSS4G-Europe] conference is an international symposium, where people meet to discuss and present latest development in the open source software for geospatial.
* TODO: [https:// Scientific Committee]
* TODO: [https:// General Program Committtee]
The conference is usually held in the beginning of summer. The overall schedule is not formalized, and is up for the organizers to decide. Usually it includes day(s) for workshops, spoken word presentations and OSGeo Community sprint. And don't forget social/networking events. Although FOSS4G conferences are dev/user confs, they are also a place for meeting old friends and making new ones - they are our ''community festival''. They are the time for us all to get together and celebrate the things we have achieved and discuss how we should move onward.
== Program ==
Historically the number of attendants at FOSS4G-Europe has been around 200-300 people (or less) with the exception of [[Conference-Europe_2015-Como]] with 400 participants. The last [[FOSS4G-Europe-2024]] in Tartu, Estonia, there were almost 450 in-person attendees and about 100 attendees on the waiting list(!). All tickets were sold out 1 day before the end of Early Bird deadline. Capacity planning is very important and if possible you should be ready to accommodate changes as they become apparent.
* TODO: [https:// General Program and Academic Program]
* TODO: [https:// Workshops Program Schedule]
* TODO: [[FOSS4G-Europe-2025/CommunitySprint|Community Sprint]]
* TODO: [[FOSS4G-Europe-2025/BirdsOfAFeather|Birds of a Feather]]
As a regional conference FOSS4G-Europe should create excellent opportunities for participating for those who have never been to a FOSS4G before. Please keep this in mind during budgeting and coming up with ticket prices. The last [[FOSS4G-Europe-2024]] had roughly 50% of first-time attendees, and about 1/3 of the whole crowd was from the hosting country.
== Communication channels ==
Before submitting a proposal, read the [[FOSS4G_Manifesto#FOSS4G_Europe_Manifesto]]
=== How to submit proposal ===
Prepare the document answering following questions:
* Where the conference should happen - country, city, venue
* Who do you partner with
* Dates
* How can you accommodate 500+ participants
* What are the traveling connections from Europe
* What are the accommodation possibilities
* What do you expect, FOSS4G-Europe conference will bring to your region
Link the document below and send a notification to the [https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference-europe FOSS4G-Europe mailing list]
Proposal deadline: '''NOT SET YET'''
=== Proposals ===
==== City ====
* [[user:Contact person]]
* [http://foo/bar Proposal]
== Preparation ==
=== Date ===
Summer 2025 (to be set)
=== Place ===
Europe (to be set)
=== Links ===
=== Local Organisation Committee ===
=== Code sprint ===
* TODO: [https:// OSGeo event]
* [https://twitter.com/foss4ge @foss4ge Twitter]
* [https://fosstodon.org/@foss4geurope @foss4ge@fosstodon]
* [https://www.linkedin.com/company/foss4g-europe Linkedin]
* [https://t.me/foss4g_europe Telegram group]
[[Category: Events]]
[[Category: FOSS4G]]
[[Category: FOSS4G]]
[[Category: FOSS4G-Europe]]
[[Category: FOSS4G-Europe]]

Latest revision as of 22:12, 22 July 2024

Initial Proposal


  • TODO: [https:// Local Committee Team]
  • TODO: [https:// Scientific Committee]
  • TODO: [https:// General Program Committtee]


Communication channels