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=== Discuss request from osgeo4w for yearly budget ===
=== Discuss request from osgeo4w for yearly budget ===
* Paolo Cavalini present.
* Paolo Cavallini present.
* The board has passed a budget for 2020 and approved 4000 for OSGeo4W (plus another 500 as a community project)
* The board has passed a budget for 2020 and approved 4000 for OSGeo4W (plus another 500 as a community project)
* Paolo: This is not our main point, we would like is that osgeo4w would be recognized as a crucial part of OSGeo infrastructure so its future could be more secure. Currently all resides on the goodwill of a few people, and on the support by QGIS.ORG, whereas it's a global project for Windows users
* Paolo: This is not our main point, we would like is that osgeo4w would be recognized as a crucial part of OSGeo infrastructure so its future could be more secure. Currently all resides on the goodwill of a few people, and on the support by QGIS.ORG, whereas it's a global project for Windows users

Revision as of 05:36, 16 February 2020

This board meeting is scheduled Monday 27 January 2020 at 16:00 UTC through IRC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
    • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  2. Review and approve past minutes
  3. Appoint Jody Garnett and Enock Seth Nyamador as co-chairs of Marketing Committee.
  4. Negotiation with Buenos Aires Team
  5. f2f Meeting - https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/hacBIYOAEA/
  6. FOSS4G Registering Trademark (Email from Steven F.)
  7. Email from Bart 5.12. regarding board actions towards Halifax-actions
  8. Discuss request from osgeo4w for yearly budget
  9. Project report from Marble
  10. QGIS Summer camp, Summer school, Contributer meeting and Conference - application for sponsorship
  11. Request W3C Web mapping workshop, Montreal June 15-17 [1]
  12. Request for collaboration for an NSF research project
  13. FOSS4G Europe 2020 request for seed funding [2]
  14. GSoC 2020, Importance of that program.
  15. Add more agenda items here...


  • Presiding: Till
  • Scribing: Angelos
  • Attending: Till, Astrid, Angelos, Tom, Codrina, Helena, Victoria, Michael, Vicky

Review and approve past minutes Board_Meeting_2020-01-13

Appoint Jody Garnett and Enock Seth Nyamador as co-chairs of Marketing Committee

  • Jody Garnett present.
  • Jody is going to try to restart the marketing / outreach committee

MOT 1: Appoint Jody Garnett and Enock Seth Nyamador as co-chairs of Marketing Committee

  • Astrid: +1 (Initial motion)
  • Angelos: +1 (seconded)
  • Helena: +1
  • Tom: +1
  • Till: +1
  • Victoria: +1
  • Codrina: +1
  • Michael: +1
  • Vicky: +1

Negotiation with Buenos Aires Team

  • On Conference Committee mailing list there was a proposal of Eli: First 30k 50/50, then 90/10
  • ACTION: Till to talk to BALOC and report back

f2f Meeting

  • https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/hacBIYOAEA/
  • Some concers that Athens will be very busy. Note that we are planning a co-located OGC API Hackathon at that time.
  • Maybe we could meet the day after or before the community sprint
  • Thoughts about having the f2f in both places so that at least all can participate personally on one
  • Give more time for all to vote on the poll and also discuss on mailing list before making a decision.

FOSS4G Registering Trademark (Email from Steven F.)

  • Example from ASF: https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/
  • Discussion about FOSS4G and ribon trademarks.
  • This discussion was raised before (with the LocationTech thing), Venka, as the initiator, did not agree.
  • Perhaps make a wider discussion about this. Maybe board and conf-list.
  • Jody: For TM our website (and the old website) claims the trademark https://www.osgeo.org/legal-information/ Text is copied from old website, I assumed folks who wrote it knew what was what.
  • Probably should first start with a CC vote to do this before we go wider.
  • ACTION: Till to answer Steven
  • Side discussion about OSGeo Store online. Looks like a topic for the marketing committee.

Email from Bart 5.12. regarding board actions towards Halifax-actions

  • Actions such as unresponsiveness on request from the community and also the board and the other actions taken were against the CoC.
  • Bart's email was more about the actions and not how to handle promoting Calgary as the official conference.
  • It's a good idea to ask CoC-committee for their thoughts on this.
  • Also note that Jeff was unresponsive while being on the board for more than 6 months
  • We should at least have a common public position.
  • Vicky as co-chair of CoC committee tried to contact Jeff, and he was unresponsive
  • Maybe someone could try to call him on the phone. Looks like other channels do not work.
  • If it was weeks, there can maybe be some lenience and understanding, but this is working against OSGeo and FOSS4G for months.
  • This is a wider issue regarding the fact that OSGeo doesn't have the tools to protect itself from these actions.
  • Prevention: Own the trademark
  • It is not a priority to contact Jeff right now or revive this halifax topic.
  • Bylaws do mention that the board can remove members if they missbehave.

Discuss request from osgeo4w for yearly budget

  • Paolo Cavallini present.
  • The board has passed a budget for 2020 and approved 4000 for OSGeo4W (plus another 500 as a community project)
  • Paolo: This is not our main point, we would like is that osgeo4w would be recognized as a crucial part of OSGeo infrastructure so its future could be more secure. Currently all resides on the goodwill of a few people, and on the support by QGIS.ORG, whereas it's a global project for Windows users
  • Our idea was to offer support (money) in order to promote the project and create a healthy community around it
  • Right now we have a specific structure, OSGeo4W has to fit that structure somehow
  • Paolo: this is much appreciated, but the problem is how to secure its future, not a one off
  • We would prefer to have it incubated. proj is a good example of a long standing core project that is now (recently) an OSGeo project
  • Paolo: I regard it more as a part of the infrastructure, much as the website
  • Jody: The project is too small to incubate. Being a OSGeo community project is all you are going to get at present
  • OSGeoLive took many years to be strong enough for incubation.
  • Paolo: integrating in SAC is an option
  • I think the main goal is to find more volunteers. We would also suggest the OSGeo4W team could ask on the lists for new members.
  • Maybe a discussion with the OSGeo4W and the SAC team makes sense to identify the tasks
  • Jurgen is already involved in SAC and could put it on the agenda.
  • First discuss with SAC, then decide

Project report from Marble

  • Marble reported on mailing list, so it is fine
  • Marble can provide with a slide for the next AGM

QGIS Summer camp, Summer school, Contributor meeting and Conference - application for sponsorship

  • Summer school was canceled, there is still a 5k request
  • Should the QGIS summer camp be funded separately of QGIS code sprints - perhaps as initiative?
  • Basically we need to follow our funding guidelines: code sprints cannot be funded directly, sharing risk is the purpose, so that events can attract sponsors and we can back them up
  • https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/board/documents/osgeo_financial_guidance.pdf
  • ACTION: Till to point them to these guidelines and ask to request for support as for any other codesprint.
  • Remaining topics moved to next board meeting


  • Astrid to update the website officer list
  • Till to talk to BALOC and report back
  • Till to answer Steven about the FOSS4G Trademark.
  • Till to reply to QGIS Summer camp organizers and point them to these guidelines and ask to request for support as for any other codesprint.