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== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
* Attendance:
* Arlete Meneguette,  Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
* Luciene Delzari,  Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil
* Charlie Schweik,  University of Massachusetts, Amherst
* Ela Woloszynska-Wisniewska,  UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre, Poland
* Luis Bermudez,  OGC
* Manuel Haro,  Laboratorio de Software Libre, Mexico
* Marco Negretti, Maria Brovelli and Giovanna Venuti  from Politecnico di Milan, Italy
* Nataliya Tkachenko, from the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, UK
* Kimberly Ramírez, from GeoTech Texas, USA
* Sergio Acosta y Lara, Dirección Nacional de Topografía, Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP), Uruguay
* Andreea Marin, University of Bucharest, Romania
* Thuy Vu, UNMC Malaysia
* Robert Hollingsworth, Software developer, USA
* David Fairbairn and David Alderson, University of Newcastle, UK
* Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham, UK
* Updates on training/bid opportunities
** Maria is leading COST bid proposal aimed for Sep 2013 with University of Newcastle (UK), UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre (Poland), ITC (Netherlands), Czech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic), Politecnico di Milan ( Italy), Aalto University (Finland), University of Girona (Spain).  . Maria will also cc non-participants in the bid Helena, Chris, Charlie, Phillip and Suchith for info.
** Suchith and Arlete updated all on the UK-Brazil workshop bid to British Council. Aim is to organise a workshop bringinging together researchers from UK and Brazil in Sao Paulo in Feb 2014. It is aimed as a 3 day event. 2 days workshop + 1 day sandpit focussed on building teams and proposals for Horizon 2020. We will know the outcome in Sep 2013.
** Luis Bermudez updated all on his idea of creating  training materails using GitHub to setup a processs of regular updates to the  training materails. Luis is working on this and will email details to the list. This is an excellent idea and we look forward to work with Luis on this.
* Website update (Manuel)
** Unfortunately Manuel was connecting from a mobile phone and line was not clear so we couldnt get any updatwe on the website. We requested Maanuel to send an email to the list on the current status of the website development. Ideally we want to have fully ready website before FOSS4G 2013 (in one month's time). Thanks agian to Manuel for the work so far.
*Formation of committees (promotion, website, name)
**We had discussion on name of the network and the need to finalize the network name.  We are currently using ICA-OSGeo Labs Network  and it is gaining good momentum with other regions using this to expand (good example is Brazil expansion), so we need to finalize this so that there is consistency and continuity. All individual labs are free to use the names of their choice as before.  Suchith to setup a poll to get votes from all members of the current established labs for this. One vote per established lab.
**Ideas for committees for promotion, website needed. Please volunteer and let Suchith know if you can help.
* FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham update (Suchith)
** Everything on track for FOSS4G 2013 and we are hoping it will be an excellent event to build more research collaborations. Excellent list of presentations, workshops etc now in place at http://2013.foss4g.org/
** Aiming for strong educational presence and activities.
* ICC 2013 Dresden update (Suchith)
** We will have a meeting of ICA-OSGeo labs network at ICC 2013 http://www.icc2013.org/ using the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies meeting slot at ICC 2013. It will be held on 28th August at 14:30-16:00.
*Thanks to Kimberley and Phillip of GeoTech Centre for again hosting us. 
* Next meeting
** 5th Sep 2013 (Thursday) at 14:00 UTC
** GeoTech will kindly host again
[[Category: ICA OSGeo Lab Network]]
[[Category: ICA OSGeo Lab Network]]

Revision as of 08:14, 29 July 2013

This meeting is scheduled for the 29th of July 2013 at 14.00 UTC

COST bid meeting (led by Maria) for interested participants will be at 13:00 UTC

Connection Details

Please remember to login 15 minutes early to download plugins and check audio/microphones working

1.  Go to URL http://delmarcollege.adobeconnect.com/nisgtc/
2.  Log in as a Guest using first and last names
3.  From the Meeting menu, select audio setup wizard and go through the Wizard to set up your speaker and microphones to participate with group.


  • Introductions with 2min overviews from each participant (All)
  • Formation of committees (promotion, website, name) - All
  • Website update (Manuel)
  • Updates on relevant training opportunities, bid opportunities (All)
  • FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham Update (Suchith)
  • ICC 2013 Dresden update (Suchith)
  • Date and time for next meeting (All)


  • Attendance:
* Arlete Meneguette,  Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
* Luciene Delzari,  Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil
* Charlie Schweik,  University of Massachusetts, Amherst
* Ela Woloszynska-Wisniewska,  UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre, Poland
* Luis Bermudez,  OGC
* Manuel Haro,  Laboratorio de Software Libre, Mexico
* Marco Negretti, Maria Brovelli and Giovanna Venuti  from Politecnico di Milan, Italy
* Nataliya Tkachenko, from the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, UK
* Kimberly Ramírez, from GeoTech Texas, USA
* Sergio Acosta y Lara, Dirección Nacional de Topografía, Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP), Uruguay
* Andreea Marin, University of Bucharest, Romania 
* Thuy Vu, UNMC Malaysia
* Robert Hollingsworth, Software developer, USA
* David Fairbairn and David Alderson, University of Newcastle, UK 
* Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham, UK

  • Updates on training/bid opportunities
    • Maria is leading COST bid proposal aimed for Sep 2013 with University of Newcastle (UK), UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre (Poland), ITC (Netherlands), Czech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic), Politecnico di Milan ( Italy), Aalto University (Finland), University of Girona (Spain). . Maria will also cc non-participants in the bid Helena, Chris, Charlie, Phillip and Suchith for info.
    • Suchith and Arlete updated all on the UK-Brazil workshop bid to British Council. Aim is to organise a workshop bringinging together researchers from UK and Brazil in Sao Paulo in Feb 2014. It is aimed as a 3 day event. 2 days workshop + 1 day sandpit focussed on building teams and proposals for Horizon 2020. We will know the outcome in Sep 2013.
    • Luis Bermudez updated all on his idea of creating training materails using GitHub to setup a processs of regular updates to the training materails. Luis is working on this and will email details to the list. This is an excellent idea and we look forward to work with Luis on this.
  • Website update (Manuel)
    • Unfortunately Manuel was connecting from a mobile phone and line was not clear so we couldnt get any updatwe on the website. We requested Maanuel to send an email to the list on the current status of the website development. Ideally we want to have fully ready website before FOSS4G 2013 (in one month's time). Thanks agian to Manuel for the work so far.
  • Formation of committees (promotion, website, name)
    • We had discussion on name of the network and the need to finalize the network name. We are currently using ICA-OSGeo Labs Network and it is gaining good momentum with other regions using this to expand (good example is Brazil expansion), so we need to finalize this so that there is consistency and continuity. All individual labs are free to use the names of their choice as before. Suchith to setup a poll to get votes from all members of the current established labs for this. One vote per established lab.
    • Ideas for committees for promotion, website needed. Please volunteer and let Suchith know if you can help.
  • FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham update (Suchith)
    • Everything on track for FOSS4G 2013 and we are hoping it will be an excellent event to build more research collaborations. Excellent list of presentations, workshops etc now in place at http://2013.foss4g.org/
    • Aiming for strong educational presence and activities.

  • ICC 2013 Dresden update (Suchith)
    • We will have a meeting of ICA-OSGeo labs network at ICC 2013 http://www.icc2013.org/ using the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies meeting slot at ICC 2013. It will be held on 28th August at 14:30-16:00.
  • Thanks to Kimberley and Phillip of GeoTech Centre for again hosting us.

  • Next meeting
    • 5th Sep 2013 (Thursday) at 14:00 UTC
    • GeoTech will kindly host again