Difference between revisions of "Live GIS Translate"

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Line 79: Line 79:
* Work on an already started translation:
* Work on an already started translation:
** TO BE DONE - is OmegaT able to handle contents under version control? Seems not, for me.
** TO BE DONE - is OmegaT able to handle contents under version control? Seems not, for me.
=Update status sheet version numbers=
To update the version numbers of documents in the status sheet, someone should follow the following process:
cd trunk/bin
./extract_doc_versions.sh > list.csv
libreoffice list.csv
Cut and paste the contents into the second row of the worksheet "svnlist" in https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlRFyY1XenjJdFRDbjFyWHg1MlNTRm10QXk0UWEzWlE&hl=en_GB&authkey=CPTB6uIE#gid=7
( Cut & paste has to be done in two or three times, as now it is to much data for the clipboar)
[[Category: Live-demo]]
[[Category: Live-demo]]

Revision as of 12:25, 23 January 2013

This page describes how to translate documentation for the OSGeo-Live DVD.

Getting Started

Thanks for considering translating the OSGeo-Live documentation. To get started:

Introduce yourself.
Please join our email list at: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/live-demo, and send an email introducing yourself and your wish to help out. If you wish to start translating to a new language, let us know so that we can create a new status worksheet for you.
Say "hello" to other translators from your region. Their details are listed here: https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/translators.csv
Get Subversion access
Before updating files, you need commit access to our Subversion repository, described here: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Subversion
check out the doc-directory from svn
svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/
svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/promo/en/presentations/OSGeoLive4_0Taster

Only if you want to compile with sphinx in your locale environment, you need to get check out all trunk-directory from svn:

svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/
Credit yourself
As a first test to see subversion is working, add your name to the list of translators.
# edit translators.csv
# please add your Language, i18n code, Name, Country, Email, and Osgeo_id to the list,
# separated by comma.
#  - Order alphabetically by language, then by first name
#  - remove punctuation from email addresses to stop harvesting for junk mail

This is so that we can credit you in releases and other translators can find you: doc/translators.csv

Status Sheet

  • Documents ready to translate are marked "Final" in our Project Status Spreadsheet.
  • Check the Translation Status to find files that need translation, or need updating. Note that the hyperlink for each translated doc will take you to a page showing the differences in the English doc since last translation. (This document is updated hourly by extracting document version from subversion).

Nightly documentation builds

  • http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/
    • Latest documentation build can be found in the docs/ dir.
    • Please have a look at and squash any problems which show up in the error log, which can be found in the logs/ dir.


This is how it works:

  • In the status worksheet find a document with status of "en Status"="..._final" or "...final_dated". Start with docs allocated the highest priority first (priority=1 in worksheet). See also the gross % complete.
  • Set the "status" for the document to "draft" while you edit it and add your user-id to the "translated-by" column.
  • If this is a new translated document, use subversion to copy the English version of the document to new language directory. (This retains our subversion history, while svn add does not)
svn copy doc/en/<doc>.rst doc/lang/<doc>.rst
  • translate the document and then commit back to subversion
  • add your name as translator of the document: add :Translator: Your_name at the top of document near :Reviewer: or Author
svn commit -m "Translated docX.rst to Italian" docX.rst
  • Once complete change status="complete"
  • Someone else should then review the document, change status to "reviewed" and add their user-id to the "reviewed-by" column.

Adding new languages

Make sure you edit the list in:

  • doc/Makefile
  • doc/themes/overview/page.html
  • doc/index.rst


At this page you can find a glossary of OSGeo-Live documentation related terms, please fell free to add new terms.

Use OmegaT for the translations

  • there is a nice tool to generate the translations http://www.omegat.org/ (here you find a good documentation)
  • apt-get install omegat
  • add the ending rst to be supported by OmegaT
    • configure: Options - file filter - textfiles - add - add *.rst
  • Create a new project:
    • Select a folder where OmegaT can write its files
    • Select your destination language, point Source Files directory to doc/en, and Translated Files directory to doc/$your-language-code. The two middle options can stay where they are in subfolders of OmegaT project folder.
    • Translate something.
    • Write files: Project > Create Translated Documents will populate doc/$your-language into SVN tree. All .rst files contain both translated and untranslated strings.
    • svn commit
  • Work on an already started translation:
    • TO BE DONE - is OmegaT able to handle contents under version control? Seems not, for me.