Difference between revisions of "Geodata Committee Ninth Meeting"

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* Report of current status of available systems at Telascience
* Report of current status of available systems at Telascience
** [[Geodata processing at telascience.org]] was Markus' progress
** [[SAC Service status]] represents anything like reality?
* How metadata collecting interface is holding up to peoples data hosting reqs.
* How metadata collecting interface is holding up to peoples data hosting reqs.
* Assessment of what data sets are available now  
* Assessment of what data sets are available now  

Revision as of 07:53, 31 October 2006


  • How metadata collecting interface is holding up to peoples data hosting reqs.
  • Assessment of what data sets are available now
  • Assessment of what data sets people are anxious to get into redistribution
  • VMap0-clean - has it been possible to get any more clarity from ESRI about the extent of their claimed IP in the political boundary layer
    • ... in working on a cleaned-up distribution that can be re-annotated
  • Plans to connect more with FAO GeoNetwork espec. when that project enters OSGeo incubation